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PM Modi Asked Party MPs to Share GST Benefits With Public

The upcoming GST bill has got into the final transition to get the parliaments accent over all the legislation and the country will be having a great time to implement the new tax regime with seamless benefits. The official sources described that the finance ministry will be briefing the ruling party and all its MPs on the details on goods and service tax.

The same has been conveyed to all the BJPs MLAs and also asked to spread the awareness of GST throughout the community as well as their respective regions to be fully ready for the new regime. A senior official from the government said that “the prime minister wanted the “GST message to travel to the people” so that full information on “the tax reform’s architecture” is understood widely.”

“The aim will be to explain the GST legislation simply, without economic jargon. It is a big decision and the PM wants people to have a clear idea of GST, its implications and how they stand to gain from it,” it added. A whole lot of events will be added to the schedule through interactions-cum-workshops for journalists, academics, and opinion-makers while the ministers will go live on facebook to participate for the same.

Read Also: GST Impact on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in India

Officials also said that “The PM’s directives are to use every platform, including social media, to take the GST message home before the roll-out happens from July 1.” The campaign will try its best to reach during the parties foundations days and will communicate the benefits of cash less economy.

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