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Why Govt. Postponed GST Eway Bill on 1st February?

Trial GST E Waybill

The government authorities have postponed the GST eway bill implementation which is mandatory for the movement of the consignment of goods to one place to another, with a price value of more than INR 50,000. Earlier the authorities have decided to roll out it from 1st February 2018, but due to some technical glitches in the server of the official portal, the GST eway bill is now postponed till any further announcement.

On an official tweeter handle of the finance ministry, it said that “In view of difficulties faced by the trade in generating GST e-way bill due to initial tech glitches, it has been decided to extend the trial phase for generation of the e-way bill, both for inter and intra-state movement of goods. It shall be made compulsory from a date to be announced.”

The intrastate eway bill is now re-scheduled to be implemented from 3rd June 2018 across the country from the earlier date of 1st June 2018 due to some reasons unspecified but the GST council with central government has notified that the said date i.e. 3rd June is the deadline for all the states to implement intrastate GST eway bill anyhow.

As the earlier decided dates that was 1st June for the intrastate movement of goods, there were 13 states which stated that they would be rolling out the intrastate GST eway bill from 1t February onwards which may have caused an online traffic on the portal. According to the internal sources, it was unearthed that more than 16 states abruptly started the facility of GST eway bill on the consignments, which may have caused the technical glitches. This issues also led to the slow down movement of the trucks taking the consignments.

Recommended: Registration Guide of GST E waybill on or

There was trial period going from last 15 days which was to be ended on 1st February but the glitches made extension in the trial run of the system.

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