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GSTN will Rate Taxpayers According to GST Compliance History

Taxpayers' Rating on the GST Portal

This time with the upcoming goods and services tax regime in India, a new vigilant and supporting task has been tucked with the tax authorities in order to grow the taxpaying data to a furthermore bit by the help of peer pressure in general. A rating will be assigned to every business unit on the records and basis of its active presence and frequency of uploading invoices, return filing, and tax-paying activities.

Ranking from Figure One to Figure 10 will be Determined

To furnish the benefits of ITC from the businessman in buying the goods from the dealer. Those dealers must submit returns (GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B View and download the latest PDF format of GST form GSTR 1, GSTR 3B and GSTR 4 in a single click. Also, we added the filing guide of all forms who buy and sells the goods. If the seller is unable to collect the return then the traders who purchase will not get the benefit of ITC. The dealers in this concern have imposed complaints regularly to the officers of the commercial tax department along with GST administrations. For solving the issue the GST officials have decided to rank the traders from 1 to 10.

The Ranking will be on the Basis

The Option for NO YOUR SUPPLIER on the Service Portal

About the ranking of the trader, there will be a separate option given to the registered traders known as NO YOUR SUPPLIER on the relevant to the service portal by GST Network In today GST regime, the Centre and State Governments and taxpayers are utterly reliable on Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) for IT infrastructure. all information about goods and default dealers will be displayed. Thus though this, the dealers can avoid taking goods from the defaulters and then they get to benefit from ITC.

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