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Registration Cancellation Order in GST REG-08 Form for TDS Deductor/TCS Collector

GST REG-08 Registration Cancellation Order

The enrollment of the TDS deductor or TCS collector form GST REG 08 is used to cancel the order. The proper officer may not accept the GST enrollment if prepared with TDS deductor/ TCS collector and is longer eligible to deduct TCS and TDS in form GST REG 08.

The procurement relevant to the form GST REG 08 is clarified in the current article.

Initiating Procurements Narrating to Form GST REG 08

In form GST REG 08 of Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 the Rule 12(3) which administers the plan of providing or communicating. Below are the details of Rule 12(3):

Steps to be Accompanied Earlier to Issuing the Form GST REG-08

In Form GST REG-08 from the above steps, the proper officer is needed to observe the process of GST cancellation stated in rule 22 before giving the certificate of cancellation. The stated process is notified under:

In Form GST REG-17 the proper officer gives the show cause notice needed by the individual to show cause reason for not cancelling the GST enrollment.

Content of Form GST REG-08

Form GST REG-08, fundamentally, covers the subsequent necessary features

GST REG 08 Format

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