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GST Late Fees Collection Figures Revealed of Last 9 Months

GST Late Fees Collection

The government has recently revealed the GST late penalty collection revenues for the past 9 months which averages 200 crores for a month. As per the data of the Nine-month period of April to December 2019 the total GST late fees were INR 1898 crores.

Apart from the late penalty, the government has also garnered thousands of crores of GST revenue from the past few months and it is evident from the crossing of trillion rupees mark of GST collection The government finally crossed the 1 lakh crore mark of GST revenue from a long time in the month of December 2019 with INR 1,03,184 of gross GST revenue. Read More

The late fees are under calculation for the given months and are provided by the RTI as per the letter:

Government of India
Office of the Principal Chief Controller of Accounts
Ministry of Finance
Central Board of Indirect Tax & Customs
A.G.C.R. Building, New Delhi
Ph. No.: 011-23702308, 23702274



Shri Vinod Jangid,
292, behind Bus Stand,
Basni Silwata road, Boranada,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan-342012.

Sub:- Your RTI Application no. GSTCN/R/T/20/00009 dated 07/01/2020 under RTI Act, 2005 reg.

A. I am referring to your latter stated above received from O/o CPIO, GST council, GOI vide letter no. CPIO/RTI/2020/19/GSTN dated 24/01/2020 received in this office on 31/01/2020 on the subject cited above. The reply is submitted as under:

Information Sought Response
Please give me information of total late fee collected in GST April 2019 to December 2019. Please give me the details of GST late fee Collected month wise. Month wise total Fee collected in GST from April, 2019 to December 2019 is enclosed as Annexure “A”.

Copy for information to:

  1. Shri Mohammad Shadaab, CPIO, GSTN, 4th Floor, East wing, Asset 11, Aerocity New Delhi-110037.
  2. Shri Arjun Kumar Meena, CPIO, GST Council. GST Council, GOI Jeevan Bharti Building, Tower II, 5th floor Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.

Annexure “A”

Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts,
Central Broad of Indirect Tax & Customs,
GST Fee collected (Month Wise),
April 2019 to December 2019,

Month Total
April 1,13,56,44,318
May 1,44,97,64,140
Jun 1,72,08,20,601
July 1,95,14,44,491
August 2,10,10,70,969
September 2,01,13,54,741
October 1,91,45,49,738
November 3,24,75,50,266
December 3,44,83,77,366

The given information as per the RTI may not be accurate and the department itself does not hold the exact figures which are subject to change.

As we suggest that the late penalty can be faced by any taxpayer due to server overloading and therefore the taxpayer must avoid last day filing. In order to escape such a penalty, it is general to use a well developed and secured GST return filing softwareSAG Infotech updated Gen GST Software and providing more faster GST software for taxpayers. The version 2.0 has many unique features, check out now. Read More such as Gen GST offering unlimited client return and billing.

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