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GST India: A Helpful Guide for Consumers, B2B and B2C

GST India Guide for B2B and B2C

GST (Goods and services tax) is a major tax reform implemented in India on 1st July 2017 across all the states. The new tax scheme has subsumed around 17 indirect taxes of both central and state levels. It is said that the goods and services tax will end the currently prevailing cascading effects of taxation which was one of the main reasons for unnecessary inflation.

The GST is a dual structure tax scheme that will be applicable in the terms of central and state wise. The purpose is to keep both state and central monetary independent. Also, the GST will make a unified market eliminating all the variable taxation in the country. The goods and service tax will be managed and the decisions will be announced by the dedicated GST Council which is also the apex authority to make decisions regarding all the matters of GST. 

Latest Update in B2B & B2C

12th January 2021

5th October 2020

The GST is Divided Further into Three Categories:

Read Also: Complete Details on SGST, IGST, CGST with Input Tax Credit Adjustment

What According to GST is a Taxable Entity?

Select the GST Category for Which You want to Find the Solution

GST Solution for a Consumer

A consumer is the first person in a row to get affected by the newly implemented goods and services tax. As a destination-based tax scheme, the ultimate tax weight will be borne by the consumer itself which means, all the value chain individuals i.e. dealers, traders, and wholesalers will be only passing the tax towards an upcoming purchase with no value addition.

The goods and services tax will then also require certain awareness from the consumers as in various cases, the traders with no GST background charge CGST and SGST on their own.

Some of the important aspects of a Consumer after GST:

A Consumer must be aware of the basic step which has to be taken while having a deal with the trader. It is very much needed to check a trader is registered or not with the GST. It will validate the taxes charged by him and will ensure that the taxes paid by the Consumer must go into decided pockets.

It is also to be noted that the recent government announced that a service charge applied by certain restaurants is completely illegal and it is only upon the customer to pay it or not. So, a common man should also be aware of his rights and can say no to extra charges.

GST Solution for B2B (Manufacturer and Wholesaler )

Goods and service tax in the business-to-business scenario has created a lot of issues in the recent time period. Many of the industries and sectors were affected on a large scale and the production was hit badly upon the arrival of GST.

The GST Council and the government equally tried to increase the compliance upon the loose operating industries in order to get them in line with the latest market trends. Numerous strategies were taken on account of the implementation of GST with plans and policies changes for the time being.

Almost every business took some stand in front of GST and on the basis of it, there are views and articles which can be a reference from the mentioned list:

What is the Importance of GST Identification Number?

Each and every tax-paying entity will be assigned a unique Goods and Services Tax identification number. The assigned number will hold importance in each transaction carried out by the business unit.

So, in order to validate the transactions, the taxpayers will be allowed this unique 15 digit Goods and Services Tax identification number. And to obtain this unique identification number, the taxpaying entity must have a PAN card for the attachment. It is suggested that one should obtain the PAN card before applying for registration and if it has any mismatch in the PAN card or Aadhar card, it is said to fix these issues as soon as possible.

The GST Council also proposed a compliance rating feature based upon the tax filing habits of taxpayers. The individual taxpayers will be rated according to the previous transactions regularly to check if the individual submitted the tax file returns and with minimum or no reconciliation. The merit basis refund claim is said to be based on the rating, for example, a rating of 9 will be eligible for a 90 percent instant refund.

Goods and Services Tax for B2C (Retailers)

Goods and service tax is a complex and elongated tax scheme that is held for greater technical feasibility across the nation. The consumers of the country are well inhibited with consumerism and have a long-term relationship with the business entities providing stable goods and services to the general public on a healthy platform.

GST upon its arrival started making this platform and chain more partial and accurate with its open system of transaction. More and more compliance induced into the operation of business made a direct effect on the consumer habits in the market.

There are various effects and impacts on the overall consumer community in India which can be understood by the mentioned links.

What According to GST is a Taxable Entity?

Some of the important aspects to be taken care of B2C structure:

Important GST Articles for B2B and B2C

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