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States GST Collections Feb 2020: The Month of Downfall

States GST Collections

The end of February brought a downfall in the collections of the Indirect Tax- GST. The GST collected for the month of January, amounted to ₹ 1,10,828 crore (CGST- ₹ 20,944 crore SGST- ₹ 28,224 crore IGST- ₹ 53,013 crore Cess- ₹ 8,637 crore) whereas that for the month of February it was ₹ 1,05,366 crore (CGST- ₹ 20,569 crore SGST- ₹ 27,348 crore IGST- ₹ 48,503 crore Cess- ₹ 8,947 crore. The month has brought a huge difference of ₹ 5,462 crore in the collections of GST.

Out of the top 10 states securing the highest amount of GST collections in February, merely two states showed a growth in the collections as compared to that in the month of January 2020 while the rest of the states saw a downfall in the same.

Out of these ten states, only four states noticed a rise in tax collections for the month of February 2020 February’s Goods and Service Tax contribution to the national treasury stood at Rs. 1.05 lakh crore which is still less than the targets pre-assumed by the government. Read Also for the month of February 2020 as compared to that in the month of February 2019. These states were Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, & Rajasthan.

GST Collections in Top 10 States

Sr. No.StatesJanuary 2020 (₹ Crore)February 2020 (₹ Crore)Year Growth 2019 (%)Year Growth 2020 (%)
4Tamil Nadu6,7036,427188
5Uttar Pradesh5,6985,776413
7West Bengal3,7473,942713

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