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Faceless Appeal Scheme for Providing Services Through e-appeal Petitions

For the faceless assessment, the board will set up a national faceless appeal centre Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the faceless assessment scheme for the Income-tax department. This will be set up and implemented by the National e-Assessment Centre (NeAC) and a network of Regional e-Assessment Centres. Read more for providing services through e-appeal petitions, which is used to tackle the petitions under the province of the central medium.

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The grounds require the performance of the appeal in which there will be an admission of appeals which further make inquiries, gives chances to hear to the petitioner, analysis of the draft order.

A special appeal unit has been assigned the faceless appeals in a region which conducts the proceedings through the automated allocation system. as according to the case, the national faceless appeal centre may accept or reject the appeal of the petitioner.

Read More: Faceless Income Tax Assessment & How it Works for Taxpayers? Know about the government’s newly introduced faceless income tax assessment for providing relief to the taxpayers. Also, check its benefits and working process. read more

The appeal unit may ask for more information in the sense of documents for the assessment. the appeal unit may request the National Faceless Appeal Centre to address the National e-Assessment Centre or the unit leader, in the context of the case for obtaining additional inquiry under sub-section (4) of section 250 of the Act and gives the statements.

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