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Current GST Rates on Computer & Laptops with Accessories

GST Rates on Computer & Laptops

GST Council has fixed the GST rate for goods and services but time to time the council members reduce the GST slab rate as per the demand of people and businesses. All the goods and services are taxed under seven slabs – 0%, 0.25%, 3%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% on the basis on Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN), they are linked to.

Here, we will discuss the GST slab rate and HSN code considered for computers and laptops.

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    GST Rates on Computer and Laptop with Accessories

    For complete information on the GST rates for laptops and computers/desktop, we showcased all the details of GST rates on such products. We will be imparting all the GST rates applicable for the concerned users

    How are GST Rates Determined?

    GST council determines the GST rate for goods and services, which keeps altering from time to time on the suggestions and approval of the GST council members. Like as the GST tax collection is surpassing the projections, the Government is sincerely taking measures for reducing the GST rates. In this way, well-considering the current scenario and on the basis of recommendations of members of the GST council meeting, GST rates are fixed.

    GST Rate and HSN Code

    Harmonized System Nomenclature (HSN) is an ad hoc for ascertaining the GST rate for goods because all GST rates for goods are linked with HSN code which identifies the rate of tax applicable to a good/ product in a Nation. Once we know the HSN code, we can easily determine the GST rate applicable.

    HSN Code for Computers & Laptops

    Chapter 84 of the HSN defines the HSN code for personal computers, micro-computers and laptops, under the heading “Automatic Data Processing Machines and Units”. The four digit HSN code for computers is 8471 and according to this HSN code, 18% GST rate is applicable on Computers.

    Read also: GST Rates Applicable to Mobile Phones

    According to Chapter 84 of the HSN, equipment comes under the heading “Automatic Data Processing Machines and Units” if it can :

    Note: Automatic data processing machines need not necessarily be a single unit. A system comprising of various separate units can also be an automatic data processing machine.

    These units which are connected to a data processing machine would also be classified as a data processing machine under HSN 8471 if :

    HSN Code for Computers, Printers, Keyboards and Storage Devices

    Equipment TypeGST Rates
    Desktop Computer18%
    Optical Drives18%
    Memory Chips (RAM)18%
    Hard Drive18%
    External Hard Drive18%
    Pen Drive18%
    Desktop Monitor (upto 32 inches, LED/LCD)18%
    Desktop Monitor (more than 32 inches, LED/LCD) 28%
    Laptop Adapter 28%
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