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Step by Step Filing Procedure of GSTR 2 Form for Inward Supplies

GSTR 2 Form Filing

GSTR 2 is a tax return form that is used for filing the details of inward supplies of goods or services for taxation purpose. The form will be filled online on the GST portal after registration. Each registered recipient will have to file GSTR 2 furnishing details of inward supplies (purchases and imports) of goods and services made by him in a particular month. GSTR 2 is to be filed on or before the 15th of the next month. For example, the GSTR 2 form for the current month will be filed by 15th of next month.

The interesting part is that most of the columns in GSTR 2 will autofill with the details provided by your supplier in his GSTR-1 return form. You can review the information, accept or reject, edit if necessary, add remaining details in your GSTR 2 form, leave open (for pending supplies), and submit.

All Features of GSTR 2 Form

GSTR 2 Eligibility – Who all have to Submit this Return?

Note:  The transaction date will be the date mentioned on the tax invoice.

Deadline for GSTR 2 Form Filing

In normal cases, the deadline for filing GSTR-2 is 15th of the next month for a particular tax period, however, the filing of GSTR-2 has been suspended until March 31, 2018, by the Committee of Officers. The detailed schedule shall be updated soon.

<!–GSTR 2 return will be filed monthly on the 15th of the next month by all the normal GST registered taxpayers. The due-dates for upcoming GSTR 2 return filing are as below.


Interest on Late Payment of GST & Penalty of Missing the GST Return Due Date

According to The central Goods and Services act, if the person accidentally or purposely missed out the date to pay tax, GST Council has right to charge interest on late payment of taxes. The interest is 18% per annum and it depends on total missed out days as well. Read out the chapter 10 and point 50 to get the full information here:

This is how the calculation of the late tax payment take place: 1000*18/100*1/365 = 0.49 Rs. per day. Here (1000Rs. Is the liable tax amount) (interest rate per annum is 18%) (the total missed out days are 1 in this case)

In case if a taxpayer does not file his/her return within the due dates mentioned above, he shall have to pay a late fee of Rs. 50/day i.e. Rs. 25 per day in each CGST and SGST (in case of any tax liability) and Rs. 20/day i.e. Rs. 10/- day in each CGST and SGST (in case of Nil tax liability) subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000/-, from the due date to the date when the returns are actually filed.

Mandatory Instructions While Filing GSTR 2 Form

Here’s the Step by Step Procedure for Filing GSTR 2 Form Online

Table 1 and 2: Taxpayer details

This table will contain the following details:

Table 3: Inward supplies received from a registered person other than the supplies attracting reverse charge

Table 4: Inward supplies on which tax is to be paid on reverse charge

Table 5: Inputs/Capital goods received from Overseas or from SEZ units on a Bill of Entry

Table 6: Amendments to details of inward supplies furnished in returns for earlier tax periods in Tables 3, 4 and 5 [including debit notes/credit notes issued and their subsequent amendments]

Note: GSTIN is not applicable for export of goods and services.

Table 7: Supplies received from composition taxable person and other exempt/Nil rated/Non-GST supplies received

Table 8: ISD credit received

Table 9: TDS and TCS Credit received

Table 10: Consolidated Statement of Advances paid/Advance adjusted on account of receipt of supply

If you paid any advance amount with respect to a particular supply this month and has an invoice for the same or made payment in an earlier tax period but received invoices only this month, the information and statements of the same will be furnished with this table.

This will include the advance paid for reverse charge supplies and the tax paid on such advance amount. For reverse charge supplies, the buyer will issue the advance receipt containing the tax information.

(I) Information for the current month

(II) It will contain the revised information based on the changes made in the Part I information in an earlier tax period.

Table 11: Input Tax Credit Reversal/ Reclaim

A. The details of ITC reclaims/reversals for the current month and that of exempt and personal supplies will be furnished in the head 11A.

B. The user will have to manually enter the details of the changes in the information provided in Table 11A of the earlier tax periods.

Table 12: Addition and Reduction of the amount in output tax for mismatch and other reasons

Table 13: HSN summary of inward supplies

Problems In Filing The GSTR-2 Form

Filing GST returns is not at all an easy task. Although the last date has been extended by the government, total taxpayer return filing estimate is still lower due to technical problems faced on the common portal.

Particular amendments in the GST rates and regulations are other factors which impacted the GST return filing. The GSTR-2 for July month is required to be filled by October 31 with the purchasing details by importers. The due date for GSTR-1 filing was 10 October with sales transaction details.

For input tax credit details, the GSTR-2 plays a very important role. Businesses can get easy refunds on the basis of filing and completeness of the GSTR-2 form. The GSTR-2 again matched with the one’s vendor.

The quick processing of refund mechanism is important as the taxpayer can fulfill their working capital requirements. For the first time working on this refund mechanism will drop a hope of confidence in the system, if the system goes well while filing returns.

The experience with GSTR-2 filing is better than GSTR-1, the reasons are obvious software issues while filing the GSTR-1.

Krishan Arora, a partner, Grant Thornton India, said that in GSTR-1 filing people were reporting the cases like invoices were confirmed but did not reflect in the auto-populated fields of the GSTR-2.

He also afraid about the people whose money is stuck and they have not filed the GSTR-1 yet. No changes can be made to typographical errors made in invoice number and invoice date on GSTN portal. The correct way to modify is to reject the invoice details and include correct details under “missing invoice” heads. This is a time-consuming process though.

The need of manual amendments in GST form filing is making the process hectic. In case if the taxpayer misses out the return uploading procedure, then the buyer is liable to make changes in GSTR-2 form by himself/herself.

The situations, being faced in the GSTR-2 filing, indicate no stability in the cash flow for traders. The first cycle for GST return filing including GSTR-1, GSTR-2, and GSTR-3 is going to end on 10 November and there is no surety of the Refund procedure.

It is necessary for the GST to gain flexibility and better implementation to make people happy about GST regime. GST is the biggest indirect tax reform after independence and expectations are quite high as it removes cascading effects. MS Mani, the partner at Deloitte India, said, “Since the overall concept of invoice matching on a monthly basis is new to all businesses and requires considerable efforts, it would be appreciated if the tax authorities take a sympathetic view to errors and omissions during the first six months.”

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