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SAG Infotech Team Attends the CII-Rajasthan Summit 2022

CII-Rajasthan Summit 2022

On 8th March 2022, a working group of senior business leaders and government officials of Rajasthan’s business community discussed ways to create a business environment that is ready for the future.

The state’s industries minister told a parliamentary committee that approvals and clearances from 14 departments were given under a single-window process. For the company to maintain its growth trajectory, new industrial areas have been developed. Archana Singh, MD of RIICO, recently announced 68 industrial areas.

A new industrial area could be developed in each district of the state, the minister announced at the CII-Rajasthan summit 2022 on ‘Invest Rajasthan: Building Future Ready Business Environment’.

The event was started with the process of Registration with high Tea snacks & Coffee. After which the Business Session was on the Welcome Address & Review of 2021-22. Mr Sanjay Saboo, Chairman, Cil Rajasthan State Council did some announcements of Rajasthan State Council 2022-23 Election Result.

While other Business closing Remarks was done by Mr Gaurav Rungta, Vice Chairman, CII Rajasthan State Council. After which the Welcome Remarks on the Ready Business Environment, was staged by Mr Sanjay Saboo, Chairman, CII Rajasthan State Council.

The Address on Future was given by Mr Arun Misra, the readiness of Sustainability and Mines & Minerals, CEO & Whole Time Director Hindustan Zinc Limited.

A major speech was given on ‘Address on Future of Banking Sector’ by the MD, Mr Sanjay Agarwal AU Small Finance Bank, MD & CEO.

Chairman Gaurav Rungta and vice-chairman Abhinav Banthia were elected to the CII-Rajasthan for 2022 -23.

The SAG Infotech taxation software company is also a proud member of the Confederation of Indian Industry Trade association and was invited to join the CII-Rajasthan summit on ‘Invest Rajasthan: Building Future Ready Business Environment’. The company took participation in the event and had a noteworthy experience as well as done good networking with the industrial tycoons present at the event.

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