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June 2020 Bengal GST Collection Drops Marginally, but Spike Reported in Kolkata Zone

GST Collection in Bengal Drops Marginally

An officer of the Central Goods and Service Tax (CGST) of Kolkata zone, informed that the GST revenue Collection from assessments, which are controlled by Central Administrator, in West Bengal has fallen a bit in June 2020, as compared to the collection of the same period in the previous year.

As per the previous year’s GST Collection report, in June 2019 revenue collection was reported at 1416.38 crores and this year it is 1,367.50 crore, which indicates a loss of ₹48.88 crores of loss in the same month.

The official also added that “the small assessees who have been given time extension for filing GST returns View the revised due dates of GST return filing forms of GSTR 1, GSTR 3B, GSTR 4, GSTR 5, GSTR 6, GSTR 9, etc. The dates are according to the Indian Government announcement. Read more due in March have made their payments in the month of June. The actual June collection figure will be ascertained in August”.

Meanwhile a minor spike has been also reported in overall revenue collection of the Kolkata zone which also includes Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands for June 2020. The Collection was 1,598.59 crore this year, last year it was 1,536.38 crore.

Reports also state that the GST Collection of April month Nationwide lockdown that was announced due to increasing cases of COVID-19 in India has adversely affected revenue collections of April. As per the data, GST collected for the month of April is estimated to reach only 40%. read more was 345 crore, whereas for May it was 745 crore. Last year the GST collection for the same months was 1,887.70 crore and 1,618 crores respectively. The official also added that “the collections were low in these months in 2020 due to lack of economic activity during the lockdown”.

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