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Major Queries of New MCA V3 Portal with Solution for Stakeholders

MCA V3 Portal FAQs for Stakeholders

V3 Portal FAQs have been issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). In the V2 portal, various forms relating to companies and LLPs are filed. The V2 portal is Version 2 of the MCA portal.

MCA has moved LLP Services onto the MCA portal V3 and discontinued LLP services on the V2 portal. An MCA replaces the existing Version 2 portal with Version 3 by upgrading the present version.

Forms for LLPs have been migrated to portal version 3 of the portal, but some forms for companies remain in Version 2. The migration was phased to enable a seamless transition. V2 and V3 are both functional now.

What is the MCA V3 Portal?

MCA is the process of upgrading the current version of the portal from version 2 to version 3. It is the improved version of the MCA V2 portal and is currently live for the LLPs as of the FAQ date.

The V3 portal now enables the following for LLPs

  • Login & user Registration
  • DSC Association
  • LLP Form Filing

The mentioned services on the V3 portal were gets started on the date 8th March 2022.

Who is Said to be the Enrolled User in MCA Portal V3?

Enrolled users can include any person. There would be no amendment in the naming or position of the enrolled user between V2 and MCA portal V3.

When Would the Organizations Form Migrated to MCA Portal V3?

On the date of 8th March 2022, LLP forms were migrated. By notification dated 19th January 2023 some of the company forms were migrated.

Who is a Business User in New MCA V3 Portal?

A business user would be any of the mentioned and they would access and furnish all the forms. There is no amendment in the naming or position of the business user between V2 and V3. the related category might be chosen

  • Company/LLP
  • Director/Designated Partner
  • Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative
  • Officer in Default
  • Professional

But, the “Professional User” in V3 was before termed as “Practicing Professional” in the V2 portal

What are the Major Differences Between MCA V2 & V3 Portal?

In version 2, the forms are needed to be furnished and uploaded to the portal while in MCA portal V3 the forms are to be furnished online. It makes the user convenient along with the power to secure the half-filled form and furnish it in the future.

Moreover, in version 2, there was only a My workspace which holds the list of notices from MCA and circulars provided by them. In version 3, there is a personalized “My Application” component that permits an individual to see all the forms filed by them to date including the status of the forms like pending for DSC upload, beneath processing, pay fees, resubmission, and others.

When the user logs in to new portal V3 then the login is from the email id while in V2 it can be done through the user id.

When the business user logs in to the MCA system then the OTP would be sent on your mobile as well as email address to ensure the authenticity of the user. There would be no distinction in linking DSC between V2 and portal V3.

Till What Time Duration Do I Login to the MCA V3 Portal for LLP Filing?

To log in one needs to tap on the sign-in or sign-up options present on the top right corner of the home page as mentioned in the screenshot below:

Towards company filing along with the additional company concerning services, tap on the “Login for Company Filing” button, and log in through the existing username and password.

Towards LLP filing along with the additional LLP concerning services tap on the “Login for LLP Filing” button and log in using your existing username and password.

What is the Method to Recover My Password?

To recover the LLP V3 portal password, please tap on sign in or sign up present on the MCA website home page and navigate to the login page.

Tap on the Forgot password link which is mentioned below the password field and comply with the procedure to recover your password.

Forgot password

To recover the V2 password, please tap on sign in or sign up present on the MCA website home page and navigate to the login page.

Recover Password

“Click on “Login for Company Filing. You will be redirected to the Company Filing login page. Please click on Forgot Password present below the password field to recover the password.”

What is the Enrollment Process If I Want to Enroll in MCA

Proceed to the Tab Sign in / Sign Up on the mca.gov.in site. There will be a button known as “Register” between the buttons for V3 Filing. The enrollment would be accomplished via tapping this button. This enrollment for a new user will enable you to furnish both Company (V2) and LLP forms (V3).

  • Tap on the Register button.
  • Tapping on enroll button would direct you to the enrollment page.
  • Opt for the user class and the user role as applicable.
  • Refer to the mentioned table given in the Registration FAQs.
  • Finish the enrollment procedure and login with your credentials.
  • You would obtain an email or SMS on the successful enrollment.

What Details Must Be Required to be Furnished for the Enrollment?

The mentioned would be required for enrollment based on the class of the user. Some needs are generic for all the classes, there are some specific information needs for the additional class and some are mentioned below:

  • E-Mail Id / Phone Number / Address are required for both Registered and Business Users).
  • PAN is mandatory for registered users but it gets prefilled in case of users
  • Company/LLP User – CIN /LLPIN /FLLPIN / FCRN
  • Director/Designated Partner – DIN / DPIN
  • Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative – General inputs only
  • Officer in Default – General inputs only
  • Professional – Professional Membership Number / Professional Institute

Could an Enrolled User Upgrade to a Business User?

Yes, an enrolled user can upgrade to a Business, one should not make a new business user. The mentioned are required to be performed to upgrade. Despite an enrolled user in V2 would upgrade to the business user in portal V3.

  • a. Sign in
  • b. Right Hand Corner will Display “Hello – Your Name”
    c. Click on the icon
  • d. Select Profile Update Page
  • e. Click on Add Role
  • f. Business User Role
    • a. Director/Designated Partner
    • b. Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative
    • c. Officer in Default
    • d. Professional

FAQs on MCA V2 and V3 Portal

Q.1 What is the V2 Portal of MCA?

V2 portal is version 2 of the MCA portal which was practiced to furnish several forms concerning the companies and LLPs. LLP services have been stopped on the V2 portal and have been moved to the V3 portal.

Q.2 Where should I file LLP forms and Company forms?

LLP and some of the company forms have been moved to V3 while some company forms are still in version 2 of the portal. This phased migration is performed to enable the swift transaction of the portal. Both MCA portal V2 and V3 are working seamlessly.

Q.3 Do I see a separate website for LLP forms?

No, the access to both versions could be seen in the Sign in / Sign up in the MCA portal- mca.gov.in

Q.4 Who is a User in MCA Portal V3?

A user could be an enrolled user or a business user.

Q.5 Do I required to re-register once again If I am an existing user?

No, if you are a current user in V2, then you are not required to enroll once again. The system would recognize the mail id that you provide as a duplicate id and not allow an enrollment again.

However, if you try to enroll with the new mail id which was not in V2, then you would be made a new user. These enrollments in V3 when already an existing user in V2 must be prevented.

Q.6 What time period the enrollment process takes?

After you have enrolled as a new user in MCA portal V3, you would start furnishing the LLP concerned forms. But to initiate furnishing the company forms, this will choose 4 to 5 hours for the User registration to be effected for V2 filings for Companies.

Q.7 I am a CA in Professional Role, can I also have a Director role- same user id?

Yes, an enrolled user in one class would sum any additional class like under the above question as one is a professional, the mentioned class would be added

  • a. Director/Designated Partner ( can add )
  • b. Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative ( can add )
  • c. Officer in Default( can add )

Q.8 My information has been amended. What is that method to update my profile on MCA Portal?

The information would be updated by going to the profile update section that can be accessed by tapping on the profile update link present beneath Hello, Username on the top right corner of the MCA portal. Not all the information in the profile would be amended. Only specific information would be amended. For instance, the mentioned would not be edited.

  • The email id of a Director / Partner of LLP
  • Mobile number of a Director / Partner of LLP
  • The address cannot be altered by Company / LLP user, Director/ Designated Partner

Q.9 What do you mean by associating the DSC?

This is the procedure through which the DSC or a unique signature is mapped to a user id. The same is needed as the forms are filled and submitted online instead of in a physical mode.

Q.10 What method is needed for associating the DSC?

Associating the DSC is executed in the mentioned below way. Towards the intention,

  • Go to gov. in
  • Log in to the portal as ( V3 )
  • Go to MCA Services
  • Go to FO Services
  • Go to Associate DSC

Q.11 What are the system specifications needed to associate DSC?

The mentioned below are needs to be ensured to be able to associate with the DSC:

  • One would associate the DSC only as a business user in V3. 
  • Login through the given credentials.
  • Go to MCA services-> FO LLP Services-> Associate DSC 
  • Download & run emBridge- 2nd option provided on the screen
  • The upgraded version of emBridge must be installed in the system of the user for DSC to work.
  • emBridge Client should be running in the background.
  • For Associate DSC Service – The DSC user is utilizing should comprise of Class 2 or higher Class. 
  • Revise the DSC password or PIN for the 1st time user on V3. 
  • In the token filed choose the ePass option via available dropdowns. 
  • Choose the information of the certificate via the drop-down and insert the DSC password. 
  • Tap on register
  • One would obtain the confirmation message on the portal. 

Q.12 Is affixing DSC obligatory for all forms?

DSC is obligatory only for those which is needed to be digitally signed. For instance, for RUN LLP there is no need to affix DSC.

Q.13 What is the method to enroll users to file a Filip form that needs DSC affixing?

An enrolled user would associate his DSC through the PAN via performing the mentioned filing of the Filip forms.

  • Login using your credentials
  • Go to MCA services-> FO LLP Services-> Associate DSC
  • Execute the identical phases as above

Q.14 What is the method to affix my DSC?

Affixing the DSC under the usual standard process./p>

  • Complete filling up the form;
  • Submit the form
  • SRN number would be generated and communicated through mail and SMS
  • SRN number along with the document would be available in My application
  • The form is indeed auto-download as a PDF inside your system.;
  • If the download is not done, the PDF would be downloaded from My application with respect to the SRN number “Download the PDF”
  • Open the PDF in adobe;
  • Affix the DSC under the normal process

Q.15 Where do I submit or upload the forms post to affixing the DSC?

Post to signing the document the user would be needed to upload the pdf document with the affixed DSC on the MCA portal with respect to SRN/p>

  • Go to My Application
  • Check for relevant SRN
  • Scroll right
  • Use the “Upload PDF” option
  • Directed to a page where you would upload the “DSC affixed PDF document”

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Published by CS Palak Gupta (Ex-employee)
My name is Palak Gupta, and I work in the field of corporate compliance and governance. This means that I help companies follow all the rules and regulations that are required by law. I'm always looking for opportunities to use my knowledge and experience to help companies stay on the right track. I'm excited to explore new possibilities and work with a dynamic team! View more posts

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