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New Tax Rate U/S 115BAA &115BAB for Domestic & Manufacturing Companies

New Tax Rates for Companies

Recently the Ministry of Corporate Finance along with a discussion with the government, made some of the latest tax rate amendments in the company of a domestic nature. The updated corporate tax rates were introduced in the Income Tax Act 1961.

Latest Update

03rd January 2023

Applicable tax rates for specific domestic companies (Section 115BAA) & (Section 115BAB) for particular new manufacturing companies

Some amendments to the corporate tax rates in the Income Tax Act 1961:

In Tabular form Section 115BA, 115BAA,115 BAB & Others

ParticularsSection 115BASection 115BAASection 115BABOthers
Applicable fromA.Y. 2017-18A.Y. 2020-21A.Y. 2020-21
Type of CompanyThe domestic company engaged in manufacturing/ productionAll Domestic companiesThe domestic company engaged in manufacturing/ productionAny Domestic Company
Start DateSet up & registered on or after 01.03.2016No specific  requirementSet up & registered on or after 01.10.2019 and commence manufacturing on or before 31.03.2024
Allowability of specified deduction or lossNoNoNoYes
Basic Tax Rate25%22%15%25%/30%
Applicability of MATYes (15%)NANAYes (15%)
Specified domestic transaction provisionsNANAApplicableApplicable
Restriction for entities formed by restructuring /use of plant & machinery/use of building earlier use as hotel or convention centreNONOYes
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