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GST Composition Scheme: Key Features, Eligibility and Registration Process

GST Composition Scheme Guide

GST composition scheme was implemented under the respective State VAT Laws with conditions applied on eligibility for the scheme accordingly. GST composition scheme assures greater compliance without the requirement of maintaining records. This system is missing in Service Tax laws.

Latest Update

13th October 2022

  • The ICAI has shared the second edition of the handbook on the composition scheme for Chartered Accountants. Read PDF

09th July 2022

  • The important message for some composition taxpayers regarding the negative balance removal is that the process has been completed by the government. read more

09th May 2022

  • The Maharashtra Authority of Advance Ruling (AAR) has issued the order for the M/s. KPC Projects Ltd. In the order, Shri T.R.Ramnani and other members said the 18% GST has to be paid for the composite supply of construction hospital works. Read More

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    32nd Council GST Meeting for Composition Traders

    • The annual turnover limit increased by GST council to 1.50 Crores, effectively from 1 April 2019
    • Annual filing of GSTR 4 return instead of quarterly. Also, tax is paid to be deposited on a quarterly basis.
    • 6 percent GST rate applicable to the Composition scheme for service providers and turnover up to 50 lakh per annum


    Every taxation system has some prescribed rules or regulations which must be followed by individuals, taxpayer or business owners. Maintaining records properly, submission or filing returns timely, simplified generation, and periodic payment of taxes are some of the essential elements of the taxation system for corporate taxpayers. However, business enterprises and owners are facing difficulties to cooperate with such responsibilities of law. It happens just because of a lack of knowledge and the majority of people is not aware of the taxation system.

    In 28th GST council meeting, the FM has decided to extend the threshold limit of composition scheme taxpayers from 1 crore to 1.5 crores.  Also, included the 10% provision of normal taxpayer annual turnover within the composition scheme if in case the given 10 percent is provided as the service.

    Key Features of GST Composition Scheme

    Eligibility: – Everyone is not eligible to register under the GST composition scheme. Taxpayers or people whose annual turnover is up to INR 1.5 crore in a financial year. Turnover for special category States, except Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand, the limit is now increased to Rs 75 Lacs. While the turnover threshold for Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand will be Rs 1 crore must register under the GST composition scheme. The small traders should fill up GST CMP-01 form to accept the scheme.

    Special Eligibility:- The GST council has included normal taxpayers within the composition scheme in case 10% of annual turnover is provided as a service.

    Quarterly Filing Returns: – Instead of submitting returns 3 – 4 times in a month, taxable persons or registered taxpayers will be required to submit or filing tax returns only one time in every quarter under the GST composition scheme.

    Intra- State Supplies: – Local suppliers, who supply goods or services within a state can take advantage of the GST composition scheme. Inter-state suppliers will come under the regular GST laws.

    Bill of supply, not tax invoice: – Registered taxpayers under the GST composition scheme will be required to show the bill of supply instead of tax invoice to the tax authorities. A person paying taxes under the composition scheme can issue a bill of supply instead of an invoice. Exemptions up to 5 lakhs for services under the composition scheme are also available.

    Not Eligible for Input Tax Credit: – According to section 16, goods and services on which composition tax has already been paid (under section 8) do not apply for Input Tax Credit.

    Tax Rate: – Manufacturers – 1% ( .5% central and .5% state), Restaurants services – 5% ( 2.5% central and 2.5 state ), Composition levy eligible – 1% ( 0.5% central and 0.5% state )

    GST Only on Taxable supplies: – Earlier it was a provision to pay composition GST even on the exempted goods but now after 1st January 2018, the GST will be only payable on the taxable goods.

    Penalty: – If the taxable person is not eligible for the GST composition scheme, then the tax authorities can charge a penalty equal to the amount of tax on such person along with his tax liability. Be careful when availing of this scheme and paying taxes. The penalty will be imposed according to the provision of section 73 or 74 if an individual represents incorrect data under the composition scheme.

    Voluntary Registrations: – For availing of the benefits of this scheme, taxpayers need to make voluntary registration. If in case, the taxpayer’s annual income turnover exceeds 75 lakh then he will be transferred to the regular scheme. Taxpayers who are already a part of VAT composition need to voluntarily register under this scheme.

    Note: The eligibility and service supply exemption is under review after the 23rd GST Council meeting

    Highly Recommended: GST Forms: Return Filing, Rule, Registration, Challan, Refund, Invoice

    Registration Procedure Under the Composition Scheme

    Registered or existing taxpayers not under the Composition Scheme may prefer to opt for it (subject to being qualified), only from the beginning of the next financial year. Tax returns to be filed on as or before 31 March of the previous year.

    If in case dealers want to switch to the normal scheme, during the year, they may be allowed to do it. Although, they are not able to switch over to the Composition scheme again within the same Financial Year

    Filing Returns Under the GST Composition Scheme

    Individuals or registered taxpayers can pay tax under the provisions of Composition Scheme shall provide a return in an official form and official manner within the eighteen days after the end of the relevant quarter.

    GST CMP 08 form has been officially declared by the government for depositing payment quarterly under the Composition Scheme.

    FAQs on GST Composition Scheme

    Q.1 Can a composition dealer purchase goods from an inter-state supplier?

    Yes, of course, a person who has opted for composition scheme can procure goods from an inter-state supplier without any restrictions

    Q.2 What are the specified composition rates?

    Composition rate is uniform for dealers & manufacturers at 1% ( 0.5% Central tax plus 0.5% State tax). Composition rate for Restaurant Services is 5% (2.5% Central tax plus 2.5% SGST) of the turnover. Composition rate for service providers is 3%

    Q.3 Is it mandatory for a Composition Dealer to maintain detailed records?

    No, it is not mandatory for a registered Composition dealer to maintain detailed records as needed by a normal taxpayer.

    Q.4 Is a Composition Dealers allowed to avail Input Tax Credit?

    No, Composition dealer is not allowed to avail Input Tax Credit. A taxpayer who opts to pay tax under the composition scheme cannot take credit on his input supplies

    Q.5 Is composition dealer responsible to pay both, the Reverse charge and a fixed percentage of normal GST which he is supposed to pay?

    If the reverse charge is applicable on a specific supply then the composition dealer is liable to pay GST under reverse charge as a recipient of supply at standard GST rates

    Q.6 Can the service provider go for the Composition Scheme?

    Yes, Composition scheme for services has been introduced with an initial limit of Rs 50 Lakh, taxable at 6%, beginning from April 1, 2019

    Q.7 Can a person avail ITC on the stock after being denied to pay tax under composition from an authorised officer?

    Yes a person can still avail ITC by filing a statement in FORM GST ITC-01 (containing details of input stocks along with the inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods present in stock) on the date on which the option is refused as per order in FORM GST CMP07, within a period of thirty days from the order

    Q.8 When does an individual who opted for composition, pay tax?

    An individual who opted for composition pays tax on a quarterly basis prior to the 18th* of the subsequent month of the quarter during which the supplies were made (changeable by the government notification)

    Q.9 Can a Composition Dealer issue Tax Invoices?

    No, a Composition Dealer can not issue a tax invoice because he has to pay the tax out of his own pocket and he is not permitted to recover the same from the customers. He is bind to issue Bill of Supply

    Q.10 What are the different types of returns, a Composition Dealer has to file?

    A Composition Dealer has to file one return i.e. GSTR-4 on an annual basis, CMP 08 on a quarterly basis.

    Q.11 Can a Composition Dealer collect tax from customers?

    No, a Composition Dealer has to pay taxes from his own sources and he is not eligible to recover the composition tax from the buyer

    Q.12 Can an interstate supplier opt for Composition Scheme?

    An interstate supplier can not opt for Composition Scheme as it is available only for dealers imbibed in intra-state supplies

    Q.13 How is availed input credit treated when one switch on to Composition Scheme from the normal scheme?

    In such a case when a person switches on to composition scheme from normal scheme, he/ she becomes accountable to pay an amount equal to the credit of input tax in terms of inputs present in stock on the day instantly after the date of the switchover. The remaining balance of input tax credit in the credit ledger after payment of such amount will be treated inconsiderable

    Q.14 Can I choose for Composition Scheme in one year and flip flop in the later year?

    Yes, You are allowed to switch between the Composition Scheme and the normal scheme on the basis of your turnover. The same switchover can be declared on the GST Portal. However, this flip flop comes along with alterations in the way you issue invoices and file your returns

    Q.15 Is the alternative to pay tax under composition practicable at any time of the year?

    No, the tax under composition cannot be paid at any time of the year. A registered taxpayer is supposed to provide a declaration on the GST Portal in FORM GST CMP-02 prior to the beginning of every financial year

    Disclaimer:- "All the information given is from credible and authentic resources and has been published after moderation. Any change in detail or information other than fact must be considered a human error. The blog we write is to provide updated information. You can raise any query on matters related to blog content. Also, note that we don’t provide any type of consultancy so we are sorry for being unable to reply to consultancy queries. Also, we do mention that our replies are solely on a practical basis and we advise you to cross verify with professional authorities for a fact check."

    Published by Subodh Kumawat
    Subodh has done with numerous professional degrees ranging from Human Rights to Banking along with MBA in HR Marketing. He is also interested in the field of tax-related articles and blog as per the industry based norms. Having expert knowledge in diverse sectors, he assures facts and figures along with testimony, in his articles. Working in SAG Infotech, he is a trusted author among the readers globally. View more posts

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    263 thoughts on "GST Composition Scheme: Key Features, Eligibility and Registration Process"

    1. If I am service provider and wants to pay 6% and wants to take new gst Registration then need to take Registration under Rgular scheme or Composition scheme?

    2. we are into a composition scheme. We are selling electronics Goods, our turn over comes around 40 lakhs only. but we also need to provide repair services to our customers for electronics goods Which means both Goods and Services.
      so please kindly anyone reply to us

    3. I am a graphic designer and my company is registered under regular GST tax paying. Now I want to migrate to the COMPOSITION scheme. Am I eligible for the composition scheme?

    4. We are a service provider with an FY21 turnover of less than 50 lakhs and have filed returns under a composition scheme.

      Our turnover might cross 50 lakhs this year, maybe around Feb’22, but we don’t know as of now. Should we continue filing returns under the composition scheme for FY22?

    5. Hi,
      Are home-baked dog biscuits exempt from GST? if not, can I apply for a composition GST scheme? Under this scheme, if I sell my product to a retailer within the same state I will give them a bill of supply. But, they are registered under the regular GST scheme so will they give a tax invoice to customers or a bill of supply? and for example, if there is 18% GST on the product then do they have to add that to the bill, claim it from the customer and file the GST? or will they apply 1% GST only since my goods are under the composition scheme? thanks for the help.

    6. A hospital having in patients opted for a composition scheme for medicinal sales. Medicinal sales were Rs. 75 lakh and in patients’ room income was Rs. 50 lakh, since room income was exempted under cgst, 1 % gst was [paid for medicine sales only. for 2019-2020. Is it correct

    7. in FY 2018-19 total sale under composition scheme 1.45 cr. what is limit composition scheme in fy 201819. Have any problem in this sale ?

    8. Query: Presently a taxpayer is registered is under Regular scheme. He is selling goods as well as providing services. He wants to go for a composition scheme.

      My understanding is that for the Goods, the maximum Turnover limit is Rs 1.5 crores and pay GST @1%. For services, the Maximum Limit is Rs 50 Laths and pay tax @6%.
      so in total Rs 2 crores, he will get his limit ( For Goods Rs 1.5 cr and for services Rs 50 Lakhs)

      Kindly confirm the above understanding.

    9. hi sir we are in a plan to start Sarees (clothes) retail business with a small volume may be per annum 50 lakhs approx. we will receive amounts from customers on direct selling product and we will receive amounts from customers which we will take orders from vendors on orders from customers and will pay to vendors and we will have a little margin on that. we need suggestions on a turnover on the second scenario how we can take ?? total customer amount or Diff b/w customer receipt and vendor payment?? plz suggest

    10. Sir, I have a shop of sweets and also selling Milk in the morning I want to know that can I opt composition scheme and do I pay tax on milk supply under this composition scheme or not?

    11. Can a supplier of a works contract having an annual turnover of less than Rs. 50 Lakhs in the previous year, avail Composition Scheme made for service providers?

    12. If a Normal GST Registered person makes a supply to a Composition Dealer then which kind of Invoice he can issue?? B2B or B2C

      If he issues B2B invoice then would he be able to submit this supply as a b2b supply against the GST No. of Composit Dealer on the GST portal ??
      Pls, answer my query.

    13. If a composition person purchase goods from other states, what is the rate of tax, whether this tax is taken for input credit or not, pls explain sir

    14. Sir I want to open a small software development firm in proprietorship mode and also wants to provide services outside the state but as its is in very small level and my turnover will not go above 10 Lakhs. So my query is can I opt for composition scheme for service provides. Please suggest a good solution beacuse I also want to provide bill to my clients. Awaiting for your help. Regards.

      1. “The tax department has given service providers with a turnover of up to Rs 50 lakh time till April 30 to opt for the composition scheme and pay 6 percent GST. … The GST composition scheme was so far available to traders and manufacturers of goods with an annual turnover of up to Rs 1 crore.”


    16. Hello Sir.

      I am working as an interior. And my turnover is around 50 lakh. Since I come under composition scheme. I have only purchase invoices for the last quarter. Can you just help me how do I file for intra-state purchase invoice under composition scheme? Please give me a proper explanation. Thanks

    17. Sir, I would like to start a small hardware cum electrical shop (proprietorship ) under NORKA scheme, can I register my trading business under GST Composition scheme??

      shall I apply separate PAN for the firm name or its added to my existing PAN?? How much is the max turnover limit per annum?

      Your early reply is highly appreciated. if not can you suggest which type of registration is better for me? I plan to run the business by way of arranging materials from the big suppliers with good discount and sell in a reasonable way.


      1. if you only deal in exempted goods then you cannot opt for composition scheme under GST. if you deal in both taxable and exempted goods then composition rate is applicable for both taxable and exempted supplies.

    19. I am the proprietor of the boutique and cafe under one roof. I am registered under GST. These are not verticals. Both come under the same PAN-based Gst. Can I charge the appropriate rate of GST on the boutique and take ITC while charging 5% for the cafe/restaurant without ITC? The boutique occupies 1500 sq ft area while the cafe occupies 400sq ft area. Thanking you in advance.

    20. Sir, I have a boutique and a cafe under one roof. I am a proprietor of both. Both are under one PAN and one GST Number. They are not verticals. Can I have the boutique under the general category and take input credit while charging 5% in cafe/restaurant without ITC? Thanking you in advance.

    21. Sir I am a shop owner under regular GST scheme and taking material from a composition dealer. How would I pay GST and on what amount if i purchase from a vendor who is under composition scheme? For eg if I purchase a material from composition dealer @ Rs 60 and sell @ 75. I have to pay GST on 15 Rs margin or on entire 75 Rs?

    22. DEAR SIR,



    23. me ek vehicle ke spars parts sale karta hu aur bike services karta hu.to kya me nayi provision ke hisab se composition me ja shakta hu. mera turnover 20-25 laks jitna he.please help me.

    24. Sir, I have taxable supplies of Rs.50 Lakhs and also I have Non-taxable supplies of Rs. 20 Lakhs.

      1. What will be the Treatment under GST Act, Shall I pay tax on the whole amount or only taxable amount
      2. should I opt for composition levy or under Normal Scheme?

      as per the reading of section 10(2), the registered person shall be eligible to opt for composition if he is not engaged in making any supply of goods which are not leviable to tax under this act. Please clear the doubt?


    26. Sir, I am a service provider, providing management consultancy services to my clients. My turnover is about 36-45 Lakhs per annum (under 50 Lakhs). Under the new provisions can I opt for GST composition scheme? If so should I charge 6% GST on all my invoices as some are exempt from GST as they as for overseas clients and considered “export of services”? Kindly advice.

        1. Thank you, Sir. Do I have to pay 6% on the “export of services” invoice value also or only on those where service is provided to Indian companies?

    27. I am a technical graduate and provide repair and maintenance of electric motors used in export houses. Can I get registered myself in composition scheme? if yes, what would be GST rate?

      1. Since you are engaged in providing services as of now you cannot opt for composition scheme but as per recent meeting if notification will be issued allowing service providers to opt for composition scheme then you will be eligible.

    28. Hello Sir, I am a manufacturer of ladies garments. I sell my products all over India. what % of tax charges should I pay? MY TURNOVER IS 60 LAKHS

      1. Since you are supplying all over India, hence you are engaged in interstate supply and hence not eligible for composition scheme. You have to pay GST @5% if apparel is below Rs.1000 however if taxable value is more than 1000 then 12% GST is to be paid. Please consult professionals before acting on any advice.

    29. Sir, I want in the regular scheme in Aug and Sept 2017 after that from Oct 2017 changed to composition scheme. Now kindly Help For Annual Return what I Should file 9 of 9A.


    31. Sir, I am Composition Scheme dealer my turnover for quarterly is up to 300000 should I have to pay tax for the quarterly as my annual turnover is less than 20 lakhs.

    32. Sir, I am composition dealer and my turnover has been exceeding from 1 Crore and Now as on 11 Jan 2019. I am switching over to the composition to the regular dealer is it right?

      Because of i am understanding that the composition limit is 1.50 Crore it is decided as on 23rd GST council meeting

      1. Sir,

        I am composition dealer and my turnover has been reached 1.40 Crore. still, we can continue with composition scheme? Or can we convert automatically into the regular GST scheme? and what is the process of change?

          1. Dear Sir

            I had already crossed the sales of 1.48 cr under the composition scheme. My first 2 quarter sales are 60 lacks and third quarter sales is 90 lacks. Then what is the actual effect of the tax rate for current return files?

            Can we paid 1 % on 90 lacks or pay regular on excess off 1 crore.

            Please reply.

            1. Till you are registered as composition dealer you have to pay tax as per composition rates i.e. 1%. As and when you cross Rs. 1 crore then opt-in as the regular dealer and then pay tax as per the regular scheme.

    33. Hello – I am a restaurant owner who is under composition scheme. As part of my sales, I sell MRP items also like Cold Drinks and Ice Creams At MRP. For procuring these, I am paying GST to my supplier (distributor). When filing for my GST, does my turnover include the sale of these MRP articles also or not?

      Secondly – At what stage does one need to transfer over to normal GST as one’s revenue approaches the threshold limit?

        1. But Sir my turnover reached up to 1.30 crore as on 10 Dec 18, and I am switched over composition to regular as on 11 Jan 18?


    35. Hi Sir,
      Can you help on this?

      I am a regular manufacturer with turnover of less than 75 lakhs per year paying 6% CGST and 6% SGST every month on the goods sold. I am selling my products to the local trader(within the state) who will purchase the product from me and sells to other states. Can I change for composition-scheme for this kind of situation where my buyer is in the local market and buyers sell to other states?

    36. Sir,
      We opted for composition scheme from Dec 2017. (From July to nov 17 it was Regular with quarterly option). Please clarifies the full.

      1. For Oct and nov 17 do we have to file GSTR1 in nov17? For oct 17 there is no option open for GSTR 1 but for nov 17 the option for GSTR 1 is open on the GSTN site(Dec 17 onwards we have switched to composition)
      2. We have not filled the ITC- 03 till date . Do we need to file stock details and pay input tax in ITC-03 as it is the middle of the year when we opted for composition?
      3. We have around 30000/- lying in ITC credit in GST. Will this amt get lapsed or can we offset this amt in ITC-03(in case we need to pay)
      Kindly clarify.

      1. (1) Yes, you have to file quarterly GSTR-1 in Nov 2017 even if you opted for composition

        (2) Yes, you have to file ITC-03 even in the middle

        (3) You don’t need to pay any amount in ITC-03. such amount will be lapsed

    37. Hello Sir,

      While Creating E Waybill I am trying to find an option 0.5% and 0.5% in e waybill website. Now in the new update, they made it drop down and there is no option of 1%! So what should we select to create a waybill with 1%?

      Did the government increase to sales to 1.5crores?

      Thanks in advance

        1. Hello, we are registered under composite tax form and cannot find a 1% tax rate. Now can you please tell me which website I need to login to create E waybill for composite tax?

    38. Hi,

      I am registered under the Composite scheme. In FY 17-18 I have intra state supplies from Jan’18. Please help how to go about them.

    39. Hi,

      I am Regular based Seller in Mumbai, I sold material to GOA who is actually Registered as Regular but I wrongly selected him as composition and filed both gstr3b and GSTR-1 as the composition for that party instead of regular. Now please advise what difference it will make? how to rectify it.?

      1. In GSTR-1 there is no such option to select dealer as regular or composition, if you have done an entry in B2B section by selecting GST No. then an entry is done only as regular. In GSTR-3B if an entry is done in composition then rectify it in next period return.

    40. Dear Sir,

      My client registered under Composition Scheme. now he gets Rental income yearly 2 Lacs from commercial property. As per the notification issued by Govt. 10% of turnover or 5 Lacs whichever is higher is eligible for composition scheme.

      My Querry is what rate of Tax applicable in case of Rental Income…??

    41. We are into database services and it is a Pvt Ltd. Company turn over is less than 60 Lakhs currently filing monthly returns would like to know if we can opt for composition scheme. Can we file our returns quarterly?

      1. Composition Scheme is not available for service provider except Restaurant or Caterers. You are into database services you cannot eligible for composition scheme. You have to follow Regular Procedures only.

    42. Dear Sir,

      I am selling food grains item exempted from GST but I am purchasing packing material[empty bags] for packing of food grains please advice me. Should I claim input tax of packing material?

      with thanks

    43. DEAR SIR,



    44. I am a retailer of medicines and my turn over is less than 50 lakhs/ year. unknowingly I opted for regular GST and filed the returns for July-17. My consultant who was not much familiar with the new system and computers discontinued his services my returns from Aug till date is pending now. And also I understood that the composite tax is more beneficial for me. Now April onwards I want to migrate to composite tax option. So what is the procedure for doing it? And what kind of services can be done below 5 lakhs limit under composite tax ?please reply

      1. You need to file CMP-02 for opting the composition scheme option, and you have to file the returns as per regular taxpayer until the month of filing CMP-02. All the services are covered under that limit.

    45. Sir, The CGST Act says that supplier of service other than the supplier of food articles is not eligible to register under composition scheme section 10(2). What does this actually mean?

    46. Q1. Mr A, a manufacturer is having a turnover of Rs. 60 lakhs in the financial year 2016-17. Can He avail the benefit of composite levy scheme under GST in the year 2017-18? How much is the tax required to be paid if the aggregate turnover in 2017-18 supposing Rs.45 lakhs?

      1. Yes, composition scheme can be availed by the person whose aggregate turnover in the preceding or current fiscal year does not exceed Rs. 1 crore. So in 2017-18 composition scheme can be availed. For this in case of traders tax at the rate of .5% of turnover to be paid in 2017-18.

    47. How to Opt for composition for FY 2018-19? At present registered as the regular taxpayer. From 1-4-18 want to convert to the composition. what is the procedure? How to provide stock details? suppose if the assessee does not maintain stock records how to fill form regarding stock?

      Thanking You

        1. Hi, If I have to switch composition scheme from regular taxpayer w.e.f 1st April 2018 when should I file form CMP 02 and where should the closing stock be declared and should the tax be paid? Can you please guide on the process/steps involved?

            1. Sir, I am a retailer selling shawls home furnishing etc. our turnover for the year 16-17 was around 40 lakhs. since we buy our stock from different parts of the country and my consultant was not sure if I can opt for composition scheme on 1st July 2017. so we opted for the regular taxpayer and paid taxes as the regular taxpayer from 1st July 2017 to 31st March 2018. I opted for composition scheme on the 131st march, 2018. I had purchased stocks during the year on which I had availed ITC of Rs 23000. I was trying to repay it but when we open the site and fill in the details, it does not accept the form with a message” this is not applicable to you”. how do we pay the ITC back to Govt?

      1. As per decisions are taken under GST council meeting, turnover threshold for composition scheme has been raised to 1.5 cr but the notification for application of that provision is not issued by CBEC yet, so till the time, any official notification will be released by dept. t/o threshold will be 1cr.

        1. Sir. A very personal request. Can anyone who is expert in this area like you are, contact CBEC either personally or through email and ask them for clarification on the notification and if not yet done, request them to notify it. Thousands, if not lakhs of businesses are dependent on it. We are not sure where to go and whom to ask about it as no one knows anything about it.

        2. My annual trade turnover is less than 50 lakhs. I also have rental income from commercial property. As the composition scheme dealer can have services allowed up to rs. 5 lakhs, Can I earn income through renting of commercial property?

    48. Hello sir. I just want to know, is the 1.5 Crore turnover limit raised is official now. I heard changes to GST amendments requires parliament approval, is it true. If yes then I have not heard parliament discussing it. Can GST counsel itself raise the limit and amend it. The reason I am saying is that I’m still not seeing any notifications for the limit raised.

      Also, the GST profile page does not allow us to click on the opt for the composite scheme – not clickable, but the form to opt the scheme is however accessible from the registration page. Any reason so.

      Our retail business turnover is above 1 crore but under 1.5 crore. We are worried whether the 1.5 crore limit officially raised yet.

    49. I am registered as a composition scheme dealer. I am a small business importing small quantities of gate motor from Italy. Can I opt for composition scheme? My turnover is just around 20 30 lakhs.

      Please advise.

    50. Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am Tax Consultant. One of my client doing Finance Service Business (Daily Interest, Monthly Interest, Vehicle Finance and so on). now he wants to apply GST. If Finance service taxable under GST then What is the SAC Code and how to calculate Taxable Turnover. Please Suggest me.

    51. I am a small trader who sells fruits, vegetables, milk etc which are exempt under GST along with other taxable items. I have registered under Composition Scheme, so how do I calculate the GST liability, as my everyday cash sale includes both Taxable and Non Taxable sales. Kindly guide the same.

    52. Hi,

      Can you please let me know the turnover limit for composition scheme and also the official notification?

    53. Dear sir,

      We are doing both Restaurant and Hotel Business with the same Pan number. I want to opt composition scheme for the restaurant business. So what is the procedure for the that as they are under the same pan and how to process the same, please help.

      Thanking you in advance

        1. Opted reign voluntary under composition but turnover is less than 20 lacs what will be the impact of tax liability

    54. Dear Sir,
      I have a retail firm with annual turnover is less than 20 lacs and I have registered under composition scheme of GST. If I only purchase the goods from other states(Manufacturers/Wholesale suppliers) and supply it to the customers only within the state, still do I need to pay 1% of tax amount on my sales every quarter when filing GST? Please guide me.

    55. Sir,
      I am a medical practitioner doing clinical service which is exempted service and I own a pharmacy where turnover is less than 1.5 crore. At present, I am under general scheme. Can I opt for composite scheme since I am doing exempted services?

      1. “Aggregate turnover” means the aggregate value of all taxable supplies (excluding the value of inward supplies on which tax is payable by a person on reverse charge basis), exempt supplies, exports of goods or services or both and inter-State supplies of persons having the same Permanent Account Number.

        Turnover of both exempted, as well as taxable services/goods, has to be taken into account for checking the eligibility for composition scheme.

    56. Hi sir,
      I know a company which opted for composition scheme from the beginning of the financial year and they converted to regular from October. but at the beginning of the year, the website didn’t show the GSTR 4 so, the auditor filled the returns on monthly basis itself they field GST-3b till September.Now when they want to do the GSTR-1 for this quarter I mean for the second quarter the website showing composition (GSTR-4)

      Now tell me what the auditor should do?whether they file on composition basis or on regular basis?

    57. Can the person who is registered under composition scheme and filling return for the quarter July – Sept convert into the regular dealer?

    58. Hi.. If our turnover is more than Rs. 1.5 crore in previous F. Y. i.e. 2016-17 but in current F.Y. 2017-18 our expected turnover will be less than 1.5 crores, in these conditions can we opt for composition scheme after latest amendments in GST.

    59. kindly let me know applicability of composite scheme in my case. I have a retail business of electronics in a single state and also govt. contractor under the same name and pan and GST.

      How can I avail composite scheme

      1. No, you cannot opt for composition scheme since works contract is a service. If your annual turnover is up to Rs. 5 lakhs in respect of the works contract service and aggregate annual turnover is up to Rs. 1.5 cr then you can opt for composition scheme.

    60. From which date the revised rate of 1% for manufacturers under composition scheme will be applicable? Whether from the start i.e. July or from the date of notification?

    61. Hi, Earlier I was registered as a regular taxpayer and filed Gstr 3b for July, later on, I applied for composition scheme on 29 Sep. 2017. Now how to file Gstr 4 for the quarter pertaining to July-Sep 2017. Please reply at the earliest.

        1. Hi, In the above case, what should be filed for Qtr – July to September? Because GSTR-4 can be filed only form Qtr – October onwards.

    62. Hi, I tried to apply for Composition scheme and GST website doesn’t allow me. It says the following

      “The last date to Opt-In for Composition Levy for 2017-18 was 30th Sep 2017. The window for opting in for composition levy for 2018-19 is planned in March 2018.”

      How can I apply it now? I would like to bring my firm under Composition scheme from November 2017. What to do now?

      1. The last date to opt for composition was 30th sept 2017 for the year 2016-17. The composition scheme cannot be opted for at the middle of the year. so you can opt for composition scheme from April 2018 only i.e. next financial year and not from nov 2017.

        1. So what about the latest notifications says increased the limit from 75L to 1Cr? How people will register if it’s not open?

    63. Hi sir. I was wrongly registered as regular and then changed to the composition in the same month July.. I paid the tax for the month of August (auditor said he paid in offline mode). Now it is automatically changed to regular. Am shocked. What to do now??

      1. I opted composition, but when I file the GST-4 on GSTN portal not accept and said your option is after the 16th day of August 2017. What can I do? please guide me

    64. I have GST under Composition Scheme. I sell the Products to Service Providers(i.e Restaurant). Now my question is what will happen if the buyer has normal GST? They will have to pay the GST for their service as well as the GST for what they bought from me? if so, no GSTN holder will buy anything from Composition Scheme GSTN holder.

      1. Buyer won’t get the input credit coz you are not issuing tax Invoice. Buyer is not liable to pay taxes on your purchases.

    65. Hi,

      I am a retailer having a physical shop in Karnataka, importing goods from China and getting some goods manufactured from suppliers in other states. I sell B2C primarily through the local shop as well as some via our own website to other people in India. Sometimes we take orders on the phone and dispatch the goods to customers in other states too after they pay via NEFT.

      Can I opt for GST composite scheme?

      Thank you.


    67. Hi, I am small car accessories retailer & sell product on my own website having turnover 25 lac, Most of the orders come from other states & I purchase items from local manufacturers.Since govt implements GST of 28%, we are suffering the most, We had to pay Rs.55000/month GST. Just imagine how difficult for a small business like us will pay such high amount of tax, How can a small business survive in front of big players like Amazon & Flipkart & expand their business in future. Seriously Govt destroying small businesses like us, I request you please raise this issue & suggest whether we opt GST composition scheme or any other solution.

    68. Sir, I have yesterday option for composition scheme now I have filled my form but I don’t see any change on dashboard but also I filled my GSTR-3B and GSTR-1 on date now I transfer my self for composition scheme but no change on dashboard.

      Please Help

    69. I am pharma franchise dealer..Can i apply for composition levy..If i want to sale my goods to composition levy retailer…Can i sale those who are composite dealer…Please reply..Regards

    70. I am in Composite Scheme … can I import materials from other states without waybill … The Invoice shall not cross Rs.50000/- … Please help …

    71. Dear Sir,

      i was vat composition taxpayer in existing law, i could not optin composition scheme by mistake so i have created new registration under composition on the same PAN. now i have 2 provisional id regular/composition. i want to cont with composition taxpayer only, should i file regular return as a NIL till the cancellation option not available or i will wait with no action for cancellation option of the same. please tell what i do…

      1. If you have obtained new registration as a composite taxpayer under the GST and have not opted for migration till now then you have to continue with the new registration only since date of opting for migration has already expired. Your old registration will be auto cancelled if not opted for migration.

      2. Dear sir,

        I have migrated successfully and its convert as a regular tax payer so I have applied for new registration (in composition) via migration process. now I have 2 provisional id regular/composition.

        Q.1 should I submit regular return in NIL for 1 of my migrated regular provisional id till the cancellation option NA.

        Q.2 I do not file any return of the same and wait for cancellation option.

        Q.3 As I said two firm migrated with same PAN regular/composition, so I want to continue with composition provisional id only so what I do in
        that case.


      3. The window to opt for composition scheme for this financial year was 16th Aug 2017; going forward, one has to opt at the beginning of the year; I wonder if you have been allotted a new separate provisional GSTN in REG 25; you may have only received an ARN. Please confirm status to enable me to answer.

        1. Dear Sir,

          One of my migration certificate generate in REG 25 as a regular tax payer and the second one of the same generate in REG 06 as a composition taxpayer (with the same method of migration).

          1. my query for the REG 25, that I was exiting composition tax payer could not opt in the composition scheme so I have created another GSTIN number as a composition dealer i.e. 2ZO

          2. Should I submit REG 25 Regular Return or i have to wait for cancellation/surrender option.

          3. What i do for REG 25 REGULAR or REG 06 COMPOSITION for the same firm/place/pan/business because i am existing composition taxpayer.
          please reply

    72. Sir, we registered in vat as regular and now we opt composition scheme in GST , we have utilise all cenvet but some stock approx. Rs. 70000/- are laying with me (@ VAT 5% ). How we return the utilize input on laying stock.

      Adarash Stores Bhatni.
      Uttar Pradesh

    73. i have missed the date (16 Aug 2017) to opt for Composition levy tax.. what can i do to opt for composition scheme ? is there a way to opt? i had thought that during migration from VAT to GST, all the characteristics will be taken in GST scheme.. but i never knew about the opting procedure.. please help me out..

    74. My consultant forget to put me into composition and the last for applying composition is over on 16th august so kindly let me know what to do And like me there are so many people those who some problems and didn’t apply the comp. On given so it is to request to kindly extend the date up to 30th August.

    75. i want to register my firm in composition scheme, but due date for filling is over. now what can i do to register my firm in composition scheme.

    76. Sir, i have wrongly migrated GST under composition scheme by filing comp-1. How can i cancel the composition scheme and get regular GST scheme?

    77. By mistake my consultant didn’t opt for composition scheme at the time of registration. Is it possible for me to opt for composition scheme now? If yes how?

      1. Every registered person under GST and opts to pay taxes under Composition Scheme, must follow
        the following:

        a) Intimation in FORM GST CMP- 02 for exercise option

        b) Statement in FORM GST ITC- 3 for details of ITC relating to inputs lying in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods within 60 days of commencement of the relevant financial year

    78. sir, i want to take a new registration and do application around 12.08.2017 under composition scheme then what is the last date of registration. can i do registration under composition scheme.

          1. sir i m doing a new registration of GST under composition scheme of propriotery concern then is it mandatory to take DSC for GST registration or can i do registration from aadhar card.

            1. sir, what is provision of penalty levied by mining engineer department and paid by company for overloaded vehicle this is govt.department and has charged a penalty.is there any RCM liabity of GST by company.

            2. sir i m doing a new registration of GST under composition scheme of propriotery concern then is it mandatory to take DSC for GST registration or can i do registration from aadhar card.

    79. Sir have made 4 invoices and collected tax @18 % under regular system in month of july. Can I opt for composite scheme from august onwards.

    80. Hello,
      We own a Footwear showroom in Lucknow, and get supplies from outside UP(Registered Dealer) but we sell only in Lucknow, our annual turnover doesn’t come close to 75 lakhs.

      So can we opt for GST composite scheme?
      If yes, then does it mean we will have to file returns quarterly?
      And what would be tax rate applicable to us?

      Please reply.

    81. Hi
      I sell products b2c. But I have stock from before 30 June, which is supplied from other state. Can I ask for composite scheme.

      If no what’s the solution for it.

    82. Sir I am a retailer and I have a previous stock of 10 lakhs which is a local purchase can I opt for composition scheme.

    83. Mai Ek Contractor hun And Maine Tile Ki Manfu. FActory Bhi Lagai Hai
      Main Galti Say composition scheme ley le hai . Muhje Pta laga Hai K Contractor composition Scheme Mai Nahi aate. Ish Liye Muhje Compositions Scheme Cancell Karni hai , Kaise Ho gi

    84. i am a registered dealer of gst and i want to registered to composition scheme how do it. help me.

      1. Every registered person under GST and opts to pay taxes under Composition Scheme, must follow the following:

        • a) Intimation in FORM GST CMP- 02 for exercise option
        • b) Statement in FORM GST ITC- 3 for details of ITC relating to inputs lying in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished
        • or finished goods within 60 days of commencement of the relevant financial year
      2. dear sir,
        i am going to open a proprietorship business, will sale my goods to other sates too, as i assumed that my business should have a turn over less than 75 lacs this year then should i go for a composition scheme or normal GST registration ? please suggest

      3. Sir how to make bill of supply under composition scheme. Is the amount of tax included in actual amount or it is show seperatly?

        1. Bill of supply is issued in case of non taxable supplies or supply of exempted goods/ services. Bill of supply shall include value of supply of goods or services or both taking into account discount or abatement. No tax amount has to be shown separately.

            1. Every registered person under GST and opts to pay taxes under Composition Scheme, must follow the following:

              • a) Intimation in FORM GST CMP- 02 for exercise option
              • b) Statement in FORM GST ITC- 3 for details of ITC relating to inputs lying in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished
              • or finished goods within 60 days of commencement of the relevant financial year
              1. Every registered person under GST and opts to pay taxes under Composition Scheme, must follow the following:

                • a) Intimation in FORM GST CMP- 02 for exercise option
                • b) Statement in FORM GST ITC- 3 for details of ITC relating to inputs lying in stock, inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods within 60 days of commencement of the relevant financial year
        1. I am a small trader (proprietorship) and also have some residential rental income (which is exempt from GST). The GSTIN for my trading business has the same PAN number which I use to file my personal income tax return (which includes income from trading business as well as rental income). Am I eligible to register my trading business under GST Composition Scheme?

        2. If the annual turnover is 15 – 16 lakh and if opt for composition scheme then how much tax must I pay on the turnover ???

        3. Dear Sir,

          Our company sold the product on the basis of C’ Form and it is to be retrieved from the customers from years. How can we approach them or what kind of information we have to give them to retrieve the pending C’forms from the customers.

        4. It’s wrongly mentioned for eligibility that Taxpayers exceeding Rs ,50 lakhs per year must register for composite scheme
          It should be “must not register for composite scheme”

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