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GST Circular (135/2020) for Clarification on Refund Issues

GST Circular 135/2020 for Refund Issues

Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) on 31st March 2020 released a circular with No.135/05/2020 in Subject of Clarification on refund related issues-Reg. The Circular actually provides clarification on some of the issues relating to GST refunds which have been received by Various representations.

In order to clarify all the reported issues and to ensure uniformity in the implementation of the provisions of the law in this regard across the field formations, the Board, in the exercise of its powers conferred by section 168 (1) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 or CGST Act, clarifies the issues, details are given below.:

Bunching of Refund Claims Across Financial Years 

“The applicant, at his option, is eligible to file a refund claim for a tax period or by grouping successive tax periods. The tax period for refund claim has been filed, cannot spread across different financial years. A person who is registered and has a turnover of up to Rs. 1.5 crore approx in the preceding or the current financial year and opting to file form GSTR-1 on a quarterly basis Get the complete guide for online filing GSTR 1 form in a step by step manner. Also, we have covered its due dates, penalty, important terms and general queries. Read more, can only apply for a refund on a quarterly basis or grouping successive quarters as stated before.”

“However, refund claims under categories listed at (a), (c) and (e) in para 3 above need to be filed by the applicant chronologically. It means that an applicant, after filing a refund application under any of these categories, is subsequently not allowed to file another refund claim under the same or any previous period. This restriction, shall not apply in such cases where a completely new application is being filed following a deficiency memo having been issued earlier.”

Refund of Accumulated ITC on Account of Reduction in GST Rate

Change in Manner of Refund of Tax Paid on Supplies

  1. Para 3 of Circular No. 125/44/2019-GST dated 18.11.2019, categorizes the refund applications that can be filed in FORM GST RFD-01 as under: 
    1. Refund of unutilized ITC on account of exports without payment of tax; 
    2. Refund of paid tax on services export with payment of tax; 
    3. Refund of unutilized ITC on account of supplies made to SEZ Unit/SEZ Developer without payment of tax; 
    4. Refund of tax paid on supplies made to SEZ Unit/SEZ Developer with payment of tax; 
    5. Refund of unutilized ITC on account of accumulation because of inverted tax structure; 
    6. Refund to a supplier of tax paid on deemed export supplies; 
    7. Refund to a recipient of tax paid on deemed export supplies; 
    8. Refund of excess balance in the electronic cash ledger; 
    9. Refund of excess payment of tax; 
    10. Refund of tax paid on an intra-State supply which is subsequently held to be interState supply and vice versa; 
    11. Refund on account of assessment/provisional assessment/appeal/any other order; 
    12. Refund on account of “any other” ground or reason. 
  2. Refund of tax paid that belong in categories specified at S. No. (i) to (l) above i.e. refund claims on supplies other than zero-rated supplies, there will be no separate debit of ITC from electronic credit ledger is required to be mentioned by the applicant at the time of filing refund claim, being the claim of tax already paid. However, the payment of total tax would have been normally done by the applicant by debiting the tax amount from both electronic credit ledger and electronic cash ledger. At present time, in such type of cases, the relevant amount of refund is getting paid in cash even when such payment of tax or any part thereof, has been made through ITC. 
  3. This matter could result in allowing unintended encashment of credit balances, this issue has been seeking the attention of the Government. Due to it,  sub-rule (4A) of Notification No.16/2020-Central Tax dated 23.03.2020, has been included in rule 86 of the CGST Rules, 2017 which states that:

 “(4A) Where a person who is registered has claimed the refund of any amount paid as tax, wrongly paid, or paid in addition for which debit has been made from the electronic credit ledger, the said amount, if found appropriate, shall be re-credited to the electronic credit ledger by the proper authorities by an order made in FORM GST PMT-03.” 

  1. Additionally, from the same notification, sub-rule (1A) has also been inserted in rule 92 of the CGST Rules, 2017 that : 

“(1A)Where, upon checking and reviewing of the filled application of refund of any amount paid as tax other than the refund of tax paid on zero-rated supplies or deemed export, the relevant authority is satisfied that a refund under sub-section (5) of section 54 of the Act is due and need to be paid to the applicant, he shall make an order in FORM RFD-06 mentioning the relevant refundable amount to be paid, in cash, proportionate to the amount debited in cash against the total amount paid for discharging tax liability for the relevant period, mentioning therein the amount balanced against any outstanding demand under the Act or existing law and the balance  refundable amount and for the residual amount which has been debited from the electronic credit ledger for paying such tax, the proper officials shall issue FORM GST PMT-03 re-crediting the relevant amount as Input Tax Credit in electronic credit ledger.”

Guidelines for Refunds of Input Tax Credit under Section 54(3) 

New Requirement to Mention HSN/SAC in Annexure ‘B’ 

It is also requested in the circular that relevant trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of this circular. 

The circular also stated that in case of any difficulty in implementation of this Circular, then brought that matter to the notice of the Board.

The Notification released by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs on 31st March 2020 provides clarification on some of the issues related to GST refunds which have been received by Various representations. Most of the details have been covered here but we would suggest you to go through the released PDG for better understanding and exact statements.

Read Official GST Circular 135/2020

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