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How to Generate Challan-cum Statement Form 26QB by Gen TDS Software

How to Generate Challan 26QB Form By Gen TDS Software

Form 26QB (Challan-cum Statement) Under TDS

To begin with, Form 26QB (Challan-cum Statement) has a twin-fold objective that is synonymous with the two blades of a single scissor – It is both a return as well as challan form for the deductions that have been made u/s 194 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for paying Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) that is added to the state exchequer.

Furthermore, the aforesaid section of the I-T Act, 1961, specifically deals with those transactions that involve the selling of immovable property and the consequent applicable TDS along with Form 26QB. This form ought to be submitted in 30 days that are counted from the end date of the month in which the TDS has been deducted. For instance, if a transaction has occurred on the date of 14th March then from a legal perspective, Form 26QB ought to be submitted by 30th April.

Key Attributes of Form 26QB Under TDS Section 194-IA

In the Income Tax Act, 1961 few key rules have been framed that are related to the purchase and sale of immovable property. In the aforesaid transactions that come within the domain of Section 194-IA, the buyer (who is also called the deductor) has to deduct the TDS if the value of the transaction exceeds Rs 50 lakhs.

Thereafter, the deductor ought to issue Form 16B to the deductee (i.e.seller). All the requirements that are to have adhered to Form 26QB have been mentioned under Section 194-IA. They are as follows:

Penalties Associated with Section 194-IA and Form 26QB

It is worthwhile mentioning here that

Condition Penalty
In the case of Non-deduction of TDS The Penalty of 1% interest on the amount not deducted for the TDS
In case of Non-remittance of the TDS to the government The Penalty of 1.5% of the total deducted amount that is calculated per month
Delay in the TDS returns Filing The Penalty of a sum of Rs. 200 per day for every day of the default

Why Gen TDS Software for Challan-cum Statement Form 26QB?

Gen TDS is one of the Value additive, genuine, user-friendly, and consequently well-recognized software in the corporate world across the length and breadth of the country. It is a brand and Due to massive response from across the country, we are also planning to venture overseas. Gen TDS is a multitasking software that is specifically designed for filing the TDS and TCS returns. The Gen TDS Return Filing Software has been designed considering the guidelines, norms, and regulations of TRACES and CPC India. Our software assists in

Most importantly, Gen TDS software is an authorized software that is listed on the government of India’s official tax information network website. Lastly and importantly is the fact that during the financial year 2012-13, it secured the highest rank in the Government of India’s authorized TDS filing software list. Below is the step-by-step procedure for creating a payment Challan-cum Statement form 26QB via Gen TDS Software. SAG Infotech provides a free trial of Gen TDS Software full version for 5 active hours.

Process of How to File TDS Form 26QB by Gen TDS Software

Step 1: Go to TDS Forms – Select Form 26QB

Step 2: Select Financial Year

Step 3: Add Challan

Step 4: Add Buyer – Add/Edit Buyer Details

Step 5: Add – Fill All Required Details – Select Buyer

Step 6: Add Buyer – Add/Edit Seller Details

Step 7: Add – Fill All Required Details – Select Buyer

Step 8: Add Property Details

Step 9: Add Tax Deposit Details

Step 10: Fill in All Required Details I.E. Amount Paid, Date of Payment, TDS Amount, etc

Step 11: Go to E-Payment and Make Payment

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