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GST Intra-State E-way Bill Rescheduled to 3rd June Across India

Intra-state E Way Bill Launching DateIntra-state E Way Bill Launching Date

GST Intrastate e-way bill is compulsory from 3rd June 2018 across India as according to the decision taken by the central government in a bid to roll out the much awaited e-way bill provision as soon as possible.

The GST e-way bill is a mandatory electronic waybill which is required to be carried along with the goods having value more than 50,000 while transporting the goods across the state on the motorized vehicles.

The rollout was done initially on 15th Aprill in a phased manner and now it’s on the verge of completion with almost all the states coming into its ambit.

Read Also: GST E Way Bill Latest Notification for Interstate and Intrastate Transactions

The intrastate e-way bill is now re-scheduled to be implemented from 3rd June 2018 across the country from the earlier date of 1st June 2018 due to some reasons unspecified the GST council with central government has notified that the said date i.e. 3rd June is the deadline for all the states to implement intrastate GST e-way bill anyhow.

Till now 20 states and union territories have implemented GST E Way Bill for the movement of good intrastate including the recent namely Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Assam, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana.

Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), Chairperson Vanaja Sarna again stated the date i.e. 3rd June to implement the GST E Way Bill by writing, “Hence, I would reiterate that the Chief Commissioners of the remaining zones should coordinate with the state authority and get the requisite notification issued as early as possible. Also, steps may be taken to publicise the date of its rollout along with exemptions provided.”

Recommended: E Way Bill Software: Select Gen GST For E Waybill Requirements

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