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GST Return Due Dates Might Get Revision Soon

GST Return Due Dates

The hassles of filing GST returns may soon be turned as an easy and convenient process as the GST council is discussing upon diversification of GST filing due dates. In the proposed dates, the taxpayers with turnover till 1.5 crores may have to file a return on every 10th of the upcoming month while turnover above than this may get a due date of 20th of every month.

While for the taxpayers with zero turnovers may have to file a return once in six months. Currently, the taxpayers have to file GSTR 3B once every 20th of the month while the composition taxpayers have to file tax return once in three months.

It may be noted that due to technical glitches being faced by the taxpayers from past few months triggered the extension of due dates. To counter these problems, the GST council had formed the GoM to discuss and come up with any solution for filing due dates.

Along with it, the GST council is also concerning upon single monthly return which will take upon multiple GSTN return i.e. GSTR 1 GSTR 2 and GSTR 3B. It is speculated that the different dates for filing GST return may impact servers lesser than peak load situations.

However, the single date for GST filing may not be feasible as it may create confusion and also increase expenses for the company.

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