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Simple Way to Correct Critical Errors in TDS Challan

Steps to Correct TDS Challan Errors

If a taxpayer has made an unintentional mistake while paying tax, there is a way to fix the challan details which have already been generated with the inaccurate data. It is very important because, In the presence of such errors, the taxpayers will not be able to get the tax credit. Before knowing the process of rectifying all the mistakes we should first know about the types of mistakes.

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    Major Mistakes People Make in TDS Challan

    Procedure to Rectify the Mistake in TDS Challan

    TAN Number: If the taxpayer has deposited the tax in any other TAN then he is not able to rectify the challan. There are two modes available for correction which are mentioned below:-

    S.noTax Deposit MethodAuthority to Correct
    1Online challan Deposit (e -payment)Involved Assessing Officer (AO)
    2Physical challan deposit in the bankBank-If rectification request is received within 7 days from challan deposit
    After 7 days – Concerned Assessing Officer (AO)

    Steps to Submit an Application to the Concerned Assessing Officer for TAN correction:

    Read Also: Easy Process to Verify Bulk PAN & TAN on New Tax Portal with FAQs

    Steps to Request Bank for TAN Correction:

    Assessment Year, Major Head, Minor Head, Nature of Payment

    If the taxpayer selects the wrong assessment year, major head, minor head, nature of payment while depositing tax, he/she will also be able to make corrections through the TRACES portal. Please follow the steps given below to make corrections in the challan.

    Total Amount and Name

    If the total amount or name on the challan has been entered incorrectly by the bank at the time of submission of the challan, the bank can rectify the same within 7 days at the request of the taxpayer. It is only possible in the case of a physical challan submission.

    Recommended: Easy to Correct 4 Types of Mistakes Via Gen TDS Software

    Extra But Important to know

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