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GST Faces Opposition by Commercial Tax Staff in BJP Ruled States

Commercial Tax Association Opposed GST

BJP ruled states has taken a matter seriously of GST council which kept a section of assesses of the Goods Tax and all assesses of Service Tax under the exclusive control of the Central government. A protest has been scheduled on 17 October at Delhi which will demonstrate the discontentment of the employees by this course of decision.

President of national tax officers’ association [AICCTA] K.R. Suryanarayana detailed some brief information regarding this protest that “The employees and the officers of the Commercial Taxes [CT] will participate in a “mass leave” on the day, and the movement is “gaining strength.”

“BJP ruled States, like Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharastra, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Chattisgarh are already on board with us. The Big States will send at least 70 officers each to Delhi demonstration, As many as 60 officers from Gujarat and “a thousand” from poll-bound Uttar Pradesh are expected in Delhi protest.” He added

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In Kolkatta, the protest alike situation arose on Thursday in front of central Kolkata office as hundreds of employees wearing black ribbons showing their dissatisfaction, and to indicate their firmness towards the protest. A statement released by the association said that “State CT “monitors about 67 lakh” assessee in the country, while Central government monitors “15 lakhs.”

“With an introduction of GST the central services are eyeing to bring the disproportionately higher number of assesses into their fold to bolster their career prospects at the cost of State government employees,” it added.

GST has been a very frequent talk of the market as the date is near and a lot of preparations has to be done. The Goods and Service Tax will be applicable on 1st April 2017 absorbing all the indirect taxes currently prevailing in the country.

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