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Surprisingly! UP Becomes Maximum GST Paying State

The general perception is that the economically weak states don’t pay taxes on time. But Uttar Pradesh just changed the assumption and became the highest performing nation in paying GST instead of big States like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat.

The latest update says that only 55% taxpayers filed the GSTR-3B form for August month before 20th September in the country. But, the state-wise survey made to know the specific detailing about the state performance in filing GST returns is shocking for many. In the survey, it is found that the taxpayers filed GSTR-3B form from UP were 65% of the total taxpayers in UP and this was the number just before due date.

The commissioner of commercial taxes at UP, Mukesh Kumar Meshram, appreciated the UP businessmen and said that the UP is following the GST provisions continuously since last two months. Among all states, UP has topped the rank because of the efforts of businesses who took the responsibility to file GST on time and choose to be aware of the new indirect tax system. There are 3 lakh businesses who newly registered under GST and the most of the businesses migrated into a new indirect system in UP.

Previously, UP was among the states who didn’t follow the tax provisions properly. That time, most of the taxpayers not registered under the tax system and whoever registered didn’t follow it properly. However, GST has just changed the scenario and UP shocked the nation with its compliance with the new tax system.

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The performance of UP in paying GST on time is a great motivation for all the country as GST is an online procedure and taxpayers are facing so many technical glitches too. Instead UP is not that much tax-savvy, still, it performed exceptionally well. Apart from UP, the Punjab and Chandigarh are only union territories where the percentage of return filing is more than the UP, but considering the population UP is better performing in all.

The Highest Performance of Five States In Paying GST Returns For August Month:

State Eligible Taxpayers Total Taxpayers Who Paid GST Percent
Uttar Pradesh 683142 444037 65%
Maharashtra 981463 546480 55%
Tamil Nadu 626254 294109 47%
Gujarat 606631 320775 53%
Karnataka 488645 285524 58%
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