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Online Correction of TDS/TCS Statement at TRACES

Online Correction of TDS/TCS Statement at TRACES

If Assessee has uploaded TDS return but there occur some mistakes while furnishing the TDS statement PAN is wrongly mentioned, short deduction of TDS amount, excess utilization of any challan etc. In that case, the assessee has to do online corrections in the TDS statement on “TRACES” (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System).

Steps for Online Corrections in TDS/TCS Statement

TDS Correction Traces Login

Step 1: Log in to TRACES website

Step 2: Go to “Request for correction” under “Defaults” by entering the relevant Quarter, Financial Year, Form Type, and Latest Accepted Token number. The correction category should be “Online” and the request number will be generated

Step 3: The request will be available under “Track Correction Request” when the request status becomes “Available” click on Available / In progress status to proceed with the correction and provide information of valid KYC

Step 4: Select the type of correction category from the drop-down as “Challan Correction”

Step 5: Make the required corrections in the selected file

Step 6: Click on “Submit for Processing” to submit your correction (Only available to admin user)

Step 7: 15 digit token number will be generated and mailed to the registered e-mail ID

Online Corrections’ List of TDS/TCS

All types of corrections like “Personal information, Deductee details and Challan correction” can be made using online correction functionality available from FY 2007-08 onwards depending upon the type of correction.

Type of Error or DefaultsCorrection TypeAvailable from FYDSC Required
If challan is unmatchedChallan correctionFY 2007-08 OnwardsNo
Add new challanAdd challan to statementFY 2007-08 OnwardsNo
To clear interest and late fee demand paymentPay 220, interest, levy, late filingFY 2007-08 OnwardsNo
To move the deductee rowRequest for overbooked challan (move deductee row from challan)FY 2007-08 OnwardsNo
To update PANPAN correctionFY 2007-08 OnwardsYes
To add/modify the deductee rowAdd/Modify deductee detailsFY 2013-14 OnwardsYes
To update personal detailsPersonal informationFY 2007-08 OnwardsYes
To modify salary detailsAdd or delete salary detailsFY 2013-14 OnwardsYes

Note: For the paper return, online correction cannot be done

Status of Online Correction Requests

  • Requested: When the user submits a request for correction.
  • Initiated: The request is being processed by TDS CPC
  • Available: Request for correction is accepted and the statement is made available for correction. The user can start correction on the statement. Clicking on the hyperlink will take the user to the validation screen. Once the user clicks on the request with ‘Available’ status, the status of the request/statement will change to ‘In Progress
  • Failed: Request cannot be made available due to a technical error. The user can re-submit the request for the same details
  • In Progress: The user is working on a statement. Clicking on the hyperlink will take the user to the validation screen
  • Submitted to Admin User: Sub-user / Admin User has submitted a correction statement to Admin User
  • Submitted to ITD: Admin User has submitted a correction statement to ITD for processing
  • Processed: Statement has been processed by TDS CPC (either for Form 26AS or for defaults)
  • Rejected: Statement has been rejected by TDS CPC after processing. Rejection reasons will be displayed in the ‘Remarks’ column.

TDS Return Filing Software

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Published by Arpit Kulshrestha
Arpit Kulshrestha seeks higher interests in financial services, taxation, GST, I-T, etc. Writes articles with depth knowledge and is extensive for the same. The resources provide effective articles for the products of SAG infotech which provides taxation and IT software. Writing from observations and researching makes his articles virtuous. View more posts

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290 thoughts on "Online Correction of TDS/TCS Statement at TRACES"

  1. I am facing difficulty in extracting the TDS Correction file i.e. CONSOL file with password TAN_Request number. Is any one facing similar issue?
    How to solve this as consol file is required for offline correction in tds return ….

  2. I have file TDS return 24Q for Q-4 , but department has cancel the return & reason is saying ”
    Line No 2 – Window closed for statement processing “.
    Please help for this problem , how can i solve this type issue.

    1. I have received same error.
      Line No 2 – Window closed for statement processing “.
      Did you get solutions for this error?

      1. I have also received same error.
        Line No 2 – Window closed for statement processing “.
        any solutions for this error?

  3. I am writing to seek assistance regarding a correction statement I attempted to file for TAN No. ######## for the period 24Q – 2023-24-Q4. Unfortunately, my submission was rejected by CPC with the error message: “LINE NO. 2- WINDOW CLOSED FOR STATEMENT PROCESSING.”HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE?

  4. Challan details in correction do not match for some of the non updatable matched challan columns. How to resolve this?

  5. Unable to submit the correction statement DEDUCTEE DETAILS CORRECTION ONLINE 26Q-Q2-FY-2022-23 BUT ERROR TRACE SYSTEM PLS HELP ME

  6. Hi ,
    In 26Q quarter 2 i have filed interest allocated for the quarter 167/-(deposit tax-2950/-interest-167/-total challan amount-3117/-)But Quarter 2 related to interest amount Rs.54/- only balance i have to show in Quarter-1.for doing Q1 revision i need the balance interest amount. How to separate the interest amount from Quarter 2 through online in Traces Portal.

    1. It is not possible to bifurcate this amount in the 1st and 2nd quarters. You can bifurcate this amount in the 2nd and 3rd quarters only if you are filing the quarter 3 original return. But can’t bifurcate the amount in quarter 1st revised return

  7. I am filing the TDS online correction statement of the District Malaria Office (DMO) for Q1 FY 13-14. I have made all challan corrections and saved and the return is also reflected in “Corrections Ready for Submission”. However when clicked on ‘Submit For Processing”, no further window or message or DSC window is showing.

    What to do?

    1. Hi Peter,
      I am also facing the same problem, when i am trying to click on submission for process the page is not responded.

  8. What’s the error i.e. T-FV-4339 No value to be provided under this field
    during e-TCS return and how to correct it by me
    Please provide help
    Thanks & Regards

  9. Sir, We have paid the contract amount to individuals who liable to get TDS @ 1%. and the deducted & paid also. Because of the wrong section quoting in TDS Return we got TDS Demand @ 10% (net 9% demand is payable). Please tell me how to correct this error.

  10. Utilized Q1 challan to Q3 TDS Payable But, now received demand on interest on late payment for the same. kindly help me out with how to rectify this issue by correcting.

  11. There is 3 correction request raised in TRACES in the month of August 2019. And as requested the copy of the required documents has been submitted on time. In that, two correction requests got approved. Only one got rejected saying ‘details not submitted’. Is there an option to resend this correction request online ? or what is another possible way to get it approved? or Incometax/traces helpdesk team can do anything on this?

      1. Sir i have filed 26Q for Q2, but after filing its showing Short deduction amount in traces Rs. 19, 905/-, but i have checked my whole return there is no mistakes in amount filed and deducted sections are also correct. How can i know the reasong for showing the amount as short deduction , Pls help..

  12. Hi
    I am trying to revise the TDS return for Q3 for Fy 19-20 which is paid wrongly. Want to make it as NIL. Successfully done for 2quarters but 3Q is showing:’Challan details in correction do not match for some of the non-updatable matched challan columns’. what does it mean any idea? All challans are correct only doing by downloading the latest conso file only

    1. Hi

      How did you Solve the error.
      Challan details in correction do not match for some of the non updatable matched challan columns?

      1. Hi Rohit,

        Were you able to solve this query. If yes pls let me also know how did you resolve this. I’m facing similar error and couldn’t resolve this till now.

        Challan details in correction do not match for some of the non updatable matched challan columns

  13. Correction statement rejected for form 24Q and reason showing “Validate for the total amount of tax deposited”, but there is no change in tax deducted and deposit amount. The only amount paid is changed.

    1. Correction statement rejected for form 24Q and reason showing “Validate for the total amount of tax deposited”, but there is no change in tax deducted and deposit amount. The only amount paid is changed.

    2. Correction statement rejected for form 24Q and reason showing “Validate for the total amount of tax deposited”,
      what is the reason & what to check, Please help

  14. We are facing an error while adding challan since we filed q3 with authorized signatory which is not the profile of TDS – different authorized signatory. Please tell us how to do the correction.

  15. While trying to submit an online correction statement on tdscpc.gov.in, I am getting a message flashed in front of me – You cannot submit the statement. What may be the reason? This is the case of an individual taxpayer, who is also registered as an admin user on the tdscpc.gov.in and KYC is complete with his DSC registered on the site.

  16. I have mistakenly applied for correction request while checking the previous one…after saw the mistake I canceled it but it is still visible. Does it will affect in any way please help.

  17. I have TDS overbooked the amount Rs. 8000. And two unclaimed challans 6500 and 1500. When I try to move deductee there is an error stating there are no challans with balance 8000 or more. How to resolve?

  18. Hii Sir, we had paid TDS for the month of May 20 in 8th Jun, i.e, 1-day delay and accordingly paid Interest on TDS for 1 month as per rule but while checking interest calculation report in genius software, it doesn’t show interest for the month of may but only showing interest paid of apr-20 months in may-20 which was also paid late. Now, it shows Excess Interest paid. How to deal with it?
    Pls help

  19. Hi,

    Initially, we have missed out one employee details to update in the 24Q 4th quarter. After quaterly filing, we have made Deductees Added to Salary Statement in online traces for TDS 24Q 4th Quarter. Now it is showing submit to Admin User. But we have online one login ID and we don’t have sub user. what is the solution for this. can you help me. please.

  20. I have added my levy payment challan on trances. How many days it will take for rectification? or incase rejected where we can see the status


  22. How to request a Justification report with only one PAN-AMOUNT details. I have also tried with same PAN and zero amount as there are only one taxable person and total of 2 persons on the payroll

    1. enter the first person pan and tax paid amount
      enter the second person pan number with zero tax amount
      i.e enter both pan numbers

  23. Hi,

    While filing Q4 etds return in FUV I have entered the wrong challan deposited date for e.g. date should be 06.02.2020 & I have added 06.02.2019. I Have raised challan correction request but I was unable to edit the Tax deposited date, So I clicked on add challan & added the correct challans with proper date. And moved the deductees to the particular challans, Token number was also generated yesterday. And today the statement status is ” Processes with defaults” But I Am unable to download the Conso file as an error is “Unmatched challans for Q4” I am also unable to connect the traces helpline number. Can anyone help me out with this problem????

  24. Hi,

    I made TDS payment through 26QB for a property purchase. I made the payment for Rs. 58,696 which is 1% of the full value in May 2020. I had made the booking for the property in Feb 2020, 3 months prior to the payment date. The challan and payment amount reflect the correct amount Rs. 58,696(0 interest, 0 penalty). However, the Form 16B downloaded from Traces has only Rs. 44,022 as the amount remitted. Please help me understand why there is a mismatch. How can I fix this?

  25. Hello,
    In for 24Q under annexure II (salary details), deduction shown earlier can be modified in correction statement..?

    1. I already submitted the 24Q 4th quarter 2019-2020 but there is some correction in the annexure II data 80C and 80d which deductible amount is not shown in the statement But I can get the online correction is it possible to correct the data and submit

  26. I have filed the original TDS Return 26Q for Qtr 2 on 19-10-19. However, later on, I have added 2 challans of 24Q online by mistake and downloaded Conso file for revising return so that I can delete both the challan.
    I have filed the TDS Return 6-7 times but they rejected with reasons “Total Amount of Tax Deposited validation failed (Sum of Tax + Interest + Surcharge + Others + Fee should be equal to Total Challan Amount”

    I have checked every time and the challan matches with the deductee TDS amount. Also, the Justification report could not be downloaded stating no error is there.
    Now, please guide me on how to rectify it.

  27. I’ve filled up Form 26QB but before payment of TDS, a mistake in the form was seen. Instead of going for the correction I generated new Form 26QB and paid the TDS amount. Now, do you need to do something above the first 26QB for which I did not pay tax?

  28. I wanted to file a correction statement relating to the short deduction of the TDS amount. I have paid the sum on line. I clicked on Request for correction button under Defaults drop-down button, Selected relevant F.Y., Quarter, Form Type & On-line correction category & clicked on submitting Request button. But when I clicked on Track Request Button under Defaults drop-down, nothing is showing. Please assist. Thank you

  29. Hii,

    Can sombodty tell me that i want to change pan no. online on traces but pan correction option not showing….. what shall i do for this

  30. I have filed 3rd qtr TDS returns other than salary, there is a challan paid separately two late int on one of the deductees, please guide how this can be shown in TDS returns

  31. Hi,

    I want to change the date of payment and date of deduction in 24Q, The same I had done thrice but every time its got rejected with error rejection as ” Validate for the total amount of tax deposited”. please advise what to do to clear this error.

      1. There was a mistake in the date of deduction while filing the return. Now the return has been processed with defaults and I have downloaded the justification report and it is saying I have to pay interest of Rs.XX/-. I requested correction but there is no option to change the date of deduction. Can you help me, please?

  32. We do correction FY 2014-15, through TRACES. When trying to submit through DSC it showing “PAN of Authorized / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of the Authorized / Responsible Person in the correction file.” Could you please help us in this regards.

  33. I have filed a correction return on 11.11.2019 and it has got processed in traces as processed with defaults. In IT site TDS acknowledgement number the amount has given correctly as claimed as per the return. But when I download CONSO file after 15 days it is still no updated. Can anyone help me with this?

  34. Online correction TDS CPC given an error – Inconsistent statement filed. Deposit date of NIL Challan to be in the same qtr of the statement
    pls, help us on how to solve the error.

  35. I am trying to submit a correction statement after making necessary changes in deducted details of Q1 2018-19. it is submitted to admin user but white submitting for processing no message or error is being displayed. It seems like submit for processing button is not working or not getting processed. Please help

    1. I am trying to submit a correction statement after making necessary changes in deducted details it is submitted to admin user but white submitting for processing no message or error is being displayed. It seems like submit for processing button is not working or not getting processed. facing same issues if know pls help me

  36. I Want to Add/Delete the salary detail in Annexure -II of 24Q of 4th QTR 2018-19 on the procedure of Online correction at Traces Site, But this type of message coming again and again.

    “Add/Delete Salary Details-Annexure II will be available subsequently.”

    Please Help me in this regard

    1. In case of physical challan, you may contact your concerned bank branch for rectification of challan. In case of challan paid through online mode, you need to contact your concerned assessing officer for rectification.

  37. Hi,

    Kindly help me in adding challans for a short deduction demand in traces. I paid short deduction amount alone in one challan 281 and another challan 281 for the interest amount. I just added these challans to that quarter statement without doing any modification and the statement got “processed with defaults”.

    What is the mistake I am doing? kindly help me, please. step by step instruction would be great-full if anyone replies. thanks

    1. Just adding challans to the statement is correct if there is a demand for only interest and late fee. However for short deduction of TDS you need to request conso file, import it into the department’s utility/ TDS software and do the changes in deductee records and then file a correction statement.

  38. Hi,

    There is a TDS short deduction for the FY 2018-2019 Q2 and got a notice for the same. Paid the Short deduction by challan 281 and when filing time the interest amount also was there which was paid subsequently in another challan 281. When I do the add challans in traces the traces process it with defaults.

    Don’t know where I am making the mistake. While adding the challans to the statement I just simply save the pop-up window and go for the correction. Is it the correct way or I need to change any values in the edit challan option while adding? guide me for the exact procedure step by step so that this won’t get processes with defaults. thanks

  39. Hi, I filed a TDS correction statement online, but it has been submitted to Admin user and I don’t have Admin user Login details. Any suggestions/ Solutions how I can solve this.

      1. Hi sir,

        I am Suri, After I filed TDS correction Return in traces, it rejected with reason “Total amount of Tax deposited validation failed (Sum of Tax + Interest + Surcharge + Others + Fee Should be equal to total Challan Amount)

        Please give me a solution for correction filing

  40. Dear all,


    1. Firstly you have to add challan to your statement via online correction. Once the challan is added, request conso file, import it into the fvu and do the necessary corrections. You have to divide the amount paid/credited of deductees in proportion to TDS deducted in different challans & show it accordingly.

  41. Hi,

    I received Demand Payment against my Form 26QB submission for TDS on the sale of the property. I paid the demand via new challan. How do I add it to Form 26QB? Do I need to File Correction? I tried but do not see any option to add challan?


    1. A separate challan is given for demand payment in case of TDS on sale of the property. You will have to pay the amount via that challan only by filling the particulars of notice, demand raised etc. No need to add it to Form 26Q. Traces will automatically remove the demand with challan paid.

  42. Validation Error. Total Taxable Amt in challan should be=sum of pay amt of the attached deductee rows

    Validation Error. Tax Deducted in challan should be=sum of Tax Deducted in attached deductee row




  44. I have placed a request for correction. The status is being shown as “Initiated” since a week. Please help with the resolution process.

    1. Hi Sir,

      The status is being shown as “Initiated” since a week. how long it will be shown as same, bcz I am also faceing the same problem

  45. Sir

    I have filed a correction statement online but it is getting rejected again and again. The following error is showing “Validation Error. Tax Deducted in challan should be=sum of Tax Deducted in attached deductee row’ Please Suggest how can I correct this?

  46. 2014-15 Q4 26Q return processed with demand. Form 16A cannot download due to challan mismatch. for challan correction traces requires the token number, challan details and PAN and amount, all given correctly, but traces says its wrong. Challans are book adjustments but challans given in statement not marked “yes”. how to solve this issue

  47. We have uploaded the FVU file online. But it got rejected. And the rejection reason is “Challan details in correction do not match for some non-updatable matched challan columns”

    1. This issue occurs when the deductor makes changes in any of the existing matched fields of booked challan. Deductor needs to file a correction statement without making any changes in any field of BOOKED Challan except “”Interest, Others & Section Code””.

  48. While uploading submits for processing not clicked properly but edits correction and back button worked properly. I checked with Chrome, Mozilla and IE 11 same problem continuing.

  49. I have filled late TDS return for Q4 for 17-18 with late payment interest of Rs.20450.after return filed we got intimation for demand for late filing fees. As per calculation, late payment interest is Rs.16356 and the late filing fee is Rs.13600. At the time of filing, we paid Rs.20450 hence after deduction of Rs.16356 balance amount I adjusted with late filing fee i.e Rs.4094 and balance amount paid Rs.9506. Still, we got intimation for the demand of Rs.4094.I don’t understand why this showing demand.

  50. PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person in the correction file
    The above error occurs only in F.Y 2012-13 and F.Y 2013-14, all other years correction was done without any other error.

    The pan number in personal information and traces profile is same, the error occur continuously, please help me

    1. This issue occurs only when the PAN, name etc mentioned in personal verification (in TDS return) and the particulars mentioned in traces website profile (Authorized person) is different. Contact department for assistance if both are same and still the issue persists.

  51. Hi,

    After preparing the necessary corrections, while submitting the statement for processing, an error appears as “Unable to submit the correction statement”.

    Tried in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and IE.

    This error starting from this month previous month I have filed many returns online with DSC

    Please, Help me on this matter…


    1. Hi,

      I contacted TDS CPC, there is some technical error in website. executive suggested me to only Add Challan online without DSC & do other changes offline through NSDL for corrections.




  52. HELLO,

    After preparing the necessary corrections, while submitting the statement for processing, an error appears as “Unable to submit the correction statement”.

    Tried in both chrome and IE.

    Please, someone, provide the solution to this.

    1. Hello,

      After preparing the necessary corrections, while submitting the statement for processing, an error appears as “Unable to submit the correction statement”. Tried in both chrome and IE.

      Please, someone, provide the solution to this.

      1. Please check whether the PRN and date of filing of original return are correct. also, check whether the original return has been processed or not. if the problem persists then contact the department for assistance.

  53. Mam, While submitting the request for Form16A a message display as “This statement has challan(s) with zero deductee rows. Please select the checkbox for no deductee rows”.

    What does it mean? I never get this message any time before. Please clarify.

  54. 24Q TDS rectification for the year 2017-18 status shows accepted for a long time around 10 days it is unable to process. Please guide me what to do?


    On August 3rd, 2018 we filed revised TDS returns for Q1, Q2 AND Q3 through TIN centre for the FY 2011-12. In Traces website the status is still showing as “Pending for processing”

  56. Hi

    can I submit correction statement of the same quarter which is ‘pending for processing’ since last 15 days, because I know wrong entries in the previously filled statement?


  58. Hi, we have filed TDS details for the fourth quarter. But later we had to correct an assessee detail as it was wrongly entered and filed it on 05/7/2018. Now when we try to download the corrected form 16A from TRACES with the Token number of the corrected statement of TDS, it is showing the error ‘Token number is not valid for the regular statement’. Kindly help. From where can I download the corrected form 16A. WHich token number should be given. When I give the token number of the first return it is showing ‘wrong details entered’. When I give the token number of the corrected return it is saying ‘Token number is not valid for the regular statement’. Kindly help

  59. Hi,

    I need a help to solve the problem in TRACES. I have to correct a PAN in online for which I have DSC. While using DSC the screen says – As you are proceeding in Digital Signature By-Pass Mode you are permissible to apply for Challan Correction, Interest payment and Add Challan to statement. So I am unable to correct the invalid PAN. What is this mode how to overcome it and how to rectify the PAN? Kindly advice me. thank you in advance.


  60. I have filed correction returns for FY 2017-18 Q1 & Q3 to correct the PAN of a deductee. Subsequently received demand default notice towards interest on late payment. The TDS was paid well before the due date. My question is whether interest is also applicable in respect of correction in PAN?

  61. We have made TDS payment to a wrong vendor (e.g ALPHA Pvt. Ltd with PAN no. AAAA…) in Q2 of F. Y 2017-18. How can we update the correct vendor( e.g BETA Pvt. Ltd with PAN no. BBBB…) ?


  63. PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person in the correction file.

    This message is shown while submitting for processing of the return.

    please help me how we can change the authorized person name in correction file.

  64. PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person in the correction file.

    This message is shown while submitting for processing of the return. please help me how we can change the authorized person name in correction file.

  65. PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person in the correction file.

    This message is shown while submitting for processing of the return.

    please help me how we can change the authorized person name in correction file.

  66. Prepared correction statement correcting employee’s salary and payment details for 24Q after online adding challan for short deduction. FVU is generated but 24CQ Electronic statement warning reports error “Date of Tax deducted does not pertain to the quarter for which the TDS/TCS statement is prepared (Error code T-FV-4300)”.

    Factually, statement belongs to Q4,2016-17, but since the short deduction is paid now, we want to show current date of deduction. Will these returns be approved by traces or we will have to show the date of deduction as 31/03/2016.


  67. I have filed 24Q for quarter 4 TDS Statement It was rejected by the TRACES. first I tried for online correction as I had to enter 80 C and Chapter IV deduction details for one employee. I deleted Employee Salary details and tried to add salary, deduction, Taxable Income details for the same employee TRACES was not accepting Addition of employee details even though there was the deduction of TDS during the year in previous quarters and previous quarters return were accepted by the TRACES. I then filed offline correction. and the same was rejected by the TRACES the rejection reason was “Deductee Details not unique for the addition of new deductee”

    Kindly reply what could be the reason

    Vibhash Shah

  68. Dear SAG INFOTECH,

    When I filed my TDS correction statement(24Q) for Q3 (FY 2017-18), it was rejected and the rejection reason is “The previous correction not found”. How to rectify this issue? Kindly help


  69. Dear sir/madam,

    We have filed our first TDS return 26Q for Quarter 4 of FY 17-18 on June 4,2018.

    Since we filed the TDS return belatedly by 4 days, an intimation u/s 200A/206CB was sent to us. As per the said demand notice, an amount of Rs.1210/- is required to be paid by us.

    In the demand notice, we are required to pay the said default amount by logging on to our account on tdscpc.in.
    Since it is our first TDS return, we are required to register on the TRACES website in order to pay the said amount.
    When we try to register on the TRACES website, we are getting redirected to the income tax e-filing website.

    We are not able to REGISTER AND CREATE A TRACES account to download the justification report.

    Kindly provide guidance on how to resolve the above problem as we are required to pay the interest and late fee.

  70. Dear Sir,

    I have filed TDS return for Q4 for Salaries, unfortunately, I have deducted fewer TDS after getting the notice to me I had paid balance TDS amount, later on during filing of correction statement after adding challans its asking salary for which it is deducted in Annexure-2 of salary details but it is already shown in filed return. if i give salary again it may lead to higher salary for Employee in his Form-26AS.
    So how to rectify the problem ? whether to change salary in previous quarters by filing correction statement by add/remove salary options and later on shall I file the return for correction statement by adding challans and giving the balance salary which I have removed from previous quarters? or is there any alternative available for it to solve the problem

    1. You can reduce the ‘payment/credit amount’ i.e. taxable amount from originally filed entries and show that amount in the new challan. Adjust your total ‘payment/credit amount’ in Q-4 in proportion to the total TDS you have deposited for the quarter.

      1. Sir, We have Filed TDS return of Q2 of 2017-18, it has been processed without defaults but we have to change the Deductee details because TDS Deducted was wrongly mentioned for 4 employees.

        when I tried to file Correction statements, it keeps showing the error” Challan details in correction do not match with some of the non updatable matched columns”

        Kindly help to resolve the issue

  71. Sir, I had filled TDS 24Q return through offline but mistakenly I enter a wrong date in the challan amount deposited date column. Are there any possibilities to change the correct challan date without a digital signature?

  72. In the traces website, I add one challan after it showing “SUBMITTED TO ADMIN USER” and I click Submit for processing button is no response, can you please guide the process to solve it.

  73. Hi

    I have wrongly filed three rows of deductee detail in q2 of fy 2017 18 for 26 q. I need to delete those deductees from the statement. I use the rpu 2.2 provided by tin. Here it prompts that deletion is not allowed.

    Please help me in this regard

      1. Thanks for your reply.

        I tried already through online corrections. But I couldn’t. Can you please guide me with precise menu/option in Traces or a link to the tutorial for the same.

    1. You Can Proceed by Nullification of the deductee rows which you have filed wrongly. Just Payment and TDs should be zero.
      you cannot delete entries.

  74. I have filed four quarters of 26Q Q1 returns F.Y 2017-18 Successfully. Now we identified that one Vendor PAN Number is wrongly mentioned in all the quarterly returns. Question: Is there any charges for Online PAN correction. (PAN Correction is more than 3 Digits).

  75. HI

    While doing Online correction (before FY 2011-12) on getting an error like these: TRACES is not enabled for the requested statement. Kindly file correction through NSDL and the subsequent correction can be filed on TRACES

    Is there any alternative ???

  76. Hi,

    I have filed my revised return on 26-March-2018 and also completed the e-verification. The problem is that I generated two challans by mistake from tow different banks online and added only one challan details while submitting. How can I get the refund of the challan which is not added in the return? Is there any online process for that or I need to visit income tax office?


  77. I’ve filed for a 26qb correction. Now the correction status is showing as ‘In progress’. Do I need to do anything else? I’ve done e verification thru net banking. I’m not sure if it is successfully completed or not because I’ve not got such message. Please help

    1. Subho,

      First login to your bank, come to traces by clicking view 26 AS or Tax centre on the bank website and then resubmit the correction request by entering challan details. In progress, status means it is incomplete from your side.

  78. I have filed revised TDS return for FY 2017-18-Quarter 3 on 30.01.18 through TDS traces as there was PAN error.But still the statement not processed.I want to download TDS Certificates.What to do?

  79. hi….i had filled my TDS return online through computax for third quarter of AY 2018-19 successfully on 13th Jan 2018….now it is been two weeks my data has still not been processed,,,, how do I download my TDS certificate….or how to get to know what error have I made…..


    1. Please wait for 24 hours for your account to be deactivated and try again.Your registration process is valid only for 24 hours and you must activate your account within this time using the activation codes sent through Email and SMS.During registration, please ensure to verify your details on the Confirmation Screen (Step–5). In case of any incorrect details, click on ‘Edit’ to change your details.

  81. I have filed four quarters of 26Q returns F.Y 2016-17 Sucessfully. Now we identified that one Vendor PAN Number is wrongly mentined in all the quarterly returns. Question: Is there any charges for Online PAN correction. (PAN Correction is morethan 3 Digits).

  82. I have purchased a property in New Delhi, the registration for which was done on 8-Dec, 2017. The major part of the payment was done on the date of registration after sale deed was made. Since I have availed Bank Loan, the bank cheque along with the remaining payment from my end was handed over together to the seller (75 Lac – 85K (TDS amount)). Before issuing the bank cheque, the bank had asked me to deposit TDS and provide Form 26QB on the entire amount, I believe the same is required by the Sub-registrar for Sale of a property before Sale deed is registered. Since TDS filing system doesn’t allow TDS deduction for a future payment date, I had to enter a date in the past. I was suggested to use the date of “Agreement to Sell” (payment of 10 Lac) as the date of payment by the Bank official, which was 30-Oct. Now I have got a demand notification since the payment was made after the due date. I want to correct the Date of payment now to avoid this penalty but TRACES is not letting me do this. Please guide and help.

    1. You cannot enter a past date for a payment which has to be made in future since the liability arises on payment only and interest thereon will be levied accordingly. Form 26qb can only be generated for the amount of payment made. You can make correction online only since the facility for correction is available online only

  83. In the traces website, the Submit for processing button is not clickable, can you please guide the process to solve it.

    Note – I have made all the requirements for the function to be used but no response has been still received.

    Thanks in advance.

  84. I want to add a challan at traces, but after going through the process the process is stopped at “SUBMITTED TO ADMIN”. On enquiring with Traces they replied that for this you have to do this from ADMIN level. In this connection, I am already change authorized person detail in Profile tab of traces, which is same as conso file. But I cannot get a solution to the said issue.

    Please help me.

  85. I don’t have any track of my token numbers for TDS returns I filled. I need to make some correction on the TDS return.. so can I do so without token numbers… with the help of DSC?

  86. Sir, whether we can delete a deductee details online/offline and how we can solve the below problem

    T-FV-4297 Invalid tax deducted amount. Enter valid tax deducted amount
    T-FV-4257 No value should be provided if the tax is not deducted.

    1. e-tds return T-FV-4297 Invalid tax deducted amount. Enter valid tax deducted amount.
      please expain this error

  87. Sir, I got demand for late penalty u/s 234E Which I paid online. But when I am going to add Challan under Correction request/track correction request I can not see the challan. It is giving an error message that “no challan found”. I can see the challan on OLTAS website. Am I missing any further step? Please respond.

  88. Respect you all.

    I have an employee whose employment tenure was six months during the f.y 2016-17 ending on 30.09.2017 and he was transferred. TDS was deducted for those six months however while revising return which was duly filed on the due date, TDS actually so deducted was higher than that of what was supposed to be deducted and after incorporating deduction under chapter VIA and other income included.

    I can’t revise return for this employee because TDS was actually deducted from the higher amount and there is no shortfall of TDS rather excess TDS.

    How can I revise return for these employees?

    Please help asap.

  89. When I am doing TDS online correction and entering the token number, challan details and PAN details, it is saying that challan details entered is invalid.

  90. Hi, if i have late payment TDS challan with interest, how to show deductee wise interest amount against late payment tds challan in export excel sheet through your software in DEDP_DET Sheet.

      1. How to modify TDS challan for correction or revised TDS return for interest correction. There are showing error {Consolidated Statement ( Correction Not Allowed)}. You have to prepare New correction Statement for any correction.

  91. I am doing online correction in Add/Modify Deductee details under All Deductees. After editing the field it is not getting saved i.e; save option is not working. Pls tell me the solution.

    Thanks in advance

  92. I am doing online correction in Add/Modify Deductee details under All Deductees. After editing the field it is not getting saved i.e; save option is not working. Pls tell me the solution.

  93. I am doing online correction in Add/Modify Deductee details under All Deductees. After editing the field it is not getting saved i.e; save option is not working. Pls tell me the solution.

    Thanks in advance

  94. In the FY 2016-17, AY 2017-18 three FDRs with the SBI the 1st beneficiary is my wife and I am the 2nd beneficiary. The Bank has shown the accrued interest of the FDRs in respect of my wife to my Form 16A instead of the Form 16A of my wife. Consequently my income from other Sources-Bank Interest under 194A has been inflated by Rs.12800/-. The SBI advised me to consult their nominated CA who has uploaded the Quarterly Return. The CA told me that it would take time. If the CA of the Bank does not rectifies the mistakes by 31.07.2017 on behalf of the Bank , will it be possible for me to submit my IT Return online ignoring the excess interest shown in my FORM 16A. There will be mismatch between the interest figure between my figure
    and that shown in the TRACES FORM 26AS . I am a Central Government pensioner and my pension is taxable. The pension and the interest are the only sources of my income. Kindly guide me.

  95. how to modify PAN NO through online. I am giving all the details pertains to that Qtr, it is going to file correction after that I am unable to modify the same. Kindly help me out.

  96. Dear Sir

    I have tried to do online TDS correction for 26Q after DSC regd. for my a/c. All went well but Edit Deductee details is faded and available to correct the TDS amount for the party to match with challan paid, It is actually 1 rupee diff. Not sure how to correct it.

  97. Dear Sir,
    I have paid excess TDS in Q-3 of FY15-16 and adjusted the same amount in Q-4 of FY15-16. But the amount utilised against Q-3 challan is still showing as short payment in default status. In Q-4 return amount showing as Available Balance but not utilising the deductee of Q-4.

    Kindly help me out.

  98. Hi,
    While filing correction statement, after giving PIN for DSC, I’m getting message “Please insert a smart card”. Pls get me a solution.

  99. I have filed TDS Return for Q 3 FY 2016-17 online. Now, I noticed that One Challan details were not added in said TDS Return. Now, while uploading online request for correction whether I have to mention token number viz., 311690548 or RRR Number viz., 770000005795145. Pl. guide



  101. Is DSC registration necessary for PAN Correction or can it be done without DSC. If it can be done without DSC, how to proceed after submitting correction request?

  102. Sir,
    I am trying to rectify my challan thru oltas challan online rectification. I am able to put all details but when i submit , I am prompted by a message to change the minor head & major head though i only want to change the financial year . How can i only rectify the challans financial year?

    1. Minor head and Major head is compulsory to select. Minor head means TDS paid by the taxpayer or major head mean TDS liability is raised by the ITD Department and that’s why TDS is paid by the taxpayer., (in Regular assessment)

  103. This is Manoj Gidwani from Raipur, Yesterday I have filled form 281 related to TDS,[online] while submitting I was supposed to do 94A [for interest] , instead 96A had been submitted [96A – Income in respect of Units of non-residents]

    How can I go further for necessary rectification, Kindly convey

  104. how to modify PAN NO through online. I am giving all the details pertains to that Qtr, it is going to file correction after that I am unable to modify the same. Kindly help me out.

    1. how to modify PAN NO through online. I am giving all the details pertains to that Qtr, it is going to file correction after that I am unable to modify the same. Kindly help me out.

  105. We are do correction FY 2014-15, through TRACES. When trying to submit through DSC it showing “PAN of Authorized / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorized / Responsible Person in the correction file.” Could you please help us in this regards.

  106. Respected all

    Please help me with tds correction file upload which am not able to upload its shown this way
    as “file is in invalid format”

    Pls help me

  107. ””””PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person in the correction file.”””’

    What is the solution for that reason

  108. Dear Sag Infotech,
    Please help me out regarding this problem bcoz its very urgent for me. I have took help from traces help desk but they told me that log a complaint against the error and I have done it but they will take the action within 15 Days.

  109. Hi This is rakesh, I have add challan in correction but when i click on “Submit for Processing” then it shows that “PAN of authorized person and profile details to be match” and that challan went to “Submit to Admin User”. I am using DSC for it and no sub users for it. Can you please help me out about this.

      1. Dear SAG INFOTECH,
        I have checked that the registered DSC with current DSC and found it same, which will expired on 24/10/2018. I have done this same procedure for FY 2015-16 and it easily processed but for FY 2014-15 & 2013-14 I get this error while submitting challan to statement. the error is this “PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person as per Personal Information of the correction and as per TRACES Profile should be same. Please update the PAN of Authorised / Responsible Person in the correction file.” I have cancelled that challan and try to add it again but still it shows the same error.

    1. In the correction screen you can change the Personal Details.
      Pls update the PAN of authorised person there & Do Further Correction.

    1. did any body found solution to “UNABLE TO SUBMIT CORRECTION STATEMENT”
      when i contacted TRACES
      they suggested me to follow some specifications like browser versions..
      i totally fed up in trying all possible ways…
      pls any body here help me..

      how can i attach my screen shot here??
      no paste / attachment options here:(

      1. “unable to submit the correction statement in traces”

        after getting of this in your traces, then don’t go through Google chrome and Mozilla fire fox

        choose only “Internet explorer “

  110. after completion of rectification process through online in traces for pan not available customers and submitted to ito then next day it shows the status as rejected as “The correction statement submitted is inconsistent. Kindly file the correction again”.

    one day before it can do the rectification process in online and the same updated and next day i tried the remaining work but it shows the above error message.

    kindly help us urgently.

  111. Hi Neetha
    Sachin Varshney
    I am also having same issue today since morning as DEIVARAJ have.
    i.e.“UNABLE TO SUBMIT CORRECTION STATEMENT”. i am using web browser “Google Chrome”
    Is this issue because of web browser??
    Please help urgently

  112. Hi Neetha
    Deivaraj R
    Am trying to do online correction in traces.
    when I went for submit for processing, after
    clicking on submit it is giving error
    Pls help

  113. Hi Neetha
    A Madhavi.
    Am trying to do online correction in traces.
    when I went for submit for processing, after
    clicking on submit it is giving error
    Pls help

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