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GST Software Beta Goes Live for Testing in Rajasthan from May 1

Rajasthan soon will get the real feel of Goods and Service Tax (GST), as a beta launch of the GST software has been announced from May 1. For this, a simulation centre has also been developed in Jaipur city, where real-time data will be analysed for any loopholes and to strengthen the technology.

Officials will conduct the same live testing of GST software in all the selected 17 states. An official, who is a part of the GST rollout team in the state said, “This will help us in understanding issues that may come up after roll out of GST across the country. It will be an exercise to know real challenges.”

According to the reports, it took a total number of 2 years to develop Goods and Service Network (GSTN), which will work as a common interface among all the stakeholders, including taxpayers, authorities and banks. The officials also state that the system will be able to process 3.5 billion invoices every month.

Apart from the live testing, finance department of the state will also introduce a massive training session for traders in May and June. Under that training session, special teams will visit districts and deliver overall training over GST. For clearing out all the confusion and doubts, help desk in every district has already been set up and the development of call centres are under process.

However, the state government is still working on resolving the controversial issue of posts and nomenclature of personals for the upcoming system. The commercial tax department employees are still uncertain regarding their future and nature of work.

The Commercial tax department staff protested earlier against the decision, as they were in shock that the GST will snatch out their responsibilities and duties. they demanded that central excise and customs department should not make much interference in their work.

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