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Form LLP 31 Filing Process Via Gen Complaw Software

LLP Form 31 Filing Via Gen Complaw Software

LLP-31 form is said to be the application for compounding of an offence under the Act. For the Annual Return of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Form 31 is been used in India.

It is filled with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. Every LLP must submit the form which is a separate legal entity, to report specific details about its activities.

LLP 31 Form Objective 

The major goal of this is to file the amendments in the LLP agreement u/s 23(2) of the LLP Act, 2008. The other purpose of the LLP-31 form is to apply for the conversion from A Private Company into an LLP and an Unlisted Public Company into an LLP.

Due Date of Filing MCA LLP 31 Form 

Required Attachments

The attachment needed for this is the Amended LLP agreement copy and consent letters from partners. Along with that Proof of the changes made (e.g., resolutions passed by partners). In case of conversion take the consent of shareholders, also carry the Statement of assets and liabilities, and the details of pending cases or liabilities.

Easy Steps for Filing of MCA LLP Form 31

Step 1. Firstly, open a Gen Complaw software and click on the LLP button

Step 2. Now move the cursor on the Master then, LLP and click on Company to select

Step 3. After the company selection now move on to the E-forms to LLP 31 form

Step 4. Select the Category of Applicant from the dropdown list. (Please note that option “LLP/FLLP” under 6(a) will be enabled only in case LLP/ FLLP is selected in the Category of Applicant dropdown.)

(Point No. 4 Details of Applicant will be enabled only in case others are selected)

Step 5. Name of ROC to which application is made to be selected afterwards.

Step 6. Select “Whether application for compounding offence is filed in respect of” (Please note that option “LLP/FLLP” will be enabled only in case LLP/ FLLP is selected in the Category of Applicant dropdown.)

Step 7. Option 6(c) will be enabled based on input given in option 6(b)

Step 8. Kindly enter the Notice number and date of notice if show cause notice is received otherwise the option will be disabled

Step 9. The user is required to enter manually further details such as:

Step 10. Further, select the authorized signatory for signing from the dropdown list and accordingly, select the type of identification

Step 11. Select a practising professional

Step 12. Save the form and add attachments

Step 13. Click on Upload Form 31 and select login

Step 14. The software will display a message as “Data added successfully” and leave the user on the MCA portal after saving the form there

Step 15. Afterwards, kindly click on the edit option on the saved form on the MCA portal, and proceed and submit

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