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GST Impact on Hotel and Tourism Industry After Rate Cut


The tourism industry has a clearly noticeable contribution to the Indian Economy, and the contribution will be higher in the near future. Hotels and restaurants are a major part of this industry and without them, the industry can’t survive. It provides employment opportunities to a large population and various micro, small and medium entrepreneurs are dependent on it. That’s why the Government can’t ignore the problems the industry is facing.

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    Before the introduction of the GST, the hotel & restaurant industry was facing problems due to a multiplicity of taxes which includes VAT, Service Tax, Luxury Tax, and even excise duties on the manufacture of pastries, etc. After the GST all these taxes have been summed into one tax. However, the GST also introduced some new problems.

    Hotels provide facilities for lodging or accommodation but also can include restaurant services, whereas restaurants offer cooked food and other facilities as per their reference. The rate structure for the hotel and restaurant industry went through various amendments in all these years after introducing GST Laws and below we are mentioning all these changes in GST Rates.

    In the 47th GST council meeting, the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman changed the GST rates on hotel rooms according to their tariff. Let us check out the revised GST rates on hotel room tariffs from now onwards:

    Transaction Value Per Unit (Rs) Per Day | GST

    Amendments made with the 47th GST Council Meeting held on 28th & 29th June 2022 and come into effect from 18-07-2022.

    Sl. No.Room RentGST Rate
    1INR 1 to Rs. 1,000/- per day12% GST from 18th July 2022
    2Rs. 1,001/- to Rs. 7500/- per day12% GST | Heading 9963
     (Accommodation,   food   and beverage services) – “(i) Supply of “hotel accommodation” having a value of supply of a unit of accommodation above one thousand rupees but less than or equal to seven thousand five hundred rupees per unit per day or equivalent.”
    3INR 7501 per day or more18%

    Amendments made with the 14th GST Council Meeting held on 18th & 19th May 2017 and come into effect from 01-07-2017.

    Sl. No.Room RentGST Rate
    1Rs. 0 to Rs. 1,000/- per dayExempt
    2Rs. 1,001/- to Rs. 2,499/- per day12% with full ITC
    3Rs. 2,500/- to Rs, 4,999/- per day18% with full ITC
    4Rs. 5,000/- and above per day28% with full ITC

    Amendment made through the 37th GST Council Meeting held on 20-09-2019 and came into effect from 01-10-2019.

    Sl. No.Room RentGST Rate
    1Rs. 0/- to Rs. 1,000/- per dayExempt
    2Rs. 1,001/- to Rs. 7,500/- per day12% with full ITC
    3Rs. 7,501/- and above per day18% with full ITC

    The GST rate on catering services other than premises has been done 5% without ITC from the accommodation of INR 7501 and is mandatory for all catering services.

    Restaurant Industry

    Amendment made through 14th GST Council Meeting held on 18th & 19th May 2017 and came into effect from 01-07-2017.

    Sl. No.Room RentGST Rate
    1Restaurants do not have facilities for air-conditioning or central heating at any time during the year12%
    2Restaurants having facility of air-conditioning or central heating at any time during the year18%
    4Other than above18%

    Amendments made through the 23rd GST Council Meetings held on 10-11-2017 come into effect from 15-11-2017.

    Sl. No.Room RentGST Rate
    1All stand-alone restaurants irrespective of air conditioned or otherwise5% GST without ITC
    2Food parcels (or takeaways)5% GST without ITC
    3Restaurants in hotel premises having room tariff of less than Rs 7500 per unit per day5% GST without ITC
    4Restaurants in hotel premises having room tariff of Rs 7500 and above per unit per day (even for a single room)18% GST with full ITC
    5Outdoor catering18% GST with full ITC

    The amendment proposed in the 37th GST Council Meeting dated 20-09-2019 came into action from 01-10-2019.

    Sl. No.Room RentGST Rate
    1Catering in premises with a daily tariff of unit of accommodation is Rs 7501 and above5% GST without ITC
    2Catering in premises with a daily tariff of a unit of accommodation is Rs 7501 and above18% with ITC
    3Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. or their licensees/ Indian Railways5% GST without ITC

    The final Applicable rate structure for restaurants is as follows:

    Sl. No.Room RentGST RateChapter/ Section/ Heading
    1All stand-alone restaurants irrespective of air-conditioned otherwise5% GST without ITC      Heading 9963(Accommodation, food and beverage services)
    2Food parcels (or takeaways)5% GST without ITC
    3Restaurants in hotel premises having room tariff of less than Rs 7500 per unit per day5% GST without ITC
    4Restaurants in hotel premises having room tariff of Rs 7500 and above per unit per day (even for a single room)18% GST with full ITC
    5Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. or their licensees / Indian Railways5% GST without ITC
    5Catering in premises with a daily tariff of unit of accommodation is Rs 7501 and above5% GST without ITC
    6Catering in premises with a daily tariff of a unit of accommodation is Rs 7501 and above18% with ITC

    Important Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Restaurant Services and What ‘Specified Premises’ Means, read more

    Has the tariff been declared relevant in determining the GST rate?

    Notification No. 13/2018-Central Tax (Rate) released on 26-07-2018 and come into effect from 27-07-2018 mentions that:

    “(b) in items (ii), (vi) and (viii),-(A) for the words “declared tariff” wherever they occur, the words “value of supply” shall be substituted;”

    Thus, with effect from 27-07-2018 GST on hotel room tariff will be determined on the basis of the value of supply means on the value actually charged in the invoice, not on the declared value.

    E-Commerce Operators

    E-commerce operators or online platforms such as Oyo, Swiggy, Zomato, etc., have become an important part of this industry. They play a huge role in the industry as well as in revenue. They bring orders and customers and in return, they charge a commission. These transactions can be understood as :

    • GST on hotel tariff or restaurant bill will normally be levied as per the prescribed rates discussed above.
    • GST will be 18% of the commission paid to e-commerce operators.
    • Here is an example of a Billing Procedure.

    Hotel Industry

    Sl. No.ParticularsAmount (Rs.)
    1Room Tariff Charges10,000.00
    2Discount 30% of 13,000.00
    3Net Bill Value (1-2)7,000.00
    4GST @ 12% on room tariff (5% of 3)840.00
    5Total Payable by Customer (3+4)7,840.00
    6Service Fee of E-Commerce Operator (40% of 3)2,800.00
    7GST @ 18% on Service Fee (SAC 996813) [18% of 6]504.00
    8Total Bill of E-Commerce Operator (6+7)3,304.00
    9Net Payable to Hotel by E-Commerce Operator (5-8)4,536.00

    Important Points:

    • The GST rate on hotel accommodation services is kept at 18%, although it can be 12% as per the room tariff in the hotel.
    • TCS Provisions on E-Commerce Operators is not included in the above example.
    • In the example above transaction value was less than Rs. 7,500/- thus 12% rate was applied.

    Restaurant Industry:

    Sl. No.ParticularsAmount (Rs.)
    1Restaurant bill value100.00
    2Restaurant Discount 10%10.00
    3Net Bill Value (1-2)90.00
    4GST @ 5% on food bill (3*5%)4.50
    5Total Payable by Customer (3+4)94.50
    6Service Fee of E-Commerce Operator10.00
    7GST @ 18% on Service Fee (SAC 996813) [6*18%]1.80
    8Total Bill of E-Commerce Operator (6+7)11.80
    9Net Payable to Restaurant by E-Commerce Operator (5-8)82.70


    • The GST rate on restaurant services is assumed to be 5% in the example above, although it can also be 18% depending on the room tariff in the hotel.
    • TCS Provisions on E-Commerce Operators is not included in the above example.

    Banquet Hall and Catering Services

    Banquet halls are different from Hotels and restaurants and so are their services. The Banquet Hall provides rent of premises to organize an event and accommodation or food facilities may or may not include. Thus, it is different, the difference needs to be considered as the composite supply and it will attract the following SAC for such services:

    Chapter/ Section/ HeadingDescription of ServiceCGSTSGST/ UTGSTIGSTITC
           Heading 9963(Accommodation, food and beverage services)(iv) Supply of “outdoor catering”, at premises other than “specified premises” provided by any person other than- (a) suppliers providing “hotel accommodation” at “specified premises”, or (b) suppliers located in “specified premises‟2.502.505.00Not Available
    (v) Composite supply of “outdoor catering” together with renting of premises (including hotel, convention center, club, pandal, shamiana or any other place, specially arranged for organising a function) at premises other than “specified premises” provided by any person other than- (a) suppliers providing “hotel accommodation” at “specified premises”, or (b) suppliers located in “specified premises”2.502.505.00Not Available

    When the Reverse Charge Mechanism is Applicable

    The Hotel and restaurant industry is exempted from the Reverse Charge Mechanism under section 9(4) of the CGST Act, 2017, thus under this mechanism no tax needs to be paid.

    According to section 13 of the CGST Act, 2017, supply time for the services will be the earliest of the following

    • The invoice issuing date by the supplier, if the invoice is issued within the prescribed period under sub-section (2) of section 31 or the date of payment’s receipt, whichever is earlier; or
    • The date of provision of service, if the invoice is not issued within the prescribed period under sub-section (2) of section 31 or the date of receipt of payment, whichever is earlier.
    • The date on which the recipient represents the receipt of services in his account’s book, in case where provisions of clause (a) or clause (b) are not applicable:

    Thus the time of supply for hotel and restaurant services will be as follows:

    If invoice generated:

    • Time when the invoice issued, or
    • Time of provision of service Earlier
    • Time of recording in books of accounts

    If the invoice is not generated

    • Time of receipt of payment, or
    • Time of provision of service Earlier
    • Time of recording in books of accounts

    Place of Supply

    Section 10(3) of the IGST Act, 2017 states as follows:

    “(3) The place of supply of services, by way of lodging accommodation by a hotel, inn, guest house, home stay, club or campsite, by whatever name called, and including a house boat or any other vessel; or (4) The place of supply of restaurant and catering services, personal grooming, fitness, beauty treatment, health service including cosmetic and plastic surgery shall be the location where the services are actually performed.”

    Thus it is clear that In the case of the hotel industry, the place of supply will be the location of immovable property and in the case of restaurant location where the services are actually performed. This provision also introduced some issues and the same are discussed below:

    When are the Supplier and Recipient in Separate States?

    In such cases, the location of the hotel will be considered as the place of supply, and CGST and State Government GST will be levied and not IGST. Additionally, the recipient of service will not be able to avail ITC of the tax paid on such transactions as GST paid in the state is not eligible for state GST of the recipient.

    Place of supply SEZ Units

    Section 7(5) of the IGST Act, 2017 reads as under:

    “(5) Supply of goods or services or both,- (a)…….(b) to or by a Special Economic Zone developer or a Special Economic Zone unit; or (c)……shall be treated to be a supply of goods or services or both in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.”

    Further, Circular No. 48/22/2018-GST, released on 14.06.2018, explains that services of short-term conferencing, accommodation, banqueting etc., provided to a SEZ developer or a SEZ unit will be considered as an inter-State supply.

    Thus, it is clearly observable that the above provisions, in case of a supply of hotel or restaurant services to a SEZ unit will be charged with IGST and not CGST and SGST.

    The industry even with all the problems is heading toward a balanced condition and currently, it is recovering from damages caused by Corona. However, it is still important and plays a vital role in Indian Economy.

    Disclaimer:- "All the information given is from credible and authentic resources and has been published after moderation. Any change in detail or information other than fact must be considered a human error. The blog we write is to provide updated information. You can raise any query on matters related to blog content. Also, note that we don’t provide any type of consultancy so we are sorry for being unable to reply to consultancy queries. Also, we do mention that our replies are solely on a practical basis and we advise you to cross verify with professional authorities for a fact check."

    Published by Sourabh Kumar (Ex-Employee)
    Sourabh Kumar is Tech Influencer who wants to explore new fields, Documents and represent his gained knowledge to the world. He is having a vast experience in writing content in Technology, Social Issues, and the education field. Interest in learning new things and sharing observations and knowledge brings him to SAG Infotech as Content Writer. View more posts

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    17 thoughts on "GST Impact on Hotel and Tourism Industry After Rate Cut"

    1. Does the hotel owner calculate GST by subtracting the GST paid on the commission from the total amount received from the customer?

    2. I am starting a budget hotel where room charges are less than 1500/- per day and total room are 8. Do i fall in the category of GST 5 % if i dont want ITC or have to pay 12% GST

    3. Hello, SAG Infotech! Does lodges require GST registration even if its room tariff is less than Rs.1000 per day and turnover is less than 20 lakh p.a.?

    4. Thanks for sharing.

      5. Catering in premises with a daily tariff of unit of accommodation is Rs 7501 and above 5% GST without ITC
      6. Catering in premises with a daily tariff of a unit of accommodation is Rs 7501 and above 18% with ITC

      Please check this point in the article

    5. We are a registered trust. Want to open a resort to provide boarding and lodging to visitors. Minimum rate per day is 1600 per day on twin sharing basis and maximum is 2500. Please advice applicable GST rates

    6. We have made invoice of room charges Rs 1000/- & Food charges @ 700/- & GST charges @ 12% on Room Charges & 12% on Food charges & also taken ITC against this charges
      please advise I am correct

      1. Because this is a kind of Composite Supply or in other words naturally bundled. So GST rate attract @ of GST rate on main supply. So your billing is correct.

    7. I am an owner of a budget hotel with tariff less than Rs.7500/- per day. Today few GST officers came to my hotel and inspected few room bills. We are charging GST on actual price i.e., declared tariff minus discount and not on declared tariff. Discount amount is shown on the invoice also, But the officers said that GST is to be charged on declared tariff and not on after discount price. They have asked for a written answer. Is there any GST act or section under GST which proves that I am right. Please help me.

      1. Treatment of discounts is defined in Section 15(3) of CGST Act, 2017. The section states that –

        The value of supply shall not include any discount which is given–

        Before or at the time of the supply if such discount has been duly recorded in the invoice issued in respect of such supply; and
        After the supply has been effected, if—

        (i) such discount is established in terms of an agreement entered into at or before the time of such supply and specifically linked to relevant invoices; and

        (ii) Input Tax Credit as is attributable to the discount on the basis of document issued by the supplier has been reversed by the recipient of the supply.

        Lets understand the GST on discount with example:

        Example 1 – Mr X sells goods to Mr Y worth Rs 50,000 and gives Rs 1000 discount for cash payment. GST applicable is 18%. Transaction value and GST will be calculated as follows –


        Amount (Rs)

        Value of Goods


        (Less) – Discount


        Transaction Value of Goods


        (+) CGST @ %9


        (+) SGST @ %9


        Invoice Value


    8. Which services are eligible for input tax when that services are provided to restaurants/resorts.

    9. the rates for accommodation from 18.7.22 is – 12% for upto TC upto 7500 and 18% above 7500
      , the rates given by you above are wrong as there are no slabs of 2.5 to5K etc and there is no rate of 28%, kndly check an correct as others will be misguided

    10. Yeoh new tax slab on the hotel rates do not match the example you have given below.

      As per the communication received by the Federation of hotels, rooms below rupees thousand will be taxed at 12%, and rooms up to 7500 will be charged at 12% , rooms above rs 7500 will be charged at 18%.

      Please check and make the necessary changes ASAP if I am right

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