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SAGInfotech New Price List of Software for Tax Practitioners

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SAG Infotech Software New Price List

SAG Infotech has increased the price of its products including Genius, Gen IT, TDS, Balance Sheet, Gen XBRL, and Gen CompLaw. As per the sources, the company has taken this decision because the products are developed with more features. Therefore, this is a golden chance for you to buy this software with advanced tools.

Genius Software

The software is a complete pack of 7 modules like BAL, IT, CMA, FORM MANAGER, e-TDS, and AIR. It helps to maintain the client database and their contact information. The Genius tool is featured with a billing facility. Other facilities are also incorporated with the software that includes Backup, Restore and Password Setting. It also offers a facility to import client master information from the XML files. The current price of the Genius software is INR 12,000 and the updation price is INR 6000 only.

Features of Our Genius Software

Gen CompLaw with XBRL Software

Gen Complaw is the best tool for ROC and MCA e-filing online. It is used for the solution of ROC e-Forms, XBRL, Resolutions, Minutes, Registers and various MIS reports. It takes less time for XBRL e-filing and gives a fast response. The software is available at INR 20,000 and the updation cost is INR 8000 only.

Features of Our Gen Complaw with XBRL Software

Gen CompLaw without XBRL Software

The most famed tool in the taxation industry, named Gen Comp law is used for MIS reports, Registers, Minutes, Resolutions, ROC e-Forms, and XBRL. Considering the heavy demand for the software, SAG Infotech is also built Gen Comp Law without XBRL software that is fast, efficient and reliable to complete the tasks. Currently, the installation cost of the software is INR 10,000 and the updation cost is INR 4000.

Features of Our Gen Complaw without XBRL Software

Gen XBRL Software

Gen XBRL is one of the best software in the taxation industry. The software is developed on a success mantra “For those who can’t afford to make errors”. The XBRL helps the professionals such as Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries. The tool is responsible for the e-filling of the balance sheets, profit & loss A/c in XBRL formats in a short time period. The Gen XBRL software is available at INR 10,000 and the updation price is INR 5000 only.

Features of Our Gen XBRL software

Gen GST Return Filing Software

SAG Infotech Private Limited (Jaipur, Rajasthan, India) has made Gen GST software which furnishes a complete functionality operation for GST. It is available in both Desktop and Online variants. This software permits unlimited return filing for unlimited clients. Both the desktop and online variants of Our GST compliance software are built on highly secured JAVA language.

Our GST-ready software (Returns Filing, E-invoicing & E waybill) is OS-independent (Online) irrespective of the OS running in your system, on installation the software shall work and function directly on your desktop. The software would get available for free download and any person would be enabled to take the Online GST SaaS service working on the cloud, it can be accessed at any time from anywhere providing support to small businesses in India for GST e-filing & E-way bill purposes. Just download the free Demo. The current price of the software is INR 5000 and the updation is INR 2000 only.

Features of Our GST Software

Gen Payroll Software

Gen Cloud and desktop payroll software is the composition of the upgraded features which makes it considered in its industry. For every request of the candidate, the same shall furnish the employee salary Payslip providing them PF & ESI Filing & Login on the portal. The payroll consists of an HR and employee dashboard so as to monitor the system record with the employee-related reports as well as registers. Besides that, the same comprises a specification of a customized salary setup for the various time periods with data import/export from excel and bulk email utility. The desktop software is available at INR 15,000 and the updation price is INR 5000 only.

Features of Our Gen Payroll Software

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