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Search results for: GoM meeting

New Margin Scheme Under GST for Tour Operators

Fitment Committee Suggests GST Council to Start Margin Scheme for Travel Agents

To lessen the tax for the tour and the hospitality sector, the GST council’s fitment committee recommended imposing the tax on the margins incurred by the tour operators at an appropriate rate. A 5% GST would be imposed on the total tour cost without any utility of the ITC. The panel recommended a regularisation of […]

CAIT Demands Consultation Before GST Council Meeting

CAIT to Council: Consultation Before Imposing GST Rate on Food Grains, Cloth

The seven cr strong traders body asks that the GST official must ask the traders prior to revamping GST rates. The suggestions incurred via the Group of Ministers (GoM) which the GST official formed must not be provided with a go-ahead in the coming meeting without any consultation with the traders, as asked by the […]

GST Dispute Resolution System

Govt Functioning on GST Mechanism to Resolve States’ Disputes

The finance ministry is been working on the process to solve the GST issues which the states raise during preventing the discrepancies in the tax regime. The process would be discussed with the states during the subsequent 47th GST council meet which is expected to be held in June. The plan consists of an issues […]

States' Opinion on New GST Rate

GST Council Waiting States’ Opinion Before New Rate on 143 items

To measure the mood of the states before the GST official’s meeting in late May, the GST officials secretariat seeks the views of the states on the scope of raising the tax rates on 143 items, in the majority of the cases to revert the rate to 28% from 18%. The State Minister mentioned that […]

Fitment Committee Meeting to Review GST Slab

Fitment Committee to Merge 12/18% Slab into Single GST Rate

The goods and services fitment committee seem to meet today to check the proposal of the GST slab mergers. A group of ministers (GoM) on the GST rate rationalizing might later this week meet when there is a requirement under the Fitment committee’s discussion. “Fitment committee has been meeting over various issues and will soon […]

GST Needs Some Important Updates

GST Law Requires Needful Amendments But Hard to Implement

GST requires a change in its rate structure, the government is urged to take the harder political decision soon or in the times to come. This is seen after the effective GST collections improvement from the previous fiscal year. The requirement to change the GST structure emerges from the concern that the revenue-neutral rates which […]

Fitment Committee Proposal to GoM on GST Rate

Be Ready for 2% More GST Rate As Per Fitment Committee Proposal

The tough struggle upcoming for GST council for taking a reformative decision is that it can prepare for GST rate rationalization by the means of fitment community nominated by a GoM on the GST rate of rationalization to acknowledge the increase in the slab of 5% to 7% and 18% to 20%. “The group of […]

New 3-tier GST Rate Structure By Next FY

New GST Slab Rate (5, 18, 28 per cent) Expected By FY 22-23

The upcoming more meetings of the GST Council would take countries into new indirect tax governance convenient to the ambition of providing a clear tax system with the least exclusions and fewer rates. Sources working on the GST rate rational stated that a three-rate tax structure may become an actuality early next commercial later the […]

NAA Orders Tax Officials to Ensure GST Rate Cut Benefit

NAA: Officials to Give Priority of Consumer Complaints on GST Rate Cut for Covid-related Materials

On Wednesday National Anti-Profiteering Authority has requested his tax council to convey the advantage of GST price which gets diminished on things relevant to covid things. It is indeed asked to give priority to the common consumer complaints. Beneath the GST act NAA which is a law, the mechanism is allocated to convey the relief […]

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