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Tax Professionals Using Twitter Power to Extend IT Audit Date

Twitter Power to Extend IT Audit Date

In a series of tweets, many of the chartered accountants and tax professionals are continuously pressing the agenda to extend the due date for income tax audit filing.

As per the trending tweets on Twitter, one can easily spot the twitter hashtags like #FinanceMinisterMissing, #TaxAuditExtendToday, #icaipresidentmissing it is totally clear that the tax professionals are in demand to extend the IT audit cases due dates from current 30th September to 30th November.

However, there is no official response and relaxation from the government of India in this regard, still, the tax professionals are trending the aforementioned tweets to raise their voice.

#FinanceMinisterMissing, #TaxAuditExtendToday, #icaipresidentmissing all these tweets are on the trending section on the popular social media platform Twitter for last several hours and now it has found the attention of almost all the citizens.

It is a very sensible point of time which clearly indicates that the social media has the power to take the voice of the general public on the national forum which in turn boost the overall agenda.

Check out some of the popular tweets which are trending on the twitter based on the income tax audit case due to date extension:

Updated: As usual, the government has listed the voice of tax professionals and due date extended till 31st October 2019.

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