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TDS Online Payment Procedure with Forms: Ultimate Guide

TDS Payment Guide And Due Dates

At the point of origin of income, the taxpayers in India have to pay TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) as per the Income Tax Act, of 1961. An amount from the total earnings received by a deductee or receiver is generally withheld by the deductor (person, institution, or organization). This deducted amount is equal to the tax amount, which needs to be credited to the government account within the prescribed time limit.

Latest Update in TDS Payment

TDS Applicability in Multiple Forms

Most people in India believe that TDS applies to salaried individuals, but that’s completely wrong. There are multiple scenarios where TDS is applied, such as:

Why does TDS at First Place Exist?

It is a well-known fact to everyone that earnings or income received by people in India is subject to tax at the end of the financial year. It is challenging for the central government to maintain cash reserves or national revenue if income earned by citizens is taxed only at the end of the year, Hence, to avoid such a situation, the concept of TDS has been introduced. The introduction of the TDS system helps the Indian government to:

Prevent the evasion of Tax: The TDS mechanism is a masterstroke by the government to receive a portion of the total payable tax from the income at its source point directly with zero delays. This way, the government ensures that people do not hide their actual income and also minimizes tax defaults.

Recommended: Free Download Trial Version of TDS Return Filing Software

What is TAN in TDS?

TAN stands for Tax Deduction and Collection Number; It is a ten-digit alphanumeric number that is issued to the registered organizations or individuals who are obliged to deduct or collect tax at source against payments made by them.

It is mandatory for all individuals or organizations (bind to deduct tax) to mention the required TAN details to the Income Tax Department in all practices that are relevant to TDS (e.g. TDS returns, issuance of Form 16, TDS payments, etc.), as per the Section 203A of the Income Tax Act 1961. Those who fail to fulfil the above duties are obliged to pay a penalty of INR 10,000.

All the authorized banks in India don’t accept TDS deposits or payments when the TAN details are not mentioned by the depositor.

Point to Note:

TAN Application Procedure

The TAN application procedure is straightforward and can be done online by submitting the Form 49B.

TDS Deduction

TDS Online Payment

  1. The online TDS payment facility is driven by the philosophy of “Anytime, Anywhere.”
  2. Thanks to all the online TDS filing, the TDS administration has become easy and transparent for both taxpayers and the government, helping minimize tax scams.
  3. The TDS website is a common platform for everyone, including deductors, taxpayers, and assessment officers to obtain or get hands-on with the same TDS data.
  4. Increasing Digitization is becoming a cornerstone of a speedy, accurate, and stabler TDS system in the country.

How to Make TDS Payment Online?

W.e.f. January 1st, 2014, the government has made it compulsory for all the public & private sector deductors, and other assessees, who are bound to audit under Section 44AB to use the electronic transfer method of making TDS Payments online. For such purpose, such personnel must have an active net banking facility with an authorized bank; the eligible banks are listed on the NSDL-TIN website.

Here is a step-by-step procedure for online TDS payment:

Why TDS Certificate Required?

Once the TDS has been deposited with the income tax department, the deductor must issue a TDS certificate to the deductee on behalf of whom the tax payment has been made. The TDS return certificate required or Form 16 / Form 16A is generally issued on an annual or quarterly basis.

Advantages of Online TDS Payment

Time Limit of TDS Payment and Schedule

E-File TDS Returns

How TDS Return Files Online?

The TDS returns need to be filed, on a quarterly basis and the due date for the same is the 31st of the month after the end of the concerned quarter.

TDS return can be filed by a registered taxpayer individual, organization or institution, who operates as a deductee. Quarterly TDS returns are filed by such entities. According to section 201 (A), the interest incurred on delay in Payment of TDS should be furnished by the taxpayers before filing their TDS return.

Some Important Points About TDS Return Forms:

Key Points to Remember Concerning TDS Returns

Penalties & Consequences for Missing the TDS Payment of Due Dates Penalty

Late In TDS Payment

Delay in TDS Payment

Apart from interest applicable on TDS late deduction and late Payment, there are some additional provisions for penalty and prosecution too:

Penalty as per Section 221

Penalty as per the Section 271C

Prosecution Proceedings According to Section 276 B

The deductor is liable to receive rigorous imprisonment for 3 months to 7 years, and a fine, in case he/she fails to deposit the deducted TDS amount to the credit of concerned tax authorities without a valid reason.

Late TDS Return Filing

Procedure to Check/Verify TDS Payment Status

TDS payment status can be checked online by the taxpayer by visiting the online portal of the Centralized Processing Cell.

Here are the detailed steps for the same:

What is the TDS Return Due Date?

Detailed information about TDS payment due dates and other timelines for filing and depositing TDS/TCS returns is mentioned below in the table. You can also check the late payment and interest charges on late deductions and deposits of TDS. 

TDS Filing Due Dates For FY 2023-24

Deduction MonthQuarter Last dateLast date for TDS paymentTDS Return Filing Due date
AprilJune 30thMay 7thJuly 31st
MayJune 7th
JuneJuly 7th
JulySeptember 30thAugust 7thOctober 31st
AugustSeptember 7th
SeptemberOctober 7th
OctoberDecember 31stNovember 7thJanuary 31st
NovemberDecember 7th
DecemberJanuary 7th
JanuaryMarch 31stFebruary 7thMay 31st
FebruaryMarch 7th
MarchApril 30th

TDS Online Payment FAQ’s

Q.1 – What are the payment instructions for the Corporate Customer?

The payment instructions for the Corporate Customer are as follows:

  • Fill the important details which are ad hoc for the payment on the NSDL /Treasury website.
  • Opt for ICICI Bank for payment.
  • Make sure you have automatically taken to the Bank’s Corporate Internet Banking site.
  • Enter the required payment details.
  • Address the transactions according to the “Company’s Approver Matrix” given by the system.
Q.2 – I tried claiming tax refund by filing ITR but got unsuccessful because of mentioning wrong account number. How can the right account number be submitted to claim the tax refund?

The right bank account number can be submitted by selecting the option of refund reissue. Steps to apply for refund reissue are follows:

  • Go to the website and Login
  • Go to “My Account” Choose – “Service Request”
  • Choose Request Type – “ ‘New Request’”
  • Choose “Refund Reissue” from the requested category.
  • Update the details of a bank account.
  • Click → “Submit”.
Q.3 – I got an advance salary from my employer in March 2024 for April of the same year. Is the salary be taxable in A.Y 2024-25?

Yes the salary is taxable in the A.Y. 2024-25. The tax is leviable on salary on due or receipt basis, whichever is earlier. Once taxed on receipt basis in A.Y. 2024-25, it can not be taxed on the due basis for A.Y. 2024-25.

Q.4 – How can I discover the TAN of the deductor?

One can discover the TAN of the deductor in two ways. One is Form 16/16A and the second is 26AS tax credit statement, present on TRACES website..

Q.5 – My employer has paid me an extra salary for doing overtime. Is this overtime payment taxable?

Yes, the salary is taxable under the head “Income From Salary” as salary includes overtime payment received from the employer as well.

Q.6 – When can TDS be deducted?

In general, the word “TDS” is used wrt to employer and employee relationship. A TDS is deductible every month from employees’ salary. An employer can deduct TDS while paying salary to the employee based on the income tax rate applicable to the employee. Rest other payments which come under the ambit of TDS deduction are as follows: Payments to contractors, Payment of interest on investments, Payment of rent, Payment for professional or technical services, payment of compensation on procurement of immovable property and so on. TDS on all payments is deductible at certain predefined rates, until and unless it is not tax-exempt.

Q.7 – Is TDS deductible from the payment made to the Government?

No, TDS is not deductible from the payment made to the Government. Further instances when the TDS is not deductible are as follows:

  • Payment made to the Reserve Bank of India,
  • Payment made to a corporate body established by or under a Central Act or any law for the time being in force, exempted from income-tax.
  • Payment made to Mutual Fund stated u/s 10 (clause 23D) when the payment as interest or dividend wrt securities or shares possessed by it or in which it has a profitable interest, or any other income accumulating or originating to it.
Q.8 – When can the TDS refund be claimed?

TDS refund can be claimed when the amount of tax which is payable in a year is less than the amount already deducted as TDS.


When the income of a person is below the minimum taxable limit and yet TDS has been deducted.

Let us take an example. Surendra is an independent contractor who has to pay an income tax of Rs. 40,000 on his net taxable income but Rs. 50,000 has been already deducted as TDS by all his contractees and remitted to the Government revenue. Here, Raj is eligible to claim TDS refund of Rs. 10,000.

Another example is when the income of a person is below the minimum taxable limit and yet TDS has been deducted. Veena provided counselling service to her customers and Rs. 10,000 was deducted at source by her clients. But the total annual income of Veena is only Rs. 1.5 lakhs which is below the minimum taxable limit. So, Veena is eligible to claim TDS refund of Rs. 20,000.

Q.9 – What is the meaning of Form 16 and Form 16A?

When the TDS is deducted, the corporate entity which is deducting the tax issues a certificate reflecting the amount of tax deducted and paid to the Government. Form 16 and Form 16A are those certificates which reflect the amount of payment made, amount of tax deducted and the TDS remitted to the Government.

The difference between the two is that Form 16 is issued on an annual basis by an employer to the employee for the TDS on salary whereas Form 16A is issued every quarter by other deductors who deducts TDS on all payments except the salary.

Q.10 – How can the benefit of tax deducted in advance on income (taxable in coming years) be claimed?

As per some provisions of TDS, TDS has to be deducted at the time of payment or at the time of credit, whichever comes earlier. TDS is deductible on advance payments also.

In the old ITR forms, there was no option to take forward the surplus TDS and so the taxpayers had to showcase the complete TDS as a deduction and claim refund of surplus TDS.

So, to combat the issue, the Schedule of TDS/TCS in the ITR forms now has columns to furnish the details of tax deducted in previous years. One cannot claim credit of TDS applicable to the income which is taxable in subsequent year. Hence, this TDS credit can be taken forward to the coming years and can be claimed in the year when tax is leviable on income.

Q.11 – How is Interest Calculated on delayed payment of TDS?

Let us understand it with an example. Let us suppose the TDS is deducted on 1st August and the due date for remitting the TDS is 7th September. But the tax is deposited on 8th September i.e. one day later from the deadline. Then the interest will leviable from 1st August to 8th September means for 2 months.

Q.12 – What can be done when TDS refund is not received?

In general, the TDS refund is auto processing and gets credited automatically. However, due to any reason, if the TDS is not refunded, the status of the refund can be viewed online by entering the PAN and the A.Y. on the e filing website of the Income Tax department.

Some cases when TDS refund is delayed :
  • When returns are filed physically.
  • When returns are filed electronically but ITR-V is not sent on time.
  • When an incorrect bank account number or address is given.

In the first two cases, you need to wait for sometimes. While in the last case, you must contact your Assessing Officer and ask them to rectify the information.

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