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Inefficient GST Portal May Not be Capable to Handle Tax Data

GST portal creates a working issue for a whole day earlier on 19th August which created a tremendous discomfort in the trade-industry due to the absence of the portal and the situation has not improved even on the next day. After the extension of GSTR-3B July return date for the credit seekers on the closing stock till 28th August, the date was also extended for the tax payouts and uncredited returns by 5 days but experts say that still, they cannot ascertain a final proposed date.

All returns for both the months of July and August are to be filed between September 5 to September 30. When the portal is creating an issue and gets hang in the filing of Form GSTR 3B with less than 1 percent data then it seems that it will not be possible to fill out the detailed returns in the 5 days gap. It is likely that the government will either be forced to increase the next deadline or the returns of July, August and September can be taken as quarterly returns simultaneously. On 19th August, numerous CAs received half-incomplete returns of their clients.

Right now, under Form 3B, the tax professionals are only giving figures of total supply and tax liability. The professionals could not understand how to fill up the final returns on the difference before the 5 days ahead. However, during the holiday on August 22, this delay also fell short. General Secretary Pravin Khandelwal, Industry Secretary, said that complaints of difficulty in payments due to the failure of filing and payments from all over the country are piling up.

The Indian Industry Trade Board has urged the government to remove any consolidated means for the return of three months. 3 July Returns, GSTR 1, 2 and 3 are to be filled up by 5, 10 and 15 September respectively, while the three returns of August are to be filed until 20, 25 and 30 September respectively. Then the September returns will be filed by 10, 15 and 20 October. Tax professionals believe that the detailed returns are set to increase the load on the portal and the government will extend the dates along with the other one.

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