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Foreign Investment Hopes to Climb in GST Era

According to Moody’s Investor Service, Foreign Direct Investment, GST and simplified bankruptcy code are some of the reform measures implemented in India. It is anticipated that aforementioned reform measure can enhance FDI in India.

According to a report, “FDI has already increased substantially, albeit from a low base. Combined with reforms such as the introduction of a goods and services tax, which lowers the cost and complexity of doing business, and a simplified and clarified bankruptcy code, FDI is likely to rise further.”

According to a survey which stated that, the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Regime will enhance tax compliance and may enhance foreign direct investments across the sectors in India, due to the transparency of tax and ease of doing business.

According to a survey conducted by Feedback Business Consulting Services, which surveyed 67 companies across the sectors and found out that the implementation of GST will be beneficial for the economy.

The report further added that these reform measures will improve the global economic conditions of the country.

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