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Total GST Collections Rises Higher Than Before

GST Collection Rises

After a lower collection of GST, the collections have now picked up the pace in the month of December, accounting to Rs 86,703 crore. In a tweet of Finance Ministry, “Total revenue Collections under GST for the month of December 2017 (received in December 2017/January up to January 24, 2018) has been Rs 86,703 crores till January 24, 2018.”

It is calculated that the total collections of taxes under GST in the month of November had seen a downfall and stacked to Rs 80,808 crore, from earlier Rs 83,000 crore in October while in the month of September, the collections of taxes were over Rs 92,150 crore.

Ministry has earlier stated that there are one crore taxpayers who are registered under the GST as per the stats till 24 January, in which 17.11 lakh are straight composition scheme taxpayers who are obliged to file returns every quarter. Also according to the data, around 56.30 lakh GSTR 3B returns have been filed for the month of December.

The last date of filing GSTR 4 Return for the composition dealers, for the month of July-September quarter was December 24. While a total of 8.10 lakh returns was filed by the taxpayers which amounted to INR 335.86 crore.

While the last date for filing GSTR 4 return for the month of October-December quarter was January 18, out of which a total of 9.25 lakh returns were filed by composition dealer taxpayers amounting to total taxes of INR 421.35 crores.

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