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Simple Way to Correct Critical Errors in TDS Challan

Steps to Correct TDS Challan Errors

If a taxpayer has made an unintentional mistake while paying tax, there is a way to fix the challan details which have already been generated with the inaccurate data. It is very important because, In the presence of such errors, the taxpayers will not be able to get the tax credit. Before knowing the process of rectifying all the mistakes we should first know about the types of mistakes.

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    Major Mistakes People Make in TDS Challan

    • TAN Number
    • Assessment Year
    • Major Head code
    • Minor Head Code
    • Nature of Payment
    • Total Amount
    • Name

    Procedure to Rectify the Mistake in TDS Challan

    TAN Number: If the taxpayer has deposited the tax in any other TAN then he is not able to rectify the challan. There are two modes available for correction which are mentioned below:-

    S.noTax Deposit MethodAuthority to Correct
    1Online challan Deposit (e -payment)Involved Assessing Officer (AO)
    2Physical challan deposit in the bankBank-If rectification request is received within 7 days from challan deposit
    After 7 days – Concerned Assessing Officer (AO)

    Steps to Submit an Application to the Concerned Assessing Officer for TAN correction:

    • In case the challan is paid via online mode, the taxpayer can approach their respective Assessing Officer of the I-T Department.
    • Write an application to the concerned Assessing Officer on the taxpayer’s letterhead for correction of TAN number in the challan submitted.
    • Document required to attach with the application
      • No objection Certificate (NOC)
      • Affidavit
      • Tan Number Certificate
      • Copy of challan
      • Id proof of the taxpayer
    • Then submit the application with all required documents to the concerned Assessing Officer of the I-T Department.

    Read Also: Easy Process to Verify Bulk PAN & TAN on New Tax Portal with FAQs

    Steps to Request Bank for TAN Correction:

    • The taxpayer has to submit a request form to their respective bank.
    • This request must be made within 7 days of Challan’s submission.
    • Bank will reject any rectification request submitted by the taxpayer after the time limit specified above.
    • Attach a copy of the original challan.
    • If there is more than one challan, a separate request form has to be submitted for each challan.
    • If the taxpayer is other than an individual then the authorization letter of the authorized person should be enclosed with a seal.
    • The form for correction in the TDS challan will be provided by your respective bank.

    Assessment Year, Major Head, Minor Head, Nature of Payment

    If the taxpayer selects the wrong assessment year, major head, minor head, nature of payment while depositing tax, he/she will also be able to make corrections through the TRACES portal. Please follow the steps given below to make corrections in the challan.

    • Visit the website https://www.tdscpc.gov.in/
    • Login TRACES id
    • After logging in, click on the Statement/Payments tab and select Request for OLTAS Challan Correction, and proceed.
    • After proceeding you have to enter the challan details for which OLTAS correction is to be submitted.
    • Challan Detail must Cover –
      • BSR Code
      • Date of Deposit
      • Challan Serial Number
      • Challan Amount
    • Fill in the required details of the challan and proceed.
    • From tabs select the type of correction and make the required modification with drop-down and then click on submit button.
    • Now, you will gain a request number to track the status of the correction submitted.
    • Your correction requests will be processed in a day.

    Total Amount and Name

    If the total amount or name on the challan has been entered incorrectly by the bank at the time of submission of the challan, the bank can rectify the same within 7 days at the request of the taxpayer. It is only possible in the case of a physical challan submission.

    Recommended: Easy to Correct 4 Types of Mistakes Via Gen TDS Software

    Extra But Important to know

    • No objection certificate (NOC) has to be brought from the TAN holder in which the taxpayer has deposited the wrong tax by mistake.
    • Minor Head: If a taxpayer is:
      • A Company= 0020
      • A Non-Company= 0021
    • Major Head:
      • 200= TDS/TCS Payable by Taxpayer
      • 400=TDS/TCS Regular Assessment
    • Minor Head is related to the taxpayer, whereas the major head is related to the type of payment.

    Disclaimer:- "All the information given is from credible and authentic resources and has been published after moderation. Any change in detail or information other than fact must be considered a human error. The blog we write is to provide updated information. You can raise any query on matters related to blog content. Also, note that we don’t provide any type of consultancy so we are sorry for being unable to reply to consultancy queries. Also, we do mention that our replies are solely on a practical basis and we advise you to cross verify with professional authorities for a fact check."

    Published by Sourabh Kumar (Ex-Employee)
    Sourabh Kumar is Tech Influencer who wants to explore new fields, Documents and represent his gained knowledge to the world. He is having a vast experience in writing content in Technology, Social Issues, and the education field. Interest in learning new things and sharing observations and knowledge brings him to SAG Infotech as Content Writer. View more posts

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    19 thoughts on "Simple Way to Correct Critical Errors in TDS Challan"

    1. Hello Sir/ Madam,
      I am an accountant at a Partnersip Firm. While making payment of TDS for April 2024 I put wrong TAN i two challans (rest I put correct TAN). I tried contacting the company whose tan I put but no ressponse.
      Can I submit the apprication to AO with A letter?
      Buit my worry is , can I send the letter with digital sign on it because if I tell my boss that I put wrong TAN then I might loose my job or I might have to pay myself. pls reply to my mai id ( the amount is Rs. 20591/-.Pls help me.

    2. I have selected wrong payment and deduction date which resulted in wrong assement year. Its more than 30 days and now I have filled correction request via TRACE. It is showing pending with AO, do i need to submit the acknowledgement physically to AO ?

    3. How do i update online challan payment and make extra payment for 26qb
      Had wrongly calculated the amount on tds to be deduced and made payment. Now have calaculated the right amount , have made changes on traces through request correction but how do i update my original challan and make payment

    4. Hello Sir,
      AO requested me to submit Affidavit to state the facts about how payment wrongly on TAN instead of PAN. Could you please provide sample format what content to provide on Affidavit?

    5. I filled 26qb with 0020 as major head and same in challan and submitted form 16b to builder. Now have to make some corrections in 26qb and it asks to change major head to 0021. Is this okay to do or will there be issue? I filled challan 30 days ago

      1. There is no need to change the Section of TDS now. Any challan paid, in any section having ITNS:. 281 i.e. TDS/TCS challan can be used in any return Form-24Q, Form-26Q, Form-27Q or Form-27EQ.

    6. TDS challan had been paid and payment authorization completed and amount was also debited from bank account on 15-5-2023. Still the status of the challan is awaiting bank confirmation in IT e filing site. what is a solution?

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