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GST Employees Welfare & Other Assn Request Center to Fillup Vacancies

The paucity of employees in the Central Goods and Service Tax Department is affecting the government exchequer along with the effectiveness and efficiency of the aforesaid department. Consequently, The All India Federation of Customs, Central Excise, and GST Employees Welfare Association has addressed a letter to Union finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman to fill up over 42,246 vacant posts on an urgent basis in the aforesaid Department

President of the above-mentioned association Sanjay Thul said.
“The Central Government had introduced GST in 2017. At that time the sanctioned workforce in the department was 91,755, but only 54,791 were working and 36,964 posts were vacant. Three years down the line, the working strength has further reduced to 49,454 while vacancy has increased to 42,246 posts”.

Moreover, The situation of tax evasion is out of control due to the massive shortage of workforce. The instances of tax evasion are rising day by day. Tax evasion has direct repercussions on the economy. It increases inequality of income. It is worth mentioning here that 40% of the wealth of our country is owned by only one percent of citizens. So Rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Moreover, a large number of fake invoices Get to know the complete information related to fake invoicing under GST. Also, we have specified the penalty amount and who comes under it?. Read More have been detected by the officers.

Adding further, the present strength of the workforce is not sufficient to carry speedy investigation of cases and thereby control the tax evasion. Consequently, a large chunk of arrears is affecting the government exchequer.

So, there is an urgency to fill the vacant positions in the GST Department.

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