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What to Do After CA? Pros & Cons Between Job or CA Practice!

CA Job or CA PracticeAfter successfully clearing all CA attempts, one thing comes to everyone’s mind either to start a practice or apply for employment. Both of the options have some set of advantages and disadvantages. It is quite difficult to say which option is better as it totally depends on several factors such as Initial Investment, long-term/short-term income priorities, Risk etc.

The most important factor in opting for practice is that You are a Boss instead of Working Under the Boss

There is no risk and you don’t require any capital for the investment whenever the CA has chosen the practice.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Employment After CA Course

Just after ending up the CA course one will be having multiple options for a job as a CA himself, but what are the actual pros and cons of pursuing a Job after a CA is to be seen:

Advantages of CA Job

Read Also: Payable Salary of CA (Chartered Accountants) in India

CA Job Disadvantages

We have discussed all the major advantages and disadvantages of employment under CA, now it’s time to go through the valid points under the CA practice, and to see the actual pros and cons of a CA doing his own practice.

List of Advantages and Disadvantages of CA Practice

CA practice is a full-strain task and it is to be seen whether to continue the practice after completing the CA course or to choose some other way. Let us check out the pros and cons of CA practice after the CA course completion:

Advantages of CA Practice

Recommended: Best Business Opportunities for Chartered Accountants in India

Disadvantages of CA Practice

Read Also: What is the Future Scope for Chartered Accountants

Third Option! Is it Better?

Young Chartered Accountants (CA’s) can also choose the third option that they can do a job/ employment in a CA firm for starting 3-4 years after they establish their own institution as well as start their own practice. It is one of the feasible and most popular options for young Chartered Accountants (CA’s) but personally, this is not the practical solution for that individual who wants to really start their own practice/ institution. Some of the reasons are mentioned below:

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