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Trade Association Demands Date Extension in GSTR Filing Due to Covid-19

FTAP Requests to Date Extension in GSTR Filing

The Federation of Trade Associations of Pune urged the Goods and Services Tax officials to ask for a postponement in tax furnishing due to the closing down of the shops as of the covid-19 restrictions. The Federation of Trade Associations of Pune (FTAP) also asks for relief from the average reading charged in the written letter to the state power minister, Nitin Raut due to the shutting down of the shops.

Inside the letter, the FTAP has asked that by the orders of the central and state bodies the members have given the order to shut down their businesses of shops who were doing business in the less essential goods. The majority of the traders indeed did not have the IT-relevant infrastructure of cloud computing via which they can access their firm’s information and furnish the GST returns.

The traders will give the needed information to their CA’s or GST peoples which makes them ready for filing GST returns Get to know the online procedure of filing GST returns in India. We provide each and every GST form according to the taxpayers category. Thus the traders will not be able to furnish the return in time and this is the cause that they urged for the prolongation of all the GST returns, which were left because they were filled this month.

In the letter FTAP to Raut on Friday, it urged that the shops and offices not be charged according to the average power unit reading as all was shut. They stated that it was not effective that the consumption of the electricity was so less with respect to the before time. Despite this, the government staff will be unable to reach the establishments to get the actual meter reading. The traders can not visit their establishments to take pictures of meters and send it, said the trader’s council. FTAP asked that not to amend the average readings unless the limitations were raised and true the meter reading was taken. “We are expecting a positive response to our demands,” comments Mahendra Pitaliya, secretary of FTAP.

Read Also: GST Council 1st Meeting to 43rd Meeting Get to know about GST (Goods and Services Tax) council 1st to 37th meeting updates and decisions taken by members. We have covered 1st meeting to last meeting decisions

FTAP members asked that they were strong towards opening the shops on Monday and were assuming the positive signal via the government’s side in asking to permit the function of the less essential shops. The government council seemed to hold the meeting with the traders on Sunday to take upon the problem of opening the shops towards the rise of the limitations.

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