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State MCA Minister Showcases Major Steps That Doubled New Companies’ Incorporation

Addition of 17,223 New Companies in April to June 2021

Worth Mentioning here that in the wake of the Corona wave, The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has done a commendable job by creating a conducive atmosphere due to which 36,191 new companies were incorporated in merely 3 months from April to June 2021.

As compared to the same timespan in the previous year i.e. April to June 2021, 18,968 new companies were registered. Consequently, there is an increase of 17,223 new companies on the list. The above-mentioned facts and figures were stated by the Minister of Corporate Affairs Shri Rao Inderjit Singh while replying to a question put up in the Lok Sabha yesterday.

The aforesaid minister highlighted the following steps that were taken by it to create a conducive environment for the registration of new companies even during the Corona pandemic:

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