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No More Due Date Extension for Income Tax Return Filing, Order Notifies by Tax Dept

After extending the last date for return filing three times this year, finally, the I-T department has rejected requests for further extension of the due date for filing tax returns. The department also said that India has been more generous in providing extra time than other countries and this taxpayer’s obligation cannot be delayed indefinitely.

According to an official order, the income tax department responded that in the view of the pandemic they already extended the due date three times for filing tax returns and for submitting tax audit reports. If the tax audit is not required then the last due date was on January 10, while the one required for conducting the tax audit is February 15. The last date for filing a tax audit return Get all due dates of income tax return and payment of advance taxes for FY 2018-19 (AY 2019-20). We update the last date as per the IT department notifications is 15 January.

The department further added in its statement that the government has considered representation from various stakeholders and also been active in granting exemption accordingly to taxpayers by regularly extending the scheduled lasts dates. Department also informed that the number of returns filed this year exceeded the same already filed by 31 August last year, which was the last date for filing all returns, except for the tax audit report.

Further, tax audit reports are the fundamental obligations of the assessee and cannot be delayed indefinitely. The order clearly stated that “In view of the above reasons, all representations for further extension of due date are hereby rejected,”. The order cited various court orders to emphasize all the valid points.

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