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November 2022 GST Collection Crosses Rs 1.46 Lakh Crore

Monthly GST revenues exceed Rs 1.4 lakh crore for 9 successive months in a row.

Revenues from the import of goods were 20% higher and revenues from the domestic transaction (including import of services) were 8% more than the identical month last year.

Rs 1,45,867 crore is the gross GST revenue collected in November 2022 where Rs 25,681 crore is the CGST, Rs 32,651 crore is the SGST, Rs 77,103 crore is the IGST (engaging Rs 38,635 crore collected on the import of the goods) including with that Rs 10,433 cr is the cess (engaging Rs 817 crore collected on import of goods).

As a regular settlement, from IGST the government has settled Rs 33,997 cr to CGST and Rs 28,538 crores to SGST. In November 2022 post regular settlements the total revenue of the Centre and the states stands at Rs 59678 cr for CGST and Rs 61189 crores for the SGST. For the states/UTs, the center has released Rs 17000 cr as GST compensation in the month of November 2022.

Read Also: Oct 2022 GST Collection Gets 18% Growth from Same Month Last Year

For November 2022, the revenues are 11% higher compared to the GST revenues in the identical month a former year that was standing at Rs 1,31,526 cr. In that month the goods import revenue was 20% more and the revenues made via domestic transactions (along with the import of services) would stand at 8% more compared to the revenues from the same sources in the identical month former year.

The below-represented chart displays the trends in the monthly gross GST revenues during the current year. The state-wise figures of GST obtained by each state in the month of November 2022 as compared to November 2021 are displayed in the table.

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