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New GST Advisory for Biometric-based Aadhaar Authentication in MH and LD

Biometric-based Aadhaar Authentication in Maharashtra & Lakshadweep State

Advisory for biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and document verification for GST registration applicants of Maharashtra and Lakshadweep has been issued by the Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN). The taxpayers are been reported by the department for the developments related to the application process for GST registration.

The below-mentioned points must be learned when registering. Rule 8 of the CGST Rules, 2017 has been revised to furnish that an applicant could be identified on the common portal based on the data analysis and risk parameters for Biometric-based Aadhaar Authentication and taking a photograph of the applicant including the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application.

The aforesaid functionality has been made by GSTN. It started in Maharashtra and Lakshadweep dated 8th February 2025. Also, the mentioned process furnishes for the document verification and appointment booking process.

Post application submission in Form GST REG-01 the applicant will get either of the below-mentioned links in the email-

If the applicant gets the Link for the OTP-based Aadhaar Authentication as cited in point 3(a), she/he can proceed with the application under the current process.

If the applicant gets the link as cited in point 3(b), she/he will be directed to book the appointment to visit the selected GSK, using the link delivered in the e-mail.

For the applicants of Maharashtra and Lakshadweep the feature of booking an appointment to visit a designated GSK is now available.

Post-booking the appointment the applicant gets the confirmation of appointment via e-mail(the appointment confirmation e-mail), and she/he will be able to visit the designated GSK as per the decided schedule. During the GSK visit the applicant is needed to take the below-mentioned details/documents.

The biometric authentication and document verification will be performed at the GSK, for all the needed people according to the GST application Form REG-01. The applicant is mandated to opt for an appointment for the biometric verification in the maximum permissible duration for the application as shown in the intimation e-mail.

In these matters, the ARN (Application Reference Number) will be generated once the Biometric-based Aadhaar Authentication process and document verification are completed.

The operation days and hours of GSKs will be under the guidelines furnished by the administration in your state/UT.

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