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Simple Steps to Track Income Tax Refund Status Online

Track Income Tax Refund Status Online

31st July 2024 was the due date to furnish the ITR for the individual assessee for the assessment year 2024-25. The assessee, qualified for the refund in the case of the surplus tax payment. The same might comprise the instances in which the employers deduct higher income tax towards the salaried employees during the times because of the wrong calculations or the no proof of savings beneath several sections of the income tax act. 

During the furnishing of the Income-tax return, the assessee could claim the tax refunds and exemptions beneath various heads. These refunds could be claimed for the cases in which the tax amount filed exceeds the actual amount of the chargeable. 

The provision of sections 237 to 245 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the tax refunds could be granted for the cases in which the tax would be filled by the individual (or someone on his/her behalf) is more than the amount chargeable.

The assessee could check the refund status online, via the official portal of the dept,

Method to Check the ITR Refund Status Online

If your status shows ‘processed,’ it indicates that the return has been completed. The status ‘Submitted and pending for e-verification/verification’ indicates that the assessee has furnished the ITR, but has not e-verified it, or that the duly signed ITR-V form has not arrived yet at the Centralized Processing Centre of the IT Department. The ‘Successfully e-verified/verified’ status, on the website, means that the taxpayer has submitted and duly e-verified/verified the return, however, the IT dept does not have processed it yet.

You might indeed find the ‘Defective’ and ‘Expired’ as the status. The term defective rendered to the dept revealed a flaw in the furnished ITR. while the expired rendered that the refund was claimed within 90 days of the validity duration.

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