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Option to Reverse GST Registration Cancellation Via Reg-16 Before Operation

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBIC) mentioned the update on the website, towards the enrollment of the cancellation form REG-16 in which it is mentioned that “Taxpayers can now withdraw their application for cancellation of registration (filed in Form REG-16) unless the tax officer has initiated action on it.”

The assessee who formerly enrolled for the GST is urged to revoke his enrollment and through furnishing the GST registration cancellation application in Form GST REG-16 he wants to refuse his enrollment.

Form REG-16 holds the application for cancellation of enrollment in GST. The form should have information such as the list of stock which is left on the date of the enrolled application, Details of the payment, and Any Liability if have.

After 30 days of furnishing the application, the GST officer should provide an order to cancel in Form REG-16. The date from which the officer tells about the refusal is the final date onwards and the same shall be effective.

Going by the update on the GST portal ( the cancellation of GST registration application through the form GST REG 16 which is taxpayer filed is eligible for the withdrawal. But note that the withdrawal can be done only before the proper officer commencement of any action over the cancellation application. Therefore the status must be checked before the cancellation of the application.

Hence before the withdrawal of the refusal of the application, it is essential to monitor the status of the revocation of the application.

Easy Guide to Check GST Registration Cancellation Status

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