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GST Rates for Surgical Mask, Sanitizer & Hand Wash

GST Rate for Surgical Mask, Sanitizer & Hand Wash

Medicines and medical kits are the life-savers and therefore it is mandatory to have an idea of what rate they are taxed at as ultimately it is going to affect the end price at which they are sold.

Medicines and other medical kits for human and veterinary treatment are taxed at four tax slabs NIL, 5%, 12%, and 18%. Here, we are providing details of current applicable GST rates for Surgical Mask, Sanitizer & Hand Wash, furniture, hospital beds, etc.

Latest Update

07th July 2021

The government and GST council has recently clarified that the alcohol based hand santiziers will finally attract 18% GST on them and even on the raw materials like pure chemical alcohol and other liquids with packing material. It is suspected that the imports will suffer due to the inverted duty structure and the reduced GST may also not benefit the consumers. Read Press Release

Current GST Rates for Mask, Sanitizer & Hand Wash

Product NameCurrent GST Rate Till 30th SeptemberGST Rate from 1st October
Diagnostic Test Kits5%
Surgical Masks5%
Blood Test Strips12%
Medical Grade Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Peroxide5%12%
Ventilators, Ventilator masks, Canula, and Helmet5%12%
Hand Wash18%
Furniture: Hospital Bed, Table, etc18%

NIL GST is charged for blood and its by-products, also the medicines and medical kits used upon hospitalizing any individual are free from tax.

5% being the lowest GST rate is charged for life-saving drugs like vaccines for TB, AIDS, Diabetes, Malaria, and so on, 12% GST is charged on various organ extracts, toothpowder, diabetic foods, glucose monitoring machines/test strips, bandages, and other surgical dressings.

Read Also: GST on Medicines and Medical Supplies in India After GST implementation, the medical sector has been hit by several ways. Here, we explained new tax regime impact on important medicine prices. Read Also

The implementation of GST has highly benefited the medical sector as it has completely eliminated the cascading effect of tax and also the warehousing of medicines now attracts low GST rates.

Reckitt Benckiser to Deposit Money in Consumer Fund Due to Dettol Handwash Profiteering Case

As the government and the Delhi HC recently stated the order based on the view points, the NAA authority have said that the dettol manufacturing company Reckitt Benckiser is bound to pay INR 63 lakhs to the consumer funds. The company has nodded to the decision and may pay the penalty and the money as soon as possible.

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