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MCA Form 21A Filing Guide, Due Date with Instruction Kit

All About E-Form 21A

The details which are to be mentioned in the e-form must be updated within the date of AGM. Towards the concern of AGM if it is not executed or AGM is performed post to the last date of the AGM engaging the extension of the mentioned time then the details are to be furnished up to the last date of the AGM or the last date of the AGM post to the extension according to the prescribed case.

Post to the filing of the MCA 21A form tap on the pre scrutiny button to pre scrutinize the eForm. But if the form does not get pre scrutinized and when you go to upload the e-form then it will not accept your form.

Via electronic mode, this form MCA 21A will come on record excluding any processing in the Registrar of Companies office. You must note that all the credentials in the e-form are true according to the records. There is no rule towards which e-form gets submitted again.

Towards the same MCA E-Form 21A, there will be no attachment that can be furnished via addendum services.

Note: the guidelines are not mentioned towards the fields that are easy to understand
Check out the concerned provisions related to the companies act 1956 and provisions attached to the mentioned points in this e-form

MCA Form 21A Filing Process


  • Enter the Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the organization.
    • You can discover the CIN by entering the existing registration number of the company in the ‘Find CIN/GLN’ service on the portal (www.mca.gov.in)


  • Click the “Pre-fill” button.
  • The name and the number of the members of the organization shall get automatically shown by the system.
  • Input registered office of the companies address.
  • Email id of the company shall automatically show by the system. If there is any revision in the email id then input the amended/latest email id.
  • If available then input the address of the website.
MCA Form 21A Format

Step 3:

  • Enter the AGM date or AGM dues or AGM extension date in the correct way. The same will get analyzed within the other Annual filing forms and could impact their furnishing. It can be explained via a mentioned example.
    • Case I: Form 21A was previously Prescrutinised & Form 23AC was prescrutinised Mention is the dates that are inserted in the pre scrutinised Form 21A
      • Financial Year- 31.03.2008
      • The actual date of AGM- 31.10.2008
      • Due date of AGM- 30.09.2008
      • You must specify that the real date for AGM inserted in form 23AC 31st Nov 08 is distinct from the date inserted in the previous prescrutinised Form 21A (31.10.2008). during the time of the verification form, the following message will show the: If you pre scrutinise Form 23AC with the following dates:
      • Financial Year- 31.03.2008
      • Actual date of AGM- 31.11.08
      • Due date of AGM- 30.09.2008
      • You must remember that the original date of AGM inserted in form 23AC dated 31st Nov 08 is district from the date written in previous prescrutinised Form 21A (31.10.2008). During the time of verifying the form, the mentioned message shall be shown.
      • “Please ensure that the AGM date/ AGM due date/ AGM extension date entered in the annual filing forms (i.e. 20B, 23AC, 21A, 66) are the same for the respective financial year. In case of discrepancy, the pre scrutiny of other Annual Filing Forms will be impacted and you may be required to pre scrutinize those forms Again”.
      • If you proceed and pre scrutinize Form 23AC the pre scrutiny of Form 21A will get eliminated as it consists of the AGM date i.e distinct from the AGM date inserted in them which gets prescrutinised.
      • You need to pre scrutinize Form 21A again with the real date as given in Form 23AC towards the same fiscal year.
    • Case II: Form 21A previously uploaded & Form 23AC is being uploaded If towards the case you have previously uploaded pre-scrutinised Form 21A within the mentioned dates:
      • Financial Year- 31.03.2008
      • Actual date of AGM- 31.10.2008
      • Due date of AGM- 30.09.2008
      • In the duration of uploading already pre-scrutinised Form 23AC with the mentioned dates:
        • Financial Year- 31.03.2008
        • Actual date of AGM- 31.11.2008
        • Due date of AGM- 30.09.2008
      • The system displays the discrepancy within the message that the AGM date or due AGM date or prolonged AGM date furnished in form is varied from which was furnished before the uploaded yearly filing form. You must execute an amended filing for that so as to furnish the form. Thus in this concern, you need to first implement the amended filing of Form 21A along with the real date which is inserted in Form 23AC.

Step 4:

  • Since the beginning of the company the people who are engaged in it enter them in the form of numbers.
  • Insert the number of people who come to an end to be members of the organization since its start. This must be lower with respect to the number of people who become members of the company as when the company started.
  • Enter the number of members as on the AGM date or the newest due date. It must be relevant to the number of people who become the members as to when the company has started less: number of people who have blocked the members since when the company got started.
  • Insert the number of members present at the AGM or the due date without including the employees and the past employees, it must not be bigger than the sum of the members as per the date of AGM or latest last date and must not be more than 50 towards the case of the private firm.

Step 5:

  • As per the date of AGM or the newest last date mentioned is the Details of director(s), Managing Director, manager, and secretary Insert the number of director(s), Managing Director, manager and Secretary as per the AGM or the newest last date.
  • Information of the 2 directors towards the case of the private firm excluding the producer company, three directors in case of a public company (other than producer company and five directors in case of the producer company (part IXA) required to get inserted.
  • Upon the grounds of the number inserted, blocks of fields will be shown to enter the information. Information of max 20 people could get inserted in form and if more than it can be given as an optional attachment to the eForm (refer to format below). Items are to be inserted towards the case the date of AGM or most advanced last date is on or post to 1/07/2007. Towards the case that if the date of AGM is before 1/07/2007, then the information is to be furnished as an optional attachment to the eForm (given format here).
  • Insert the Director Identification Number (DIN)/ PAN and tap on the prefill button. The system will show the name, designation, and date of appointment as on the date of AGM.
  • It is to be verified that the individual whose DIN or PAN is inserted is linked within the firm as on the AGM date. Towards this case, if the information does not exist inside the system then the DIN or PAN of such individuals will not be permitted to get written. Upon these cases, the company will require to make sure that Form DIN-3 or Form 32, under the mentioned case has been furnished towards that individual.

Step 6: Particular of the total amounts of indebtedness on the company.

MCA Form 21A AGM Details

Step 7:

  • Information of director(s), Managing Director, manager, and secretary who halted to get connected within the firm since the date of the last AGM.
  • Insert the number of director(s), Managing Director, manager, and secretary who is no more connected to the firm since the date of the last AGM.
  • Upon the grounds of the number inserted, blocks of fields will get shown for Inserting the information. The information of the maximum of eight (8) persons can be Entered in the form and the others if left can be furnished as an optional attachment to the e-form as per the given format. The information is to get inserted towards the case of the AGM date or the updated due date is on or post to 1/07/2007. Towards the case of the date of AGM is prior to 1/07/2007 the information is to be given as an optional attachment to the e-form as per the format mentioned below.
  • Insert the DIN/ PAN and tap on prefill button. The system will show the name, designation, and date of appointment as on the date of AGM.
  • It will verify that the individual whose DIN or PAN is inserted gets linked within the company as on the date of AGM. Towards the concern the information does not exist for the system, DIN/PAN for that individual will not get permitted to be entered. Towards these cases, the company will require to make sure that the Form DIN-3 or Form 32 towards the case that is been furnished towards that individual.
MCA Form 21A Details of Director

Step 8:

  • Information of director(s), Managing Director, manager, and secretary who Terminated to be linked among the firm since the date of the last AGM.
  • Insert the number of director(s), Managing Director, manager and secretary who halted to be connected within the firm since the date of last AGM.
  • Upon the number entered, blocks of the fields will be shown to enter the information. The information of a maximum of eight (8) individuals could be inserted in the form and the left, if there is any could be mentioned as an optioned attachment to the e-form as per the format. The information is to be inserted towards the case the date of AGM or the fresh due date is on or post 1/07/2007. Towards the concern the date of AGM is before 01.07.2007, the information is to be rendered as an optional attachment to the eForm (refer format below).
  • Insert the DIN or PAN and tap the prefill button. The system will show the name of the individual in the case of DIN. Towards the PAN, the name of the individual is needed to get inserted. Insert the designation, date of appointment, and date of cessation. The date of appointment along with the date of suspension will not be more than the date of AGM or the newest last date. The date of suspension must be greater than the date of appointment.
  • Towards the case DIN or income tax PAN inserted in the regenerated blocks gets replicated then the last date of suspension inserted towards the corresponding blocks must not be similar.
MCA AGM 21A Details of MD


  • The information of the credentials of the sum of the indebtedness of the firm as of the date of AGM.
  • The information of the previous and the current members under the format provided below is not needed if the firm holds the license beneath section 25 of the companies act and gets privileged from practicing the word limit as the last word of its name. As described under the mentioned format.
  • Additional details can be furnished as an optional attachment to the e-form.

Verification: Insert the serial number and date of board resolution empowering
the signatory to sign and furnish to the eForm.

MCA 21A Attachments

Digital Signature: The e-form must be digitally signed via min of 2 people such as manager, secretary or Managing Director and one director of the company.
When there is no manager, secretary, or Managing Director in the firm then, through the two directors of the company. Signatories must be appropriately approved throughout the board of directors.


  • Choose the designation of the individual digitally signing the eForm.
  • Insert the DIN towards the case that the individual digitally signing the eForm is a director or managing director.
  • Insert the income-tax PAN towards the case when the individual signs the eForm as a Manager.
  • Insert the membership number or income-tax PAN towards the case when the individual digitally signs the eForm as a secretary.


  • The e-form must be accredited through the CA who practices a whole time or cost accountant as a whole-time practice or company secretary as a whole-time practice via digitally signing the eForm.
  • Choose the related class in the professional and of he or she is connected to it.
  • Towards the concern that the professional is a CA under whole-time practice or cost accountant under whole-time practice, insert the membership number. For the concern that a practicing professional is a company secretary under whole-time practice, insert the certificate of practice number.

Pre-scrutiny: Post to check of the form is successful and is needed the credentials poses attached pre-scrutinize the eForm. It is an essential step.

MCA E-Form 21A Instruction Kit

Pre Fill:

  • When you tap the pre-fill button post to enter the corporate identity number inside the eform then the name will be shown via the system.
  • More than once this button will get be prompt in the e-form and will be needed to get tapped to display the information specific to that field.
  • You are needed to get associated with the internet towards pre-filling.

Attach: Tap on the attach button respective to the document you want to attach. Towards the concern, if you want to attach any additional document then tap on the optional attachment button.

Remove Attachment: You are enabled to see the attachments added to eform inside the rectangle box mentioned subsequent to the list of attachments. If you urge to eliminate or delete any kind of attachment then choose the attachment to get removed and tap on the “Remove attachment” button.

Check Form: Once the eform gets furnished tap on the check form button towards the form level validation for instance to find out that if all the essential fields have been furnished or not. If the error is shown then improve the flaws and tap the check form button again. When the form level validation gets finished the message prompt will be “Form level pre scrutiny is successful”. The form-level validation or check form is executed then without being associated with the internet.

Modify: The modify button will be enabled post to check form gets furnished. By tapping this button, one can perform the changes in the filled eform. The digital signatures if already attached will get eliminated. Once you have amended the filled eform tap again on the check form button.


  • The pre scrutiny button is enabled when the form gets examined.
  • One is needed to get linked to the internet towards the pre scrutiny.
  • On pre-scrutiny, the system level check gets optimized and if there are any flaws then this can be shown to the user.
  • Post to rectifying the pre-scrutiny errors attach the digital signature upon the same e-form inside the signature field.

Upload e-Form: When the e-form is pre scrutinized, furnished, and signed, it is all set to upload on the MCA21 portal. Login to the MCA21 portal via user ID along with the password to upload the e-form.

Disclaimer:- "All the information given is from credible and authentic resources and has been published after moderation. Any change in detail or information other than fact must be considered a human error. The blog we write is to provide updated information. You can raise any query on matters related to blog content. Also, note that we don’t provide any type of consultancy so we are sorry for being unable to reply to consultancy queries. Also, we do mention that our replies are solely on a practical basis and we advise you to cross verify with professional authorities for a fact check."

Published by CS Palak Gupta (Ex-employee)
My name is Palak Gupta, and I work in the field of corporate compliance and governance. This means that I help companies follow all the rules and regulations that are required by law. I'm always looking for opportunities to use my knowledge and experience to help companies stay on the right track. I'm excited to explore new possibilities and work with a dynamic team! View more posts

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