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CAIT MH Tables E-Commerce Issues, Unfair GST Provisions & FSSAI Acts

The trader’s community has ordered to launch the nationwide distress to abolish the unfair provision of the Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) Act and the alterations to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) act. This is implemented in the Maharastra statewide summit which has been conducted through the Apex body of traders- Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) today in Pune.

A one-day summit is been organized through the CAIT Maharashtra Unit for discussing the trader problems such as e-commerce, FSSAI Act and amendments to GST Act, Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Act, etc.

Inside the summit, some targets are been passed where the demand to educate the traders so to fight with MNCs, to develop the trader’s co-operative societies as to get a single license like Aadhaar card for trade so to urge the central and state governments for mapping out the scheme for the digital market and excellent conduction of e-commerce laws and refuse the unfair GST and FSSAI plan.

There is Consideration of All India Traders (CAIT) members and the representatives of 36 districts who have entered the summit some of them is executive chairman of Maharashtra Rajendra Bathiya, CAIT national president BC Bhartiya, CAIT founder Chairman Mahendrabhai Shah, JITO national vice-chairman Vijay Bhandari, president Dilip Kumbhojkar, joint secretary Raikumar Nahar, joint general secretary Sachin Nivagune, JITO national organizing minister Lalit Gandhi, national general secretary Pravin Khandelwal were present in the gathering. The resolution is been provided in which they had demanded a powerful action with respect to the e-commerce companies.

“It is requested that an e-commerce policy should be announced immediately with an explicit provision of an empowered Regulatory Authority to regulate and monitor the e-commerce business in India”, said CAIT.

Through the implementation of effective power, the government should incorporate a society as decided by the traders and appoint a joint committee at the national level which consists of traders and government administrators through local to vocal to take the scheme as declared by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Meanwhile, the district society must be appointed in every district at the state level and action must be taken under the law that breaks it.

The traders are requested to take the FSSAI act who are engaged inside the food businesses. It consists of penalties and jailing. A counter resolution has been initiated for abolishing it. The participants have accepted to repeal and amend the central government’s new revision for GST which has provided nonstop powers to the deputies to cancel the trader’s license excluding any preceding notice.

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