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Big Relaxation! CBDT Revised ITR Forms & Audit Reports Due Dates

New Deadlines for ITR Filing Forms and Audit Reports

On the note of troubles faced by the taxpayers and different stakeholders while filing of Income Tax Returns including multiple reports of audit for Assessment Year 2021 – 22 behalf the Income-tax Act, 1961(‘the Act’), Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has come up with the result to expand the last dates for filing of ITR and several reports of audit for the Assessment Year 2021-22.

Here are the Circumstances below –

It has been notified that the provision for the following dates as mentioned in clauses (9), (12), and (13) of Circular No. 9/ 2021 is dated 20.05. 2021 and in the clauses (1), (4), and (5) showcased over will not be applicable for clarification 1 to section 234A of the Act, in terms when the sum of tax of all income as lowers by the sum as identified in clauses (i) to (vi) of subsection (1) for that section enhanced rupees one lakh.

Although, in terms when any particular resident in India is referred to in sub-section (2) of section 207 of the Act, the Tax shall be paid by him below section 140A of the Act including the last date (without provision under Circular No. 9/2021 dated 20.05. 2021 and as above) claimed inside the Act, will be considered to be the advance tax.

Latest Update About New e-Filing Portal

e-Filing portal from the Income Tax Department ( has introduced on 7th June 2021 where the taxpayers and executives face trouble in the portal afterwards. Since then, The Ministry of Finance keep its eyes and continuously evaluated to resolve the troubles with Infosys Ltd who is Managed Service Provider for the same. Soon after the formation, multiple troubleshoot have been regularly being done.

So, as a result over 8.83 crores stepped into it till 7th September 2021, with an approx over 15.55 lakh in September 2021. The Income Tax Return (ITR) filing has enhanced to 3.2 lakh regularly in September 2021 and 1.19 crore ITRs for AY 2021 -22 have been filed. As an outcome of over 76.2 lakh, taxpayers have stepped into the online utility of the portal to Return File. It is amazing to notice that over 94.88 lakh ITR have also been e- verified, which is important in terms of processing by the Centralized Processing Center. For this, 7.07 lakh ITRs into the procedure.

Moreover, Taxpayers can get to see over 8.74 lakh Notices delivered from the department under the faceless Assessment / Appeal/ Penalty proceedings under which over 2.61 lakh feedbacks have been filed. On an approx of 8, 285 Notices of e – proceedings have been delivered including 5, 889 responses are being filed in September, on a regular basis.

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