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Even Bigger Taxpayers Haven’t Submitted GSTR 3B Returns of December 2018

GSTR 3B Returns Dec 2018It looks like not only small but also a large businessman community among those having an annual turnover above 5 crore rupees have not filed their GSTR 3B return. State GST officials have shown serious concern on this situation. The senior officials have prepared the list who had deposited Rs 1 lakh tax but they did not deposit December 2018 GSTR 3B returns till now.

Data Mining of Taxpayers have been done by the State GST officials as the state is not receiving the proper revenue collection and the cases of tax evasion are increasing day by day. In data mining, it is being analyzed that there are 830 traders in the state whose annual turnover is up to Rs 5 crore but they did not file the GSTR-3B returns of December 2018 till now.

In Kanpur, there are 50 businessmen who haven’t submit the GSTR 3B Returns of December 2018 till now. State GST Commissioner, Amrita Soni sent this businessmen list to the zonal office. It is being observed by the state GST headquarter 830 businessmen haven’t submitted the returns till now but previously they had deposited Rs 160 crore taxes along with the final returns.

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That means the state is not receiving a large part of expected revenues on time as such large businessmen are not submitting the returns on time. The responsibility is given to the tax officials to find out the reasons from the taxpayers/large businessmen why they are not submitting the returns on time. If in case the business is going well then reason would be asked for late filing of the returns and would give them notice on the invalid reasons.

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