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Easy Guide to TDS Provisions Under Income Tax Act 1961

TDS Provisions Under Income Tax ACT

TDS is an acronym of Tax Deducted Source (TDS) which was implemented by the Indian government to collect taxes from sources on the income earned by an individual. TDS can be used as a tool to collect the tax which reduces the chance of tax evasion. It can be deducted directly from the earned income or salary rather than at a later date.

As per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, those individuals who are making payments like salary, commission, interest, professional fees, rent and more are entitled to deduct TDS tax before giving payment and further, the TDS must be submitted to the government.

Who is Liable to Deduct TDS?

TAN Mandatory for the Deduction of TDS

A TAN (Tax Deduction Account Number or Tax Collection Account Number) is a 10-digit alphanumeric number which is being issued by the Income Tax Department. Every deductor must require TAN for the deduction of TDS which is to be required in all the TDS Certificates, challans, quarterly statements, correspondence and more.

Drawback if Deductor Does not Have TAN

If in case the deductor does not have a Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN), he/she is liable to pay Rs.10,000 as a penalty.

Conditions Under Which TAN is Not Necessary for Deduction of TDS

Deduct TDS and deposit to the government account

An Issue of TDS Certificate

Filing of Prescribed Return/Quarterly Statement

Filing of E-Returns

The Requirement to File TDS E-Returns

Notably, In other circumstances, the individual can file the TDS return physically.

Forms for Quarterly TDS Return

Form No.Purpose
Form 24QTDS on Salaries
Form 26QTDS on payments apart from salaries
Form 27QTDS on payments made to Non-residents

Read Also: Free Demo Download of TDS Return Filing Software

Due Date of Filing TDS Return

QuarterDue Date
April- June31st July
July- September31st October
October – December31st January
January – March31st May

Penalties for the Offense Committed Against the Provisions & Act

If in case, the taxpayer has failed to deduct TDS

Failed To Deposit Tax to Government After Deduction

Read Also: Forget or Delay of Filing TDS Return Within Due Date

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