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Solved! Name Mismatch Problem (Aadhaar & PAN Card) for ITR?

Solved! Name Mismatch Problem Aadhaar & PAN Card for ITR

A general issue regarding the mismatch in names occurring in the PAN card and Aadhaar card has been surging day by day as in the common process to link the Aadhaar card to the tax return file, the issue of name mismatch recurs in every taxpayer application.

As the government has mandated the linking of Aadhaar cards while filing income tax returns, the issue has been stagnant if you are unable to link PAN with Aadhaar for a while and to revoke the issue, the government has summed up solutions regarding the name mismatch problem and has ordered that if any name mismatch occurrence persists, the taxpayer can have the option to attach a scanned copy of his her PAN card with the file.

Latest Update

  • The income tax department issued a reminder notification regarding link pan with Aadhaar by 31st May 2024 to the taxpayer if not yet linked by the taxpayer. Consequences of not linking PAN with aadhaar within 31st May 2024 lead to the deduction of TCS/TDS at a higher rate under Sections 206AA and 206CC of the Income Tax Act due to having an inoperative PAN for the transaction done before 31 March 2024.

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    These are the following Important Steps to Link Aadhaar with PAN Card

    The Income Tax Department has disclosed how to Link PAN with Aadhaar in just simple steps. In fact, it doesn’t require login or registration at the e-filing website. Anyone can avail of this facility and link their Aadhaar with their PAN. Just follow the simple steps given below and link your Aadhaar with your PAN:-

    Step 1: Visit www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in and click on the left-hand side of the website under the Services menu> Link Aadhaar.

    Visit www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in Website

    Step 2: Mentioned the required details, PAN number, Aadhaar number, and name, must ensure that you have to ENTER NAME EXACTLY AS GIVEN IN AADHAAR CARD (avoid spelling mistakes) and submit.

    Enter PAN and Aadhaar Number

    UIDAI is the government website for Aadhaar. After the verification from UIDAI, the linking will automatically be confirmed.

    Step 3: If in a case there is any slight difference between the Aadhaar name provided by the taxpayer as compared to the actual name in Aadhaar. A One-Time Password (Aadhaar OTP) will be sent to the registered mobile number with Aadhaar. Taxpayers or candidates must be sure that the date of birth and gender in PAN and Aadhaar are exactly the same.

    If in a case, the Aadhaar name must ensure that you have ENTER NAME EXACTLY AS GIVEN IN AADHAAR CARD (avoid spelling mistakes) and submit.

    Apart from this, the government authority has also proposed to include a column on the official website of the tax department in which a link will be provided to link the Aadhaar card by which an OTP will be generated in any name mismatch scenario occurs.

    The OTP will come through the text message on the registered mobile number of the taxpayer and after entering the received OTP on the portal, the linking will be established between the Aadhaar card and the PAN card. The only condition which will fulfil this service is that the birth date must be the same on both cards in order to finalise the linking process.

    Step 4: After filling out all the details and the Aadhaar number, the system will show the message if in case your Aadhaar is linked with the PAN.

    Aadhaar Linked with PAN

    Read Also: Simple Steps for Filling New PAN Card Application Online

    The name mismatch issue was persistent after the union minister Arun Jaitley proposed in the financial bills of GST to mandate the linking of Aadhaar cards in every filing of tax returns. Some of the common issues regarding the linking of the PAN card to the Aadhar card are, special character recognition, in which the Aadhaar card is unable to recognize any special while on the same side PAN card is able to recognize special characters.

    The second issue in the row comes as the initial recognition in which the Aadhaar card is unable to recognize the initials whereas the PAN card takes the initials. Finally, the point of the middle name is also prevalent in the mismatch issue, as the Indian community changes the surname after marriage especially females, which in turn gives rise to the name mismatch.

    One must remember, that the linking of both an Aadhaar card and a PAN card is only eligible in the case of name mismatch, which is when the birth date of the individual is mentioned the same on both government IDs. This has been mandated by the government as it will help in identifying the taxpayer’s identity on a firm basis.

    Who all are Exempted from Linking Aadhaar Card and PAN

    According to the central government and supreme court orders, there is a necessity for the linking of Aadhaar and PAN as also notified in the income tax department rules and regulations. Section 139AA was held by the court while the central board of Excise and Customs also released a notification mentioning all the exempted entities for the linking.

    The following list specifies the exempted individuals on which section 139AA is not applicable:

    • Those categorised as Non-resident Indians as per the Income Tax Laws
    • Not a citizen of India
    • Is of age 80 years or more at any time during the tax year
    • Residents of the states of Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir

    Most Important Reasons to Link Your PAN Card with Aadhaar

    The Government of India has made it mandatory to link your Aadhaar with your other identities. Taxpayers who do not link their PAN card with their Aadhaar will be liable for all penalties under the Act for failing to link their PAN, and their PAN will no longer be valid after that.

    But the thought may have struck your mind that you have been using your PAN card and suddenly need to link it with your Aadhaar. Well, here are the top 10 reasons why you should link your PAN with your Aadhaar.

    Abide by the Law

    The Government of India has made it mandatory to link your PAN card with an Aadhaar card under Section 139AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

    Avoid Tax Penalties

    If you do not link your Permanent Account Number (PAN) card with an Aadhaar card, you may be imposed with several charges and penalties like deactivation of your PAN card and a penalty of up to Rs. 1,000.

    Makes the Verification Process Easy

    Aadhaar is every Indian citizen’s unique identity, and it is accepted at all government portals. Tax authorities can easily verify the authenticity of the taxpayer if his or her PAN is linked with Aadhaar.

    Helps Authorities Stop Tax Evasion

    Having taxpayers’ PAN cards linked with their Aadhaar cards helps authorities prevent tax evasion by evaders. It makes certain that all taxpayers have their unique identification number, and it will be easy for them to track who is not paying the tax.

    Speed up Your KYC Process

    KYC is mandatory to avail of various financial services, like online transactions, UPI transactions, or personal loans. Linking your PAN with your Aadhaar makes the process of KYC updation easy and fast.

    Make Tax Filing Easy

    Linking your PAN card with an Aadhar card can ease the process of tax filing for you. Because it will pre-file your details in the Income Tax Return form or fetch details automatically.

    Avail Various Governmental Services Easily

    Government schemes and services require an Aadhar card to avail. It may make it necessary for all other services to have your PAN card linked with your Aadhaar card down the line. If you meet this prerequisite by linking your PAN card with your Aadhaar card, you can easily access various government services.

    Easy to Make All Financial Transactions

    After linking your PAN card with your Aadhaar, you can easily carry out various financial transactions. You are always asked to provide your PAN card when opening a bank account, making investments, and applying for loans.

    Helps in Authenticating Identity

    You can authenticate your identity easily, and you can also prevent identity theft by linking your PAN card with your Aadhar card.

    Avoiding Duplication

    It has happened so many times that a PAN with the same details has been mistakenly provided to two individuals. It’s a common problem brought on by many people possessing duplicate PAN cards. The misuse can be prevented by linking your PAN card to your Aadhar card.

    Gen Income Tax E-Filing Software

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    Published by CA Suchi Sharma
    I'm Suchi Sharma, a finance expert who is committed to doing things the right way. As a chartered accountant, I have the skills and knowledge to help you navigate the complex world of finance. Whether you need help with taxes and accounting, I'm here to provide you with the best possible advice and guidance. View more posts

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    249 thoughts on "Solved! Name Mismatch Problem (Aadhaar & PAN Card) for ITR?"

    1. I have some confusion and issue with my name .

      My pan card and aadhar has initial expansion(Lekhaa Rengaraj) .But my bank account doesn’t have initial(Lekhaa ).Also my certificates name is different(Lekhaa R)

      Please tell me what needs to be done ,due to this my EPFO banking validation is failing due to name mismatch .
      If i update my name in bank will it not be a problem in future as my certificate names are different?
      Some please explain me what needs to be done for my case.

    2. I got my PAN details corrected on 30/12/2023
      Now my details in Aadhaar and PAN is exactly the same and 100% correct but still it is saying that mismatch of name, can you please help me out.

    3. I am unable to link my PAN with AADHAAR due to my name is NAWAL KISHOR MAURYA vs NK MAURYA respectively in PAN and Aadhar.

      Since I have all bank accounts etc. are with name NK Maurya and Aadhaar name also changed to NK Maurya recently.

      Kindly suggest how to link or change name in PAN with initials as per Aadhaar.

    4. My name in pan card is UTTAM SAHU and in aadhaar card is Uttam sahu. Can I link my pan with aadhaar or do I have to make some corrections ?

    5. i used to link my pan with adhar by paying an amount of 1000 /- rs but it shows adhar card mismatches with pan card , what shall i do for resolve this issue… if anyone knows please make a reply

    6. Dear all, can anyone help me please with the name section while applying for PAN Card. While filling in the name, which is Usha S R in Aadhaar, if I mention R in the ‘last name field, the government website does not accept a single letter. It asks me to expand it. If I mention Rajendra there, it says ‘your application is rejected due to mismatch’, which I think is because it does not match with Aadhaar, which shows Usha S R, thats it! This is tricky and I’m trapped here.

      1. Hi Raghav,
        Name issue can be solve by correcting PAN Card.
        Just go to NSDL PAN correction website and file application for PAN Correction.
        If you have Initial like
        Raghav Kumar P
        Then in that application write
        Last Name: P full form may be your mother/father name
        First Name: Raghav Kumar

        You name will be in Income Tax Portal as Raghav Kumar PXXXXXX
        (Avoid writing whole name in Last Name: column)
        Otherwise your name will be as PXXXX Raghav Kumar

    7. sir/Madam
      All these years my e filling of returns is done through adhaar linked OTP and it is still showing that my pan and adhaar are linked but this year it is showing that it is not linked. kindly suggest what should i do . Further if I tried to link, website it is asking me to pay five hundred to get the PAN and adhaar link.
      Kindly suggest and do the needfull.

    8. Hi……… on my PAN CARD my name(SURESHKUMAR) is without space ,but on my AADHAAR my name is SURESH KUMAR space is there due to this i am not able to link PAN and AADHAAR…..so please advise how can i link my PAN & AADHAAR

      1. it is the foolish government BJP implementation all idiotic rules
        it is creating lot of problem for citizens of india

        1. Realy brother you are right, this stupid government destroyed a wonderful system we get only frustration and nothing.

        2. Under e-verification scheme introduced in2021 IT dept. asked me to respond/explain reasons for mismatch in income accepted by taxpayer and ITR value as intimated by dept. for FYs 2021-22 & 2022-23. Response was given to the mismatch and the same was acknowledged by IT dept. However while responding to year 2022-23 some mistakes occurred and the acknowledgement generated reveals ” responded, need to file updated ITR u/s 139(8A) of ITAct 1961. In fact,in both cases, the amount of mismatch as reported by dept. has been included in my original return and there is no discrepancy/unreported income. Even I got refund.It is also found once response is given it is final.
          In this case ,there is a mistake taken place by which I need to file updated return which was not at all necessary but for the mistake.
          U are requested to kindly give me guidance to sort out /rectify the mistake.

    9. My Name is Sureshbabu A
      In my PAN CARD and in AADHAAR card also the name shows as Sureshbabu A
      I Linked my PAN and AADHAAR successfully.
      But in the income tax portal, my profile name shows as ANTONYSAMY SURESHBABU. Why the portal is compared with my profile information instead of what is there in the PAN and AADHAAR database currently. Because of this, I am not able to submit IT Returns from the income portal. How to resolve this issue. Please help !!!

    10. My PAN and AADHAR name both are same and linked correctly. But in e-filing portal my PAN name is not correct as per pan and aadhar.

      Whatever i am having my pan name is not matching in pan database.

      I just checked the e-filling portal now, there is no edit option for ‘name”. DOB, address, name all these come under the “PAN details “tab and there is no option to edit those.

      How to resolve this, could please anyone help me on this.

    11. I have applied for PAN correction. where I haven’t PUT fathers father name which was present in old PAN card and its showing name mismatch because of that. will there be any problem with my PAN being made

      1. My pan, adhar &bank has different fathers name, so tax return is not credit in acount, what am l do?

    12. my adhar , pan and bank ac has name and expansion of intial.
      but my employer record is with out expansion of inatial as in school certificate.
      now notable to link adhar in epf site becoz of employer records
      any solution? employer advising to correct adhar as per old records. does this affect in future

        1. I have submitted an application by paying Rs1000 to match Pan with Adhar three weeks ago.No response from the authority receieved far. I need it urgently..what shall I do.where can I contact to louch a complaint.Why such a delay…?

    13. Hi,

      I am seeing this problem since 2018 and till now there is no solution found for it from IT Dept or EPFO. Even though the Pan card and Aadhar card are linked in the Income Tax website, just because the field in Income Tax doesn’t accept initials, we are facing an issue with EPFO stating both names doesn’t match. If you go directly to the PF office and submit the 15G PF form, they will manually clear it. But now since the situation of Covid, don’t have an idea whether they are accepting the manually approved forms.

        1. While verifying my PAN details it shows active PAN. But while register in IT filing it shows my details are invalid. How to resolve this issue? or how to contact the dept?


      1. Dear team,
        There was a mismatch in the aadhar card which was rectified as per pan card,but still it is not getting linked and showing name mismatch,pls let me know the solution for this

    15. Sir, my pan card & aadhaar card is Already linked but CSC registration site is showing Invalid PAN data found Name matched % what can I do.

    16. My PAN card name and Aadhar card name(EPFO name too) are not matching. I am trying to update my name in PAN card (which is the better solution I feel). I have a doubt like if I update my name in PAN card, will it affect ITR filling. Also will my name in “https://www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in” gets updated automatically or is there any separate procedure for this?

      Thanks in advance

        1. I just checked the e-filling now, there is no edit option for ‘name”. DOB, address, name all these come under the “PAN details “tab and there is no option to edit those.

          Also is there any way to include initials in PAN card name? I am having a hard timing finding a solution for this. All the “online PAN updates available” does not take abbreviation/initials for first and last name. Could you suggest a solution?

          1. I just checked the e-filling now, there is no edit option for ‘name”. DOB, address, name all these come under the “PAN details “tab and there is no option to edit those.

            My PAN and AADHAR name both are same and linked correctly. But in e-filing portal my PAN name is not correct as per pan and aadhar.
            How to resolve this, could please anyone help me on this.

            Whatever i am having my pan name is not matching in pan database.

            2 years back my pan corrected/updated. But this current pan name not matched in pan database.
            Issue: I need to change my pan name in efiling portal as per my present PAN updated 2 years back.

          2. We are unable to proceed with your online PAN application due to following reason: Mismatch in any one or more of the following fields as per PAN application with the details available in UIDAI database. Name/ Gender/Date of Birth/ Name as per Aadhaar. Kindly visit designated TIN-FC/PAN Centre and submit your PAN application using Biometric (fingerprint) facility. Your Online PAN application fee will be refunded within seven working days. The List of designated TIN-FC /PAN Centre is available at url https://www.tin-nsdl.com/tin-pan-center.html

    17. hi there.
      a very useful piece of info,

      I too have a name mismatch between these two government IDs
      But if I apply for a change in PAN card (at this time of IT filing) will it disturbs/confuses any links (like banks)etc.
      or will it automatically get reflected everywhere?
      appreciate your help

    18. My name is Yashas P how to type my last name and the first name in pan card application thought it is not allowing single letter P

    19. Well I have followed the instructions, but while checking into e-filling website it says updated but does not match to the database.

      Is there any time period for it to be updated?
      if there is any alternative method to approach this scenario?

    20. My name in all education certificates, bank, PF, voter id, Licence etc is “RAMESH BABU J P”, However, while applying for PAN, which did not allow to mention initials, here is the first time in my life I expanded the initials for applying PAN, which is “RAMESH BABU JAYA PRAKASH”.

      Now when I want to claim PF only, I was unable to link PAN because of initials in PF, Hence I ended up providing the full name to link PAN in PF account.

      when I try to link Aadhaar to PF it was not successful because Aadhaar had Initials. Hence I updated my Aadhaar from “RAMESH BABU J P” to “RAMESH BABU JAYA PRAKASH”. Now Aadhaar & PAN linking is successful in UAN account.

      after all this I put for Online claim of my pf amount, it came back rejected saying Name in Bank records(RAMESH BABU J P) is not matching with UAN(RAMESH BABU JAYA PRAKASH) records.

      Now I am fed up with all these complications? Should I need to change the name in bank records as well? If I end up expanding name in all the records,
      will I face any issue as my school certificates, Voter ID, Licence will have the name with Initials only? does all this still be valid?

      Hereafter which name I need to quote for future. the one with Initial or the full name as per Aadhaar.

        1. I have a name mismatch in pan card then I have changed my name as per Aadhaar card still I can’t able link it. Same error

    21. In Addhar it Shiva Kumar P A but in UAN it is mentioned SHIVA KUMAR PA. Does it have a problem? I am facing while updating EKyc

    22. My Aadhaar card ID is already linked with my PAN card on UIDAI. Income-tax site status shows as “linked”. But I have recently made corrections in my name on Aadhar card. How shall I update this on already linked Aadhaar card?

      Please please help. Struggling for this since past few days. Need to withdraw my PF urgently.

    23. My Aadhaar card is linked to my PAN card years ago but my epfo portal still shows “Name in EPFO doesn’t match with income tax records”. I have reached out to support teams of epfo and income tax regarding this and both are saying it’s not an issue with their systems and everything looks good on their side

      My name on Pan card is different from my name on Aadhaar, on my pan card its first name and last name whereas on my Aadhaar its last name first name. I have corrected my name on my pan card and applied for a new card. I already got a message that my pan card is dispatched and is in transit. Assuming my income tax records are updated, I tried it again this morning but still shows the same error.

      I don’t live in India and no longer work for the firm which had my epfo account. This has become a heck of a hassle since last 4 months.
      Any help in fixing this issue would be highly appreciated .Pan card update on my epfo is also failing for some reason but linkage to Aadhaar was successful

      1. Hi Naveen,

        I too did the same. I don’t have any clue regarding it. If anyone finds any solution, please let us know.

        Clive Mark

      2. Hi,

        I’m facing the same issue with linking my EPFO with PAN Card; The problem is that my Middle Name on the Income Tax Department Account seems to be expanded and on all my other documents it is abbreviated (Even on the PAN Card it is printed abbreviated).

        I had my PAN card taken with the help of an agency and I only had provided them with my Aadhar card and photos for it, When I contacted them they were telling me that all the details are filled on the PAN Card based on the details collected from the Aadhar database.

        Please Help

    24. Hi,

      In my UAN profile, PAN Verification shows failed. My name in Aadhar, UAN and bank account are all same.
      It all has my name followed by fathers name. In my PAN card too, the first line has my name and the second line has my fathers name. Not sure why in KYC (UAN) has my Fathers name followed by my name.

      When I tried to change the name in PAN in KYC it gives me the below error,
      Pan verification failed. (Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department)

      How do I rectify this error?

    25. My pan card name and income tax database name do not match but pan card name and Aadhaar card name is same.
      my pan card name – T UDAYAKUMAR
      Income database name -THOTI UDAYAKUMAR
      Aadhaar card name -T UDAYAKUMAR and banks are also name is T UDAYAKUMAR
      Please help me and give me some suggestions.


      1. I have the exact same problem. I realized that the PAN database last name criteria do not allow initials. So the initials have been expanded. I am not sure how to get this corrected. Please let me know if you have a lead.

    26. Getting this error
      Pan verification failed. (Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department)

      Name on Pancard: PATEL HARSH DINESHKUMAR
      My Aadhaar card is verified
      how can I withdraw my pf online. Please guide me, What to do next.?

        1. Well, the UDAI system should match the Aadhaar number and PAN card number if it is rightly linked on filing site. If the names are different on both cards, it should verify the person by its numbers linked at the tax department. The UDAI systems should talk tax department system rightly. rather than, matching names, it should match the pan number and Aadhaar number. All, this I am saying to save our job to change the name on PAN or Adhaar. Since the IT systems have already linked PAN CARD and Aadhar card.

    27. Hi Team,

      Name on the pan card and income tax database in India are same.
      I am getting an error like below

      (Pan verification failed ->> Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department)

      I am trying to update my KYC details in UAN site

      Please help how to resolve this issue.

    28. I had paid 1.5 L in NPS. At 60 age this can be withdrawn. When I enroll for with drawl, the system says Mismatch between Aadhaar and PAN. Why not this mismatch is verified at the time of opening the NPS account?

    29. The government can modify the PAN data (name, father name, DOB etc) in line with Aadhaar data with OTP or thump impression verification. This will solve the problem of the public.

    30. Hello friends please help me

      My pan card is not working on paytm wallet and it is saying “error” and when I logged in e -filing income tax department. I filled up the details and its saying “PAN is Active but the details are not matching with PAN Database” Anyone who knows about this kindly let me know and help me to solve this issue thanks to you.

    31. My PAN card name printed in R KARTHIKEYAN My AADHAR card name printed in KARTHIKEYAN R pan active successful but data mismatch problem how to solve this problem. Aadhaar pan linked successful but UAN not linked. Please help.

    32. Hi Subhodh,

      Am getting “Pan verification failed. (Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department)” when I tried to update PAN in EPFO site.

      Kindly suggest what to do next to update the PAN.
      as per Traces- sai pradeep chilakapati
      as per PAN- chilakapati sai pradeep
      as per Aadhar-chilakapati sai pradeep

    33. My name is printed on PAN Card is HEMRAJ but as per database it is showing HEM RAJ and My name is printed on AADHAR is HEMRAJ. Is this the reason that my PAN is not getting Link with AADHAR ? how i can resolve this problem.

    34. My Name is different on PAN Card, different in pan card database and Aadhaar database, So from where I need to start to make my name same in everywhere.

    35. Nowadays, PAN number has been linked with Aadhar. Then why do we need to update PAN number in KYC details? Please reply me

    36. I have updated pan card to match with UAN name and got pan card with matching name with UAN. but here twist is I did not see any record in” know your pan site” after providing proper details… please site developers resolve this minor issues to ensure belief in hassle-free digitization of this site to make ppl feel more attached to govt in digital initiatives without raising finger by referring this issues……

      Thanks!!! hopping early resolve of this issues by every taxpayers..

    37. Hi

      My name in PAN CARD been mentioned as SUNDARA MARIKUMAR K but in an income tax filing site it has been updated as SUNDARA MARIKUMAR so that when I try to update my PAN details in UAN it getting error “name against UAN does not match with the name in income tax department”.

      My name in UAN and AADHAR been mentioned as SUNDARA MARIKUMAR K, Kindly help

    38. Kindly somebody helps me,

      I was updating my pan details in my EPFO MEMBER portal but I got an error “Pan verification failed. (Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department) ..

      So I went to e-login income tax portal to know my PAN NAME there I was shocked to see that First Name is displayed with my Father name and my name is displayed under Surname. but it is not printed the same on my PAN CARD, here it is printed correctly my name and my father name.
      plz plz…. help me with the solution what I can do next

        1. My name is Md Muzaffar Iqbal as per all the documents like educational qualification, driving licence, voter ID, Aadhar card, Bank accounts etc. I tried to apply for pan card but it doesn’t accept MD or says initials not allowed. kindly suggest me what to do now.

        2. Hello Team,

          Even after changing the names correctly in both PAN & UAN database, Still getting the same error (PAN Verification Failed – Name mismatch in UAN & IT Dept) while saving the KYC details in EPFO site

          Kindly do the needful

      1. Hi Sowmya

        You need to visit to the nearest PAN Centre and get it corrected…Need to take Aadhar Card and a Fee of 101/- and 2 photographs…it will take around 10 days and they will be sending you the new card with the changes.

    39. Hi Sir,

      I need your help in understanding the Name format that is displayed on AADHAAR, PAN and UAN?

      Is it the Surname/last name and then First name (or) First name and then Surname/last name is displayed? What is the format that govt(AADHAAR, PAN, UAN) follow to display the names on cards and in stores databases?

      My name is displayed at ATHELLY RAJESH in all the 3 cards.

      When I logged into efillings portal, there I can see my First name as Rajesh and Surname as Athelly, which is correct but on the card it displayed as Athelly Rajesh.

      When I am trying to Link my PAN with UAN in EPF portal, the error ”
      Pan verification failed. (Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department)”

      Kindly help.
      Thank you.

    40. We are unable to proceed with your online PAN application due to following reason: Mismatch in any one or more of the following fields as per PAN application with the details available in UIDAI database. Name/ Gender/ Date of Birth/ Name as per Aadhaar. Kindly visit designated TIN-FC /PAN Centre and submit your PAN application using Biometric (fingerprint) facility. Your Online PAN application fee will be refunded within seven working days. The List of designated TIN-FC /PAN Centre is available at URL https://www.tin-nsdl.com/tin-pan-center.html

      Apply date 12/05/2018
      Token number: 0022825748

    41. Sir, My Aadhar and IT /PAN is linked and My Aadhar and UAN is linked…But my UAN and PAN are not getting linked…Any suggestions…Maybe because in the IT site it takes the surname first and displays…Any solution to this

    42. I have linked my aadhaar card with pan card on e-filing. When I am trying to link my aadhaar card on epfo, I am getting an error that there is a mismatch of the name, date of birth or gender. If my aadhaar & pan are already linked on e-filing and there is no mismatch in the name on both the cards, how is it possible that I am unable to link my aadhaar on epfo.
      How to find out what is the actual mismatch

    43. My Aadhaar and PAN details are same but could not link, tried many times but receive mail as the mismatch. Where to write?

    44. HI,

      My parents have taken LIC under my name, but they have paid the premium as an investment, I have linked those lics with my aadhaar & my PAN, hope this is fine?

    45. My wife name was Nitika Tripathi, after marriage she becomes Nitika Mishra. Do I need to match the surname to like PAN with Aadhar?

        1. Hi,
          When it is mandatory to match Aadhar name and Pancard name, Is it not wise enough to have the same nomenclature format for both databases?. My name in Aadhar is Babu.K where initials are allowed for Last name. In Pan card, it is Name as Babu , Father’s name as Karthikeyan . In New Income tax portal, it is mentioned as Karthikeyan Babu . Why is it so confusing ? Can’t we have the same format for all these 3 databases so that the user doesn’t have to break their heads like what is happening at present? Request to look in to this and do the needful as the portal is in the development stage only.

    46. Hi,

      I have my initial and name printed on the PAN card (eg:- A JOHN SMITH) and in my Adhaar it is printed as JOHN SMITH A.

      In UAN it is mentioned as my PAN is not verified, and I tried to make investments in Mutual funds, and it was rejected as name mismatch in PAN &

      Only one mutual fund accepted my purchase, but I have received the statement as Albert John Smith, Albert is my father’s name, but I have no clue how it came there?

      How to correct them? And do I have to have my initial on PAN & Adhaar?

      Could you please how to sort this?

    47. My name is Md Muzaffar Iqbal as per all the documents like educational qualification, driving licence, voter ID, Aadhar card, Bank accounts etc. I tried to apply for pan card but it doesn’t accept MD or says initials not allowed. kindly suggest me what to do now.

    48. My Adhar card and PAN card details are same and correct, still, when I try to link message received, it fails due to mismatch information.
      I checked so many times all the details i.e. my name, father’s name, surname, even the sequence of names, DOB, Gender all same and correct still it’s unable to link.. how to resolve.

      1. Check your name in the database of Income tax. As the name on the PAN card was displayed name which may differ from database name. Example: A K Ramu on PAN Card & Aadhar but Anil Karthik Ramu in the database of Income tax department. The same situation has happened to me. I called Income tax helpline so many times for this. At last, I find it. Helpline customer care person was not responding properly.

    49. In my Aadhaar example A Raja, but in PAN it is Raja A. Why all the character are their why it is saying mismatch govt should take steps to solve.

    50. Hello sir, As I am linking PAN with Aadhar, In e-filing website In place of Name as per Aadhar, I have written my father name and it is linked successfully. now How to change my father name bcoz in pan card my father name is there, in Aadhaar database my father name is there. How to change my name?

    51. My both PAN and AADHAR were successfully linked but while the link UAN with pan, it states that my PAN is not verified (error says– name not matching IT records). Please help me!! what should be done here? How come name is not matching though both are linked successfully?

    52. Hi,

      My brother spelling in Aadhaar card and pan card is different. how can I change this. while applying provident fund it showing the mismatch. How can I resolve this? Please advice on this.

      1. Correct the spelling in which proof it is incorrect then Aadhaar and pan name should be same also in UAN portal update the same name as per aadhaar and pan then only it resolved in UAN portal for PF.

    53. Hi,

      My Aadhar card DOB was wrong, then I corrected with enrollment centre and it got updated(On Aug 2017). But still, I am unable to link my PAN with Aadhar, getting the same error message.

      Can you please help me out here.

      Thank you.

    54. I am also having PF withdrawal problem due to name mismatch between Aadhar and PAN database. Government is mandated the Aadhar reality not done any measures to do it. I have updated PAN with Aadhar no and a name and it was asked me check name as per the Aadhar, I did it same. But it’s taken wrong format name. First up all PAN database should not allow if the name is wrong from Aadhar, Even Customer has given right names still it took the wrong name. Without having these basic measures govt shouldn’t mandate the Aadhar. Because of this helpless govt and tax officials, the public is suffering a lot. Unless you are not having any right system better don’t put rules. First, improve your basic system in such a way to take the rule and then put rule. Let us see when our tax guys will wake up and see these basic problems.

    55. My father name is misprinted with ‘E’ Instead of ‘i’ in Aadhaar card but my PAN card details are correct. How can I change my father name?

    56. Sir, my both PAN and AADHAR were successfully linked but while applying for my PF, it states that my PAN is not verified (error says– name not matching in IT records) while I’m claiming for PF. Please help me!! what should be done here? How come name is not matching though both are linked successfully?

    57. Hello sir, My aadhaar and pan card does not match when my aadhaar and pan card documents are filled same. Please give the solution.

    58. Hi,

      My Name in PAN CARD is Sandhya Siddabathula but in Aadhar Card it is Siddabathula Sandhya. I am unable to verify Aadhaar card in pf account. in the month of May 2017, I have changed my date of birth in Aadhaar which was wrongly entered. It is reflected in E-card didn’t get a hard copy.

      Can you please let me know so I need to send a request for the name change again?

      thank you,

    59. If there is any mismatch between DOB in PAN and Aadhaar card whether linking will be done or not DOB mismatch means years are same in pan and Aadhaar but month and days are different whether it will link or not.

    60. My name is same in aadhaar card and bank account, but can not link as there are 3 spaces in bank name & only 1 space in aadhaar card.so I doubt while matching even space between initials and name are counted as an alphabet and it compares.so we can not do much as our software designers need to look at this and find a solution. Now I have to close the bank account and open a new one (in the same bank or other) with the same name as in aadhaar card that is the only solution!

      I called bank customer care they don’t give much help so does the bank people. Every time they take me to ATM TO UPDATE ADHAR, after 7 days I know same failed result. when I ask again they say it will be ok, I feel that everyone will be in trouble after dec31st when bank account freezes, for all those not linked to aadhaar card, even though the same genuine person cannot operate his bank account for spelling mistakes/space in his name.who can help us? I have no words for this government, who makes every citizen run here and there for simple matters.ordinary common man suffers and die.!!!!!who cares.

    61. By sending GST form

      The details mentioned in Form did not validate successfully due to the following errors,

      1. Aadhaar Number: 393307931902: Name

      when in send GST practitioner form I get this answer my pan card and aadhaar are linked before

    62. Details mentioned in Form did not validate successfully due to the following errors,

      1. Aadhaar Number: 391173726520: Name

      1. Hello, Both Pan card and Adhar card Name and date of birth is correct but the same is not linked. how it can be linked. How we can know the details of PAN?

    63. These kind of problems are common when the government opt for a builder. I’m trying to get my PAN card from two months, every time it says some or the other problem. I hate this govt from bottom of my heart.

    64. HI ALL,



    65. How I solved the problem regarding my name on PAN card is correctly printed but name as per PAN details in the income tax department data is incorrect. I have no middle name but arbitrarily written as ‘Rani’ in the internal data but printed on pan card without ‘Rani’ which is the correct. kindly tell me the remedy for which i am innocent but getting unnecessary punishment.

    66. I corrected updated my Aadhar on 11-07-2017.Now my name and dt of birth are fully matched in both Aadhar and Pan.But still not linked both after a lot of try.Strange?
      What to do?

        1. Name mismatch due to a small error.

          My name is S.V.Rajkumar but in Adhaar card typed as S.V. Rajkumar There is a space typed (due to pressing of Spacebar in Keyboard) so the space taken as Alphabet.

    67. Hi
      My name in Aadhaar and PAn card is mismatch , how i can solve it, any other simple step is available for Aadhaar number updation wit PAN card suppose i change my name in aadhaar, other document also need to change?

    68. Hi All,

      My details in Aadhaar and PAN is exactly the same and 100% correct but still it is saying that mismatch of details, can you please help me out.

    69. i have apply for change in name and dob accordingly aadhaar but from two month application is in process in income text department my dob is incorrect in pan card what i should do to link pan and aadhaar card. My aadhaar is right.

    70. my address in PAN card and aadhaar card is different and spelling mistake in father`s name in pan card….can i link aadhar card and pan card? in pan card they ask for communication address, so is it necessary to update my permanent address which is different from the communication address which i filled in pan card. plz reply someone. thanks

    71. Despite the details on aadhaar and pan same,unable to link aadhaar with pan. I have updated DOB on Aadhaar card on 15th july . Updation done successfully. Checked on e-aadhaar. Plz. help me otherwise my ITR wil not be processed and pan will become invalid. Contacted to income tax department but they say we don’t know anything. Please help me to resolve the issue……Awaiting your reply

    72. Hi Sir, I have update my Aadhaar after i got Bio Metrics error in Aadhaar. Now i have got updated Card. Still i am not able to link Aadhaar with Pan on IT portal. Name, age and DOB is same on both Cards. Can you please suggests what next i should do.

    73. Dear Team,

      Name Mismatch in Aadhar and Pan card , i couldn’t able to link in aadhar ,can you please help me to resolve my issues.

      Name in Aadhar : Rahmankhana

      Name in Pan : A Rahman Khan Abul hasan

      DOB is same in Both, can you please suggest to resolve my issues.

      1. Dear Team,

        Name Mismatch in Aadhar and Pan card , i couldn’t able to link in aadhar ,can you please help me to resolve my issues.

        Name in Aadhar : Rahmankhan

        Name in Pan : A Rahman Khan Abul hasan

        DOB is same in Both ,can you please suggest to resolve my issues

        1. Thanks for your suggestion. My mother is also facing similar problem: name mismatch. Actually her PAN card is printed with correct name (matching with Aadhar) but her name in the PAN database is showing different name (alias name). She raised a change request, but the acknowledgement status is same (“Under processing”) for the past 10 days, not sure whether the process we followed is correct or not. Could you please provide the correct process and supporting document details that need to be submitted to PAN authorities. Thanks in Advance.

    74. While linking Aadhar with PAN Card, after all the details are filled and submitted, there is no message of any error and the screen is being changed to login screen. On verification, the Aadhar remains not linked with PAN card.

      Please advice.

    75. My PAN is recently updated, I corrected spelling in my last name. I received hard copy but these changes are not reflected in e-filing portal. This causing me failure in ITR submission. The last name field in ITR is non editable.
      Call center, helpdesk mail are tossing issue in each others court.
      Please suggest any way around.

    76. My Aadhar and Pan card shows mismatch of Surname. How can i rectify the mismatch. kindly suggest the detail process for correcting the mismatches.

    77. Hello,
      While linking the pan and aadhar card, it says that there could be mismatch in name, gender or birthdate?
      The only difference betwwen the two cards is that last name appears first on pan card, while aadhar card starts with First name, middle name and then last name?

      Could this be the issue? If so what do I need to update and how. Thanks for your help.

    78. Hi
      I had biometric issue for my aadar card. So recently i updated them in one of enrolment center. UIDAI customer care dept saying that need to wait 90days to get update them. But i am unable to link the aadar with PAN ,still showing biometric integration issue. Its something aadar database issue, nothing i can do. But due date of tax filing is jul31st.
      I enrolled at aadar center on 27th jun 2017. Will take 90days to update. How slow we are.
      Kindly suggest me.

    79. I have updated my aadhar details to match with PAN. The updated details are also reflecting online in e-aadhar.
      But when i am linking PAN with Aadhar, i am still receiving details not matched error.

      How to resolve this. Any contact number/email address for resolving this ?

      1. Hi Pardha,
        Same is the case with me also. I logged a grievance on UIDAI portal. The email id is : help@uidai.gov.in

        I attached old and updated aadhar. Told them still I am not able to link aadhar with PAN. The issue is still with them and I am waiting for solution.

        Thanks and Regards

      2. Hi Pardha,
        I am also facing the same issue. I have recently updated my aadhar, but couldn’t link, same mismatch error persists. Can u tell me with in how many days your problem got solved automatically? Thanks in advance.

    80. Sir, while l am linking pan with Aadhar it says name is mismatched but my name’s in both are same.date of birth is also same,sir please give me a solution for this , expecting for the reply

      1. Sir, while l am linking pan with Aadhar it says name is mismatched but my name’s in both are same.date of birth is also same,sir please give me a solution for this , expecting for the reply

    81. I have a name mismatch in PAN & Aadhar.
      Tried to use the OTP method to link both, but i am not able to receive the OTP number on my registered Phone.

      Please help!

    82. hello sir,
      good article but when i enter all information of pan and adhar then mismatch name error occurs but no OTP option what i am doing wrong it shows a dialog of update adhar or pan card

      1. Exactly. There is no link existing in the incometax website which will take aadhar otp and link in case of name mismatch.

        This author has not put any practical working things. all he has done is a copy paste from IT Website/Newspapers.

        Please suggest solution to this…..

    83. since the govt. states that AADHAAR details ( name , DOB , address etc. ) are only genuine and correct ,
      which cannot be duplicated , it would be advisable / desirable , once AADHAAR DETAILS on the
      I T Filing Website , all these details should automatically be changed in P A N Details without any
      fuss , for which software may be set . ( Or The P A N Card May Be Treated As Cancelled ) ;
      OR a new appropriate form may be prepared to fill in all the correct details / desired details ,
      including Aadhaar Number and P A N Card Number , and accordingly Aadhaar Card And PAN
      Card Details may be noted by both the Depts. , and FRESH / NEW Cards could be issued to
      the concerned person ; BETTER SUGGESTION Will Be That A Draft Of Aadhaar Card And P A N
      Card May Be Sent To The Person Concerned And Ask For Their Confirmation , and then
      the details as confirmed by the person may be corrected / updated in Aadhaar Card And PAN
      Card Details , And THEN ISSUE A FINAL / NEW / FRESH CARDS To Them. Unfortunately efficiency of
      the people gone gone from bad to worst – even when All The Details Are Sent DULY CLEARLY

    84. Sir,
      I can’t link my Aadhar with my pan card Because, the name in pan card mismatches with aadhar. What can I do now sir??

        1. Name inthe aadhaar card is correct.But the name in PAN card is incorrect There is a spelling mistake in the pan card name. Then what is the solution to correct it?

    85. Sir , the details of the PAN card and the Aadhaar card matches but still while linking the details its showing unsuccessful message .How to overcome this problem


            1. Hi

              I have linked the Aadhar to PAN,even though if I try to update the PAN in EPFO portal,it is showing “Pan verfication failed. (Name against UAN does not match with the NAME in Income Tax Department)”

              Suggest what to do next?

      1. I have the same problem and went to vendor for change in PAN card (date of birth ) more than 2.5 months gone but no response-just reply – your application isunder process. shakuntla

        1. I need help what shall I do for filing itr otherwise I shall loose my refund of Rs.13000 deducted by bank on various fdr intt paid in my account. Please guide if any one has idea or procedure to file without linking or shall I approach to I.Tax deptt office manual filing?

    86. While i am linking aadhaar card with pan i got the problem that the name appeared in aadhaar card mismatched with pan card then i clicked on aadhaar card updation link and i entered the OTP and i got received the URN number. i don’t know the procedure after getting that URN number can u please tell me that procedure

    87. now this linking is made easy ; please visit http://www.incometaxindia.efiling.gov.in and click link aadhaar ;
      put in PAN and AADHAAR Number alongwith name as per UIDAI Data ; if the DOB and Gender
      okay , then it will be linked (after verification from UIDAI , and linking will be co nfir med ;
      in case of mismatch in Aadhaar name procided , Aadhaar OTP will be sent to the mobile number
      registered with UIDAI ; I could link my PAN And Aadhaar and also got confirmation on line ;

      1. sir after entering that OTP i think u got URN code/number then afterwards what’s the procedure to be followed for aadhaar link with PAN?????

    88. Since govt. says that aadhaar card details / printed thereon are all only genuine and correct the details are printed thereon as we have given / desired ( name , date of birth , address , mobile number etc. ), these details ONLY be linked / corrected / updated in P A N Card / P A N Data ; the P A N details , particularly the name noted in P A N Data is lengthy and in full ( which is unnecessary ) with surname , given name, middle name etc. ( AND IN NO CASE P A N DATA Details SHOULD BE UPDATED. Corrected As IO P A N DATA ( P A N Card Was Issued man y number of years back at the instance of I T DEPT . ( perhaps as was felt necessary at that time ).

      Hope common sense will prevail with all concerned ; people have some bank accounts, FDs, with banks and with some private companies, which will have lot or problems / difficulties in operating them. ;

      As The Above is going to take much time , and I T R filing has already started , for this year I T Dept. should accept the I T R As filed ( by mentioning the Existing P A N Card Number And Aadhaar Card Number , as otherwise I T Dept. will have hardly a ny I T R with them if the I T R as filed are accepted as it is ( without insisting for linking both ) The Govt/IT Dept. UIDAI should apply their mind properly and try to understand the problems / difficulties of The Citizens who are honest in filing their I T R .

      1. I can’t understand why there is so much confusion over linking PAN and Aadhaar even if there is a match in database????? All are comfortably forgetting the database structure of Aadhaar. It recognizes you and updates your identity not only just through date of birth or name. IT CAN RECOGNIZE EACH AND EVERYONE THROUGH THEIR BIOMETRICS. So provide these finger print identification devise at income tax offices so that tax payers who can walk in and put their fingers to get themselves identified. Not to forget that Aadhaar was devised not for matching your name or date of birth. It is just and only for matching the BIOMETRIC ATTIRIBUTES to identity your uniqueness. You can be identified matching your name on driving license, ration card, school certificate, electoral ID or anything though a manual process. The uniqueness about the Aadhaar is the Biometric attributes. WHERE ARE THE TECHNOCRATS HIDING, FEARING THEIR BLACK MONEY EXPOSURE if they are identified through their Biometric attributes. Come out give tangible solutions to the citizens of their country. By the way, every day I mark my attendance through an Aadhaar enabled biometric attendance system in office and gets my identity verified using my finger prints. But when I tried link my Aadhaar with Bank and PAN, it is not matching, because the PAN database comprise only initials in their full form. So there is a mismatch. But no technocrat talking about my biometrics to get myself identified for linking with the PAN or Bank account. Why???????

        1. My aadar biometrics is not updated yet instead they are askimg me to wait till 90days to get update them. So unable to link my aadar with PAN. Unable to file my income tax.
          Kindly suggest me.

      2. I agree but common sense is rare. I faced same difficulty and call centre is useless. If govt thinks adhar is reliable why they should not have adhar and abolish pan. Morever mobile no correction in adhar changes incorporation should be made user friendly.

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